You have requested use of the National Landscape Typology Part One containing Landscape Character Types and Land Description Units.

Natural England supplies this in ESRI geodatabase format. The core digital boundaries have the Countryside Character Area code and Landscape Character Types three letter definitive attributes (in accompanying documentation). In addition the .dbf file has the full Countryside Character descriptive attributes which relate to the Database structure can also be included if requested. We can supply the LCT areas and the LDU level (with different codes) and this licence will cover both for the period of one year.

Ordnance Survey has an interest in all ‘derived’ data and in this respect an end user license is required for Ordnance Survey. In addition, Cranfield University’s National Soil Resources Institute has an interest in the soils data. There are restrictions on the use of this data (see below) which must not be the subject of priced re-selling or further dissemination without prior agreement by the Agency. Please copy the data then sign and return the attached form.


1. MAGIC. The Landscape Typology data set is mounted on the MAGIC web site ( The web site officially launched at the end of July 2002 allows the viewing of the digital boundaries and some attribute data and printing of images.

2. Intellectual Property Rights. Intellectual property rights for the new National Landscape Typology digital data set held by the Countryside Agency has from 2 October 2006 transferred to Natural England, but the input and involvement of other parties should be recognised. In this respect, intellectual property rights are shared, Cranfield University have a share in the derived boundaries and definitive attributes (but not methodology) but overall responsibility for the final LCT and LDU boundaries and existing methodology remain with the Natural England and Living Landscapes Project. Rights associated with any future methodological development will be the property of the initiators and undertaking parties.

The data will be credited as:

Landscape Character Types (LCT) (1:250,000 scale) developed for the Countryside Agency by Steven Warnock (in conjunction with the Living Landscapes Project and Entec Ltd). Copyright: Natural England and Cranfield University (soil component) 2001.

Land Description Units (LDU) (1:250,000 scale) developed for the Countryside Agency by Steven Warnock (in association with the Living Landscape project). Copyright: Natural England, Living Landscapes Project and Cranfield University (soil component) 2001.

3. Improvement. Landscape character work is not a static science and Natural England will be working with others and local authorities to push forward the boundaries and enable more reliable information to form the basis for future field studies and detailed assessments. The current LCT boundaries are currently ‘draft’ and will need some further validation with some inevitable changes over time. It is likely that such changes may affect the LDU boundaries and Natural England reserves the right to amend and improve with all interested parties.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Lee

Senior Adviser, Data Management & Geographic Information

Encl. End user license agreement


DATA: National Landscape Typology (part one - Landscape Character Types and part two - LDUs) Digital Boundaries and full Countryside Character Database

COPYRIGHT INTERESTS: Ordnance Survey, Natural England, Cranfield University, Living Landscapes Project


For use by XXXXXX of, XXXXXX in a XXXXXX project, supported by Natural England and not for further distribution, website-posting or re-selling. This is not a multiple-copy licence it will last for the period of one year from the date of this letter.


Natural England must be informed in advance of any requests to use the data other than for the above and any derived data generated or dissemination envisaged.

By acknowledging this agreement, the contractors will agree to the restrictions and undertake to discuss with Natural England the future development and integration of the data where the rights of all interested parties need to be protected.

Any breach of the conditions may be liable to enforcement procedures initiated in protection of rights.


I, ...... , on behalf of

...... agree to the above restrictions.


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