COURSE: 2nd Grade Math DATES: Sept 28-Oct 2

TEACHER: Heather Barget

Weekly Assignment Sheet

Character Integration/Focus of the Week: Kindness
Always be a little kinder than necessary.—James Matthew Barrie
Monday 9/28 / TEKS 5C Demonstrate that things can be done to materials to change their physical properties such as cutting, folding, sanding and melting. / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / What are some ways matter can change?
Identify two things you may find in your refrigerator that can be changed by cutting. Draw a picture of it whole and what it looks like after the physical change / 1. / 1.
Additional Handouts
Materials Needed for Next Class / Journal, sharpened pencils, glue , scissors, crayons, markers, and water (if needed)
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role / On Friday, we will be doing an experiment using a bar of soap. If possible, I would like each scholar to have a bar of soap for this hands on fun lab. If you cannot bring a bar of soap, please let me know so I know how many bars to bring.
Reminders/ Notes
Tuesday 9/29 / TEKS 5C Demonstrate that things can be done to materials to change their physical properties such as cutting, folding, sanding and melting / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / In Class:
Mold it, Fold it, Tear It, Bend It
Changing Paper
Review journal notes / 1. / 1.
Additional Handouts
Materials Needed for Next Class / Journal, sharpened pencils, glue , scissors, crayons, markers, and water (if needed)
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role
Reminders/ Notes
Wednesday 9/30 / TEKS 5C Demonstrate that things can be done to materials to change their physical properties such as cutting, folding, sanding and melting. / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / In Class:
Other Ways Matter Can Change
No Homework / 1. / 1.
Additional Handouts
Materials Needed for Next Class / Journal, sharpened pencils, glue , scissors, crayons, markers, and water (if needed)
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role
Reminders/ Notes
Thursday 10/1 / TEKS 5C Demonstrate that things can be done to materials to change their physical properties such as cutting, folding, sanding and melting / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / No Science today. We will be using our time to review lessons 1-4 in math. Please don’t forget to bring in a bar of soap. / 1. / 1.
Additional Handouts
Materials Needed for Next Class / Journal, sharpened pencils, glue , scissors, crayons, markers, and water (if needed)
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role
Reminders/ Notes / Quiz over lessons 1-4
Friday 10/2 / TEKS 5C Demonstrate that things can be done to materials to change their physical properties such as cutting, folding, sanding and melting. / Date Due / Time Spent
Assignments/ Instructions / Science Lab Day
Sanding Soap
How can you change clay?
No Homework / 1. / 1.
Additional Handouts
Materials Needed for Next Class / Journal, sharpened pencils, glue , scissors, crayons, markers, and water (if needed)
Suggested Parent Involvement/Role
Reminders/ Notes