NAME ______HR______

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Notes Outline

Energy in Living Systems

  • You get ______from the ______you ______.
  • Directly or indirectly, almost all of the ______in living systems needed for ______comes from the ______.
  • ______from the ______enters living systems when ______, ______, and certain ______absorb ______.
  • Some of the ______in ______is captured and ______to make ______.

  • These ______store chemical ______and can serve as ______for ______.

Building Molecules that Store Energy

  • ______involves either using ______to build ______or breaking ______molecules in which ______is ______.
  • ______is the process by which ______energy is converted to ______energy.
  • ______that use energy from ______or from chemical ______in ______substances to make organic ______are called ______.
  • Most ______(usually ______) are ______organisms.
  • Some ______, including certain ______, use chemical ______from ______substances to make ______compounds.
  • ______found near deep-sea ______vents live in perpetual ______.
  • ______does not reach the bottom of the ______.
  • These ______get ______from ______flowing out of the ______.

Breaking Down Food for Energy

  • The chemical ______in organic ______can be transferred to other ______compounds or to ______that consume ______.
  • ______that must get ______from ______instead of directly from ______or inorganic ______are called ______.
  • ______, including ______, get ______from ______through the process of ______.
  • ______is a ______process similar to burning ______.
  • While burning ______almost all of the ______in a fuel to ______, cellular ______
    releases much of the energy in ______to make ______.
  • ______provides ______with the ______they need to carry out the ______of ______.

Transfer of Energy to ATP

  • The word ______ is often used to describe how ______get ______from ______.
  • The overall process is similar. However, the “______” of ______in living ______differs from the burning of a log in a campfire.
  • When a log ______, the energy ______in wood is ______quickly as ______and ______.
  • In ______, chemical energy ______in food molecules is ______gradually in a series of ______assisted chemical ______.

  • As shown in the above diagram, the ______of one chemical ______

becomes a ______in the next ______.

  • When ______break down food ______, some of the ______in the ______is released as ______.
  • Much of the remaining ______is stored temporarily in molecules of ____.
  • ______delivers ______wherever ______is needed in a ______.
  • The ______released from ______can be used to ______other chemical ______, such as those that build ______.
  • Most chemical ______require ______energy than is ______from ______.


  • ______, ______, and some ______capture about __% of the ______in the ______that reaches the ______and convert it to ______energy through the process of ______.
  • ______is the process that provides ______for almost all ______.
  • ______occurs in the ______of ______and ______cells and in the cell ______of certain ______.

The Steps of Photosynthesis

Step 1______is captured from ______.

Step 2______energy is converted to ______energy, which is temporarily stored in ______and the energy carrier molecule ______.

Step 3The ______energy stored in ______and ______powers the formation of organic ______, using ______(______).

______can be summarized by the following ______:

______+ ______→ ______+ ______

Step One: Absorption of Light Energy

  • The ______reactions that occur in the ______and ______steps of ______are sometimes called “______,” or ______reactions.
  • Without the ______of ______, these reactions could ______occur.
  • ______energy is used to make ______-storing ______.
  • ______is a form of ______, ______in the form of ______that travel from our _____ through ______.
  • Different types of ______(______and _____) have different ______(the distance between two consecutive ______).
  • When the ______shines on you, your ______is bombarded by many kinds of ______from the ______.
  • However, we only can see ______known as ______light.

Electromagnetic Spectrum


  • The ______containing ______-absorbing substances are called ______.
  • ______absorb only certain ______and ______all the others.
  • ______, the primary ______in ______, absorbs mostly ______and ______light and reflects ______and ______light.
  • This ______of ______and ______light makes many ______, especially their leaves, look ______.
  • Plants contain ______types of ______, chlorophyll ____and chlorophyll ____.
  • Both types of ______play an important role in plant ______.
  • The ______that produce ______and ______fall ______colors, as well as the ______of many ______, ______, and ______, are called ______.
  • ______absorb ______of light different from those absorbed by ______, so having both ______enables ______to absorb more ______energy during ______.

Step Two: Conversion of Light Energy

  • ______electrons that leave ______molecules are used to produce new ______, including ______, that temporarily store chemical ______.
  • The series of ______are called ______.

Light-Dependent Reaction Summary

  • ______molecules in the ______of ______absorb ______energy.
  • ______in the ______are excited by ______and move through ______transport chains in thylakoid membranes.
  • These ______are replaced by electrons from ______molecules, which are ______by an ______.
  • ______atoms from ______molecules combine to form ______gas.
  • ______ions accumulate inside ______, setting up a ______gradient that provides the ______to make ______.

