Meeting Minutes
November 29th, 2012
Items Voted on
$100 DI Ghosties for external hard drive. Tim motions/Justin seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
$700 OCCSA board meeting. Carrie motion/Frank seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
$2,000 for spirit wear 2013. Sam motions/Jared seconds. Motion passes unanimously.
Not Passed:
It is the mission of the ASGSWOCC to improve and enhance the lives of students that attend SWOCC by advocating and informing the students through the education of students rights, campus policies and procedures; the encouragement of social expression, cultural awareness, and community outreach; the promotion of civic engagement; and by representing the Student Body to the community, administration, faculty, and the staff, in order to better serve the body and sub-organizations under the governance of the ASGSWOCC.

Associated Student Government

Meeting Minutes

I.  Call to order at 4:05pm.

In attendance: Scylise Little, Frank Moreno, Tim Edingfield, Jazmine Grantham, Ethan Garrison, Justin Rainbolt, Carrie Griffith, Dale, Sandra Sherman, Sam Barry, Gina Jewell, Jared Helms, Dominique Davis and Joseph Saxon.

Non-members: Charlie Kloss, Katie Dawson, Jeremy Jones, James Fritz, Justin Collins

Absences: Karina Smith

II.  Agenda/meeting minutes

·  Motion to pass meeting minutes with ammendments. Scylise motions/Jared seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

III.  Open forum/presenters

A.  James Fritz – Achieving the dream committee with ASG representatives. January 3rd, in the PAC, part of the in-service day. Who is interested? Need all the names.

B.  Jeremy Jones – Propose a club renewal for the Real Life Ministry club. He is here to get club approval. Katie Dawson is in the club as well.

C.  Justin Collins – Geology club represented. $100 to their club.

D.  Tom Nicholls – Here to answer any of our questions about stuff and came to be a casual observer.

IV.  New Business

A.  Funds Requests:

$100 DI Ghosties for external hard drive. Tim motions/Justin seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

$700 OCCSA board meeting. Carrie motion/Frank seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

$2,000 for spirit ware 2013. Sam motions/Jared seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

B.  Achieving the dream instructional video

C.  Tobacco requests –

Who wants to help?

V.  Team Member Reports

A.  President

Fill in total boxes in hour’s sheet. I love you all. Office party Thursday next week.

B.  Vice President

Am in the Pm confusion because the food agreement was not clear. Not free food for everyone just for the teachers and student that put it on. Be on the same page next term so this will not happen again.

Teacher and faculty of the month boxes are here. We need to decide on who we are giving these awards to. Send all suggestions over break.

Had meeting with student fee autonomy committee. Try and get something going quickly. Talk to Scylise if interested.

C.  Secretary

Our current budget left is around $15,000.

D.  Activities Director

Write thank you notes for the teachers that went to AM in the PM.

Open Mic Night at 7pm tomorrow. EVERYONE needs to go. Set up at 3PM.

Spirit week meeting finalized the days. Monday – Pottery day/national football game PCS bowl, Tuesday – Laker Trivia at 7pm, Wednesday – The GAME, Thursday – SWOCC’S got talent (we need to do a talent), Friday – Cosmic bowling. Zach has planned a spirit picture plan. Decorating contests.

E.  Clubs Director

Attended the Rotaract meeting, Rotary club meeting, Phi Theta Kappa meeting.

Club approvals: Real Life Ministry. Joe Motions/Frank seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

Set the next club rush for January 16, 11-1:30 Pm.

F.  Communications Director

The Laker Loo’s are done! Well…almost.

G.  Curry Director

I am not going to be at Open Mic Night.

H.  Sustainability Director

Green team meeting was yesterday. January 17th at 2:30 next meeting.

I.  Volunteer Service Director

Van Jam was this week. Over 1,700 pounds of food so far. Bus Jam Rally on Saturday at 12:30Pm meet in office. Sam, Tim, Karina, Sandra, Joseph are going

MLK week for volunteer service Jan. 22nd-25th. Have a volunteer fair on the 22nd, kind of like Clubs Rush. In empire hall.

Carrie and Tim want to have a service project for the lost cost spay and neuter clinic. We would like to have an event to raise money for her business and make it a very good event.

J.  Senators

K.  Advisor Report

Happy Holidays!

VI.  Old Business

Karina is doing a good job, but we would like for her to do more. We also need to get her a birthday present.

VII.  Adjournment: 5:16pm