Chapter 13 Section 8


Management recognizes the importance of pest control in providing a living environment of health and safety for its residents. All efforts will be taken to provide a healthy and pest-free environment for its residents. Management will post “Pest Control Management – Education for Residents” (Form M-10) on the bulletin board and will be give copies to residents upon request.

Management will determine which, if any, pests infest the property and will then provide the best possible treatment for the eradication of those pests. It was determined that the most cost-effective way of delivering the treatments is the use of a licensed pest control exterminator.

Pest control is scheduled quarterly. Special attention shall be paid to inspecting for bedbugs. Additional treatments may be required at times other than the scheduled visits and the pest control company will be made aware of the specific additional needs so that these treatments can be scheduled.

Residents have rights to privacy and confidentiality under their lease and the law. The lease defines services to be periodically provided by the owner/management. Resident cooperation with the extermination plan is essential. All apartments must be treated for the plan to be effective. Residents will be given information about the extermination program at the time of move-in. All residents will be informed at least 24 hours prior to pest control service.

Failure to prepare or allow access constitutes a health and safety violation for the residents. If residents do not comply by adequately preparing for extermination, they will be issued a lease violation. If noncompliance continues beyond one instance, lease enforcement proceedings will commence and continue until compliance is achieved. Management will work closely with residents that are physically or emotionally unable to comply with the necessary preparation to ensure effective treatment and if necessary, will provide a reasonable accommodation.

The HUD Form 9834 used to conduct Management Occupancy Reviews asked how unit inspections are documented. Pest control treatments are documented and should be considered unit inspections. The pest control treatments are an opportunity for management to view the condition of residents’ units 1) to identify units that require follow-up maintenance and 2) determine if there are issues keeping their unit decent, safe and sanitary.

Management and/or maintenance will check items that need repair, including:

  1. torn carpets,
  2. dripping faucets,
  3. frayed electrical wires,
  4. damaged walls,
  5. broken smoke detectors and fire control equipment,
  6. broken doors, and any extra locks on the unit door that management has not approved.

If the condition of the unit is unsanitary and may represent a health hazard, management will issue a lease violation notice to the resident and schedule a re-inspection.

Occasionally, a resident will refuse pest control services. Residents may be sensitive to sprays, so other products may need to be used. Only a medically verifiable reasonable accommodation request should remove a unit from the pest control treatment, and even in those cases, the resident will be required to ensure a level of hygiene and pest control that will keep pests away from the exempted unit.

Chapter 13, Section 8 Pest Control May 2012

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