Step Three: Storage of Energy

  • In this final stage of ______, ______atoms from carbon dioxide in the ______are used to make organic ______in which ______energy is ______.
  • The transfer of ______to organic compounds is called ______.
  • The reactions that “______” carbon dioxide are sometimes called “______,” or ______-______reactions.

The Calvin Cycle

  • The most common method of carbon dioxide ______is the ______.
  • The ______cycle is a series of ______-assisted chemical ______that produces a ______-carbon ______.
  • The Calvin Cycle is named for ______, the American biochemist who worked out the ______reactions of the cycle.
  • The ______are ______; they ______the ______-carbon ______needed to ______the cycle again.

Stages of Photosynthesis

Used / Produced
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Factors that Affect Photosynthesis

  • ______is directly affected by ______factors.
  • The most obvious factor is ______.
  • In general, the ______of ______increase as ______intensity ______until all the ______are being ______.
  • At this ______point, the ______of the Calvin cycle cannot proceed any ______.
  • The overall ______of ______is limited by the ______step, which occurs in the ______cycle.
  • The carbon dioxide ______also affects the rate of ______.
  • Once a certain ______of carbon dioxide is ______, ______cannot proceed any ______.
  • ______is most ______within a certain range of ______.
  • ______involves many ______-assisted chemical ______and unfavorable ______may inactivate certain ______.

Cellular Energy

  • Most of the ______we eat contain usable ______.
  • Much of the ______is stored in ______, ______, and ______.
  • ______transfer ______in organic compounds to ______through a process called ______.
  • ______in the air makes the production of ______more ______.
  • ______processes that require ______are called ______.
  • ______processes that do _____ require ______are called ______(______).

The Steps of Cellular Respiration

  • ______respiration is the process ______use to produce the ______in organic ______.
  • ______respiration can be summarized by the following ______:

______+ ______→ ______+ ______+ ______

  • ______respiration occurs in ______steps.

Step 1 – ______is converted to ______, producing a small amount of ______.

Step 2 – When ______is present, ______is used to make large amounts of ______(aerobic respiration). ______respiration occurs in the ______of all ______. When ______is ______present, ______is converted to either ______or ______and ______.

Step One: Breakdown of Glucose

  • The primary ______for ______respiration is ______, which is formed when ______such as ______and ______are broken down.
  • If too few ______are available to meet an organism’s glucose ______, other molecules, such as ______, can be broken down to make ______.
  • One gram of ______contains ______energy than ______grams of ______.
  • ______and ______can also be used to make ______, but they are usually used for ______important cell ______.


  • In the first ______of ______respiration, ______is broken down in the ______during a process called ______.
  • ______does not require______.
  • ______uses two ______molecules but produces four _____ molecules, yielding a net _____ of ______ATP molecules.
  • ______is followed by another set of reactions that use the ______temporarily stored in ______to make more ______.

Step Two: Production of ATP

  • When ______is present, ______produced during ______enters a ______and is converted to a carbon compound.
  • This reaction produces one ______molecule, one ______molecule, and ______ATP molecules.

Krebs Cycle

  • This series of ______-assisted reactions is called the ______cycle.
  • The cycle is named for the biochemist ______, who first described the cycle in ______.

Electron Transport Chain

  • In ______cells, the electron transport chain is located in the inner ______of ______.
  • At the end of the ______transport chain, ______ions and spent ______combine with ______molecules, O2, forming ______molecules, ______.

Respiration in the Absence of Oxygen

  • What happens when there is not enough ______for ______respiration to occur?
  • The ______transport chain does ______function because ______is not available to serve as the final electron ______.
  • Anaerobic Respiration is called ______.
  • Two important forms of ______are ______fermentation and ______fermentation.
  • ______fermentation by some ______and ______is used in the production of ______such as ______and some ______.

Lactic Acid Fermentation

  • ______
  • During vigorous ______, pyruvate in ______is converted to ______when ______cells must operate ______enough ______.
  • ______removes excess ______from ______.
  • ______can build up in ______cells if it is not removed ______enough, sometimes causing muscle ______.

Alcoholic Fermentation

  • In other ______, the ______is broken down to ______, a ______-carbon compound, through ______fermentation.
  • ______is released during the process.
  • Alcoholic ______by ______, a ______, has been used in the preparation of many ______and ______.
  • ______released by the ______causes the rising of ______dough and the ______of some alcoholic beverages, such as ______.
  • ______is actually ______to yeast.
  • At a concentration of about ______percent ethanol ______yeast.

Production of ATP

  • The ______amount of ______that a cell is able to harvest from each ______molecule that enters ______depends on the presence or absence of ______.
  • When Oxygen is ______, ______respiration occurs.______
  • When Oxygen is ______, ______occurs.______
