Use ink- do not type. Copy an abbreviated version of the question.

Individually prepared and written papers must be turned in to the teacher as assigned. Emailed assignments will not be accepted. Papers are expected on the due date. A 20% grade deduction for late papers, including if absent.

Vocabulary is exceptionally important. Each chapter will have a vocabulary quiz. Study words at this site

(link posted on my wiki:

Answers may be bulleted or outlined, but they must be complete and thorough. One word answers are not acceptable.


1.  politics

2.  institution

3.  government

4.  order

5.  liberty

6.  authority

7.  legitimacy

8.  totalitarian regime

9.  authoritarianism

10.  aristocracy

11.  democracy

12.  direct democracy

13.  indirect democracy

14.  legislature

15.  initiative

16.  referendum

17.  recall

18.  consent of the people

19.  republic

20.  popular sovereignty

21.  democratic republic

22.  representative democracy

23.  universal suffrage

24.  majority

25.  majority rule

26.  plurality

27.  limited government

28.  constitutional


29.  majoritarianism

30.  elite theory

31.  pluralism

1.  How can the powers of government be limited? Suggest two ways.

2.  How does authority