Colusa County


November 19, 2013

CCRCD Meeting Minutes

DIRECTORS PRESENT:Bob Alvernaz, Jay Dee Garr,Ben Felt, Tom Hickok, Beth Nall, and Kim Gallagher

Directors Absent: Gil Ramos


OTHERS PRESENT: Patti Turner-CCRCD Executive Director

Jay Dee Garr CCRCD-President called the meeting to order at5:15pm at the Colusa Industrial Park Conference Room.


Turner gave a small report on the NRCS from information provided to her by Andrea Casey-DC Colusa Field Office. A total of 18 EQIP applications were received at the Colusa office. The budgets for AWEP and the waterbird program have not been determined yet. Clint Geldine the new Wildlife Biologist in the Colusa Office started work mid-October after the government shutdown ended.


A motion was made by Nallto approve the September 17th and October 2nd Special Meeting minutes as mailed. The motion was seconded by Alvernazand passed with 6ayes,0noes and 1 absent.


The Directors receiveda balance sheetfor the period of September1 throughNovember 15,2013.The CCRCD’s fund balances were as follows;checking account $269.48;petty cash account $80.05;Colusa County Resource Conservation Fund (03200)$27,009.17;sales tax (03201)$0,FMPP (032024) $4,223.98,CCRCD Misc. Projects (032025) $7,560.89; Upper Stony Fuel Treatment (032031) $3,541.10 and Clearing Account fund (032001) $0.

The Board was presented with six(6) claims to approve;Petty Cash claim for $1,150.47; Turner mileage claim for $111.02; Turner conference expenses for $50.21; Glenn Co RCD for Turner share of conference mileage for $51.79; Gary Evans, Fuel Treatment Project Manager for $2,295; and California Farm Bureau, 2013/2014 membership for $122.00. A motion was made by Gallagherand seconded by Hickok to approve the financial reportand sixclaimsas submitted. The motion passed with 6ayes,0 noes,and 1absentwith the exception of the two Turner claims which passed with 5 Ayes, O noes, 1 absent and Alvernaz abstaining.


A lengthy discussion was held as to the fate of the CCRCD’s no-till drill. Turner explained that managing the drill has become a burden due to staff not being in the office full-time to handle rentals. It is also difficult because staff is not highly knowledgeable on inspecting the drill, calibrating, and providing technical assistance and maintenance due to the District not possessing a tractor. NRCS staff is unable to provide the level of assistance with managing the drill as enjoyed in past years. The Board discussed the pros and cons of finding a person who would manage, provide maintenance and rent out as operator/tractor unit. It was decided that it was in the best interest of the CCRCD to sale the drill. A motion was made by Felt and seconded by Hickok to advertise the drill for sale at the asking price of $10,000. The motion passed with 6 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.

Turner informed the Board that the Audubon contract has not been received yet but Audubon is working on it. It’s a lengthy process due to the nature of the grant funding that will support the agreement with Audubon.

Turner advised the group that she will investigate a grant opportunity with California State Parks directed at restoring OHV Tails in the Mendocino National Forest. She will contact the Forest Service to see if there is a need for any restoration project due to damage of trails caused by the Mill Fire last year. She will also look into submitting a Specialty Crop Block grant and Premier Mushroom local grant to support the Colusa County Grown campaign.

The Board discussed the draft 2013/2014 CCRCD Budget provided to them in the meeting packets for review and made available to them at the meeting. After a few questions to Turner a motion was made by Gallagher and seconded by Felt to approve the budget as drafted. The motion passed with 6 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.

Turner provided feedback on the agreement received from Colusa County identifying the conditions under which the District will provide groundwater management assistance to the County of Colusa. She stated the agreement was lengthy and included provisions beyond the scope of this project. However, this was the agreement that County Council and the Board of Supervisors approved and submitted to the CCRCD for signature. The agreement included all the terms that Turner had requested to be included in the contract. Turner stated that the Golden State Risk Management Authority has confirmed that the District’s current liability coverage is adequate to meet those specified in the agreement. After some discussion a motion was made by Felt and seconded by Hickok to approve the agreement and authorize the Board President to sign on the District’s behalf. The motion passed with 6 ayes, 0 noes and 1 absent.


Turner provided a written and verbal report completed by Fahey, Harperand herselfon the progress of the District’s active projectscompleted since the last Board Meeting andnot previously discussed during the meeting. Some of the highlights included:

Farmer’s Market Promotion Program Project- The project is complete and the final report and invoice have been submitted for approval. Turner stated that all avenues will be investigated to find funding to sustain the project into the future and expand it to include all Colusa County Agriculture.

Forest Service Cooperative Agreement-Turner reported the first invoice has been paid and the 2nd invoice has been sent. Fahey has completed the GIS maps for Evans. A new Project Administrator from the Forest Service has not been assigned to our project yet.

NRCS Cooperative Agreement- Fahey has been assigned a mentor to assist her in finishing three conservation plans. It looks promising that the agreement will be extended after December 31, 2013.

Audubon Agreement- Turner reported that Audubon is working on a new agreement with the CCRCD to assist with implementing additional restoration plantings at the Davis Family Ranch.

Sycamore Family Trust-Davis Ranch project- Harper provided a full written report on all her activities to date. She has meet with land managers and Audubon, started maintenance, helped with implementation, participated in training and a SLEWS planting day with local High School students.

Colusa County Groundwater Assistance-Fahey has been working with the Ag Department since the contract was approved by the County. She has had a number of meetings, provided outreach, completed a press release, made contact with the Colusa County Groundwater Commissioners, provided correspondence with Water Users Group applicants and has been introduced to all pertinent parties.

Turner gave a report on her recent attendance at the CARCD Regional Meeting held in Orland on October 25th and the CARCD Annual Conference held in Napa on November 13-16. She gave a few highlights from the events including the Conservation Strategy Groups positive work on behalf of RCD’s including verbiage in water related bills and push for baseline funding for Districts. She stated that the DOC informed her at the meeting the Colusa County is contemplating the non-renewal of Williamson Act contracts. This may take place after the first of the year. The group commented on how greatly this will impact the upper watershed. The Board wants to keep an eye on this issue. Turner announced the CCRCD’s Speak-Off contestant received second place at the Regional Contest. The winner of the Sacramento Valley Region received 3rd place at the State Contest. Turner relayed the message, from the State and Regional levels, to make sure all RCD’s arefollowing state legal requirements and the Brown Act due to added scrutiny associated with the possibility of receiving state baseline funding. She also noted that some inactive RCD’s will be consolidated with active RCD’s during the process. She mentioned that the District Managers participating in the strategic planning efforts during the past few months were presented with awards at the state meeting, she being one of them.




The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm by President Jay Dee Garr. The next regular monthly meeting will be held onTuesdayDecember 17that Louis Cairo’s in Williams presided by the District’s annual social event.The time of the meeting will be announced and posted at least one week prior to the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patti Turner-Secretary/Treasurer-Colusa Co. RCD