Department of Political Science California State University, San Marcos San Marcos, California 92096-0001 (619) 750-4198



1995 - presentAssistant Professor of Political Science California State University, San Marcos

1993- 1995Associate Survey Director

Columbus Study, 1992 Cross-National Election Project

(NSF Grant SES 9010956)

Ohio State University

1990-1995Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant Department of Political Science Ohio State University


Ph.D.Political Science, Ohio State University, 1995.

M.A.Political Science, Ohio State University, 1993.

B.A.Political Science, California State University, Long Beach, 1989.


Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals:

Clawson, Rosalee A., Stephen M. Nichols, and Audrey A. Haynes. Forthcoming. "Sensitive Men and Aggressive Women: Do Candidates Profit by Projecting Traits Associated with the Other Gender?" Political Psychology.

Haynes, Audrey A., Paul-Henri Gurian, and Stephen M. Nichols. Forthcoming (February 1997). "The Role of Candidate Spending in Presidential Nomination Campaigns." TheJournal of Politics.

Nichols, Stephen M. 1996. “Technology Reduces Judicial Ballot Roll-Off.” Judicature. 80: 140.

Nichols, Stephen M., and Gregory A. Strizek. 1995. "Electronic Voting Machines and Ballot Roll-Off." American Politics Quarterly. 23:300-318.

Chapters in Edited Volumes:

Nichols, Stephen M. Forthcoming. "Independent Presidential Candidates in the Contemporary Political Era," in Randall B. Ripley and Elliot E. Slotnick (eds.), Readings in American Government and Politics. 3rd edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Nichols, Stephen M., and Paul Allen Beck. 1995. "Reversing the Decline: Voter Turnout in the 1992 Election," in Herbert F. Weisberg (ed.), Democracy's Feast: Elections in America. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House.

Currently Under Review:

Nichols, Stephen M. “Referendum Voting, Ballot Roll-Off, and the Effect of New Electoral Technology.”

Nichols, Stephen M. “Electronic Voting Machines and Citizen Participation in State Judicial Elections: Toward Greater Judicial Accountability?”

Golebiowska, Ewa A., and Stephen M. Nichols. "Post-Materialist Value Priorities and Political Participation."

Conference Presentations:

Nichols, Stephen M. “Ballot Order and Candidate Success in Low-Visibility Electoral Contests.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, March 13-15, 1997, Tucson.

Nichols, Stephen M. “Referendum Voting, Ballot Roll-Off, and the Effect of New Electoral Technology.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, November 7-9, 1996, Atlanta.

Golebiowska, Ewa A., and Stephen M. Nichols. "Post-Materialist Value Priorities and Political Participation." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 18-20, 1996, Chicago.

Beck, Paul Allen, Russell Dalton, Robert Huckfeldt and Stephen M. Nichols. "Political Discussion in Neighborhood Contexts." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 18-20, 1996, Chicago.

Nichols, Stephen M. "Sophisticated Voting in the Candidate-Centered Political Era." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, November 1-4, 1995, Tampa.

Nichols, Stephen M. "Voter Neutrality Toward the Major Parties and Support for Independent Presidential Candidates." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 6-8, 1995, Chicago.

Beck, Paul Allen, Russell Dalton, Robert Huckfeldt, and Stephen M. Nichols. "The Social 'Embeddedness' of Political Cleavages." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1-4, 1994, New York.

Clawson, Rosalee A., Stephen M. Nichols, and Audrey A. Haynes. "Sensitive Men and Aggressive Women: Do Candidates Profit by Projecting Traits Associated with the Other Gender?" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 1-4, 1994, New York.

Nichols, Stephen M., and Gregory A. Strizek. "Electronic Voting Machines and Ballot Roll-Off: The Electoral Implications of Technological Change." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 14-16, 1994, Chicago.


At CSU San Marcos:

Money and American Politics (Fall 1997)

Public Opinion and U.S. Politics (Spring 1997)

Campaigns, Elections, and Voting (Fall 1996)

Political Parties (Spring 1996)

Research Design, Methods, and Approaches in Political Science (Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Fall 1996; Fall 1997)

General Education, Social Science (Fall 1996 - Spring 1998)

United States Government and Politics (Fall 1995; Spring 1996; Spring 1997)

At Ohio State University:

Techniques of Political Analysis (Fall 1993; Winter 1994; Fall 1994)

Political Participation and Voting Behavior (Spring 1995)

Other areas of teaching interest:


Political Psychology


Reviewer for American Politics Quarterly.

Invited participant at C-SPAN Seminar for Professors (Washington, D.C.; January 11-12, 1996).

Participant in CSUSM Faculty Mentoring Program, 1995-96 and 1996-97.

Faculty advisor for CSUSM chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honor Society).

Member of CSUSM Social and Behavioral Research Institute Advisory Board.

Member of CSUSM Speakers Bureau, and frequent contact for political journalists (from the Associated Press, the San Diego Union-Tribune, the San Jose Mercury News, the Oceanside Blade-Citizen, and the North County Times).


CSUSM Research and Creative Activities Grant ($5,000 awarded for survey of public attitudes toward wealth distribution in America).

CSUSM Faculty Development Grant, 1996-97 ($2,000 awarded in support of study of ballot technology and electoral participation).

Instructionally Related Activities Grant, 1996 ($500 awarded for travel to CSU Student Research Conference).

Faculty Center Supplemental Travel Grant, 1996 ($100 awarded for travel to the1996

C-SPAN Seminar for Professors).

Aman Award, 1992 (awarded by the Ohio State University Political Science Department for the best paper written by a graduate student).


American Political Science Association

Midwest Political Science Association

Southern Political Science Association

Western Political Science Association