held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, WILTON on TUESDAY 9 JUNE 2009 at 7.00pm

Present Cllr A Kinsey, Mayor of Wilton

Cllr Mrs C Blackman

Cllr T Abbott

Cllr P Matthews

In Attendance Mrs A C Purves Town Clerk

Mr H Abel Minute Secretary


Cllr Kinsey in the chair

Prior to the start of the meeting, Cllr Abbott was co-opted onto the Committee

Apologies – Cllr J Hinnis & Cllr J Rhind-Tutt

01/09. To elect a Chairman

Cllr Matthews (prop Cllr Abbott, sec Cllr Mrs Blackman – all in favour).

Cllr Matthews in the chair

02/09. To elect a Vice Chairman

Cllr Mrs Blackman (prop Cllr Matthews, sec Cllr Kinsey – all in favour)

03/09. To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.

None were declared.

04/09. Matters arising from the Full Council meeting

None were identified

05/09. Finance

To consider a quote from Five Rivers regarding the repair of the revetments on the River Wylye opposite the Wilton Shopping Village.

The Town Clerk reported that despite extensive enquiries, she had only been able to identify one company in the area that carried out this sort of work. This was Five Rivers Environmental Contractors based at Knoll Farm, Damerham.

In a preliminary letter the Company stated that original works (in 2000) had used ‘soft engineering’. This had broken down in places due to duck traffic and high duck numbers. The Company would propose green oak cladding with a chalk backfill and seeded top surfacing. Their charges would be costed on the basis of £35 per hour for the consultancy, planning and drawing work and then £70 per metre for any work carried out.

Cllr Abbott told Members that the Town Council had been ceded both banks of the river in this area. In 2000 works to both banks had cost £44,000. A delegation from the Town Council had met with Wilton Shopping Village Management. The suggestion of financial help from the management had been rejected by the delegation on the basis that grants would be forthcoming. In the event, this was not the case and the Town Council had been the only source of finance.

After discussion it was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to:

·  Establish what responsibilities the Town Council has in relation to the banks.

·  Find out what, in the Environment Agency’s view, we should do.

·  Explore alternative means of funding.

·  Ask for an estimate of how much the project would be likely to cost.

06/09. To review other ongoing matters:-

06.01 BMX Track – Cllr Kinsey reported that he had met with the Estate Manager, Chris Rolfe, to discuss the matter. The Estate would not support the use of Flouse Hole as a BMX track. Cllr Kinsey had therefore suggested the possibility of two tracks – one at Wishford Road and one at Bulbridge. It would be up to the Town Council to identify potential sites and to conduct preliminary negotiations but the Estate had indicated it would support this suggestion. The Town Clerk was instructed to find out who the owners were of particular areas of land at Wishford and Bulbridge with a view to approaching the owners.

06.02 Cemetery space in the light of a possible swine flu pandemic – The Committee discussed contingency plans which would be brought into play in the event of a swine flu pandemic. It was agreed that the Town Council should reserve the right to restrict burials to Wilton Residents only. It should also, if circumstances demanded, reserve the right to accept cremated remains only.

06.03 Additional Cemetery Space – The Town Clerk was asked to try and find out who owned the land adjacent to the cemetery.

06.04 Updating and computerisation of the cemetery records – The Town Clerk told the Committee that Cemetery records dating back to 1985 needed to be updated and cross referenced. It was suggested that Wilton Family History Society be approached and asked if its members would be prepared to take this on as a project.

06.05 Play Equipment for Minster Street – Members instructed the Town Clerk to find out the cost of supply and installation for several items including a Web Spinner, a Cone Climber and a Cantilever Swing.

07/09. To receive monthly reports on the Cemetery and Recreation Grounds, preceded by the Contractor’s Report

i.  Contractor’s Report. – No problems to report.

ii.  The Cemetery – Cllr Matthews will inspect this before the next Council Meeting.

iii.  Minster Street – The three wooden gates are all in need of replacement. It was agreed that the Town Clerk contact the blacksmith to see what costs would be involved in making metal replacements.

iv.  Bulbridge – In a written report, Cllr Mrs Belk said that Bulbridge was looking good but stressed the need for action on a solution to the BMX problem since the area is inundated by child cyclists.

v.  Castle Meadow – The Pavilion was broken into on evening of Friday 5th June. Evidence suggests a party had taken place. The damage has now been repaired and the police have been informed.

No news yet on planning application for the pavilion.

vi.  Old St Mary’s Churchyard – Nothing to report.

vii.  Flouse Hole – Nothing to report.

viii. Old Wishford Road – Children have started building dens once more.

ix.  The Council Offices – The boiler service has been completed and all radiators bled. The thermostats have been checked and found to be in order. The problems experienced would seem to be due to lack of insulation in the Council Chamber. It was suggested that boxing in the staircase might help with the temperature in the Clerk’s office. The Town Clerk was instructed to investigate this course of action.

Members agreed to take responsibility as follows:- Cemetery & Old St Mary’s Churchyard - Cllr Matthews. Flouse Hole & Wishford Road – Cllr Mrs Blackman.

08/09. Chairman’s Report

Cllr Matthews had nothing to report.

09/09. Town Clerk’s Report

The Town Clerk asked about either remuneration or time off in lieu for her attendances at meetings of the Cemetery, Parks & Garden Committee. It was agreed that this matter be referred to the Finance & General Purpose Committee.

10/09. To confirm the date of the next F&GPC meeting

Tuesday 28th July 2009 at 7.00pm at the Council Chamber.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.22pm.

Members of the Council considered the foregoing matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder; health and Safety, and Human Rights.

Cemeteries, Parks & Gardens Committee Meeting – Tuesday 9 June 2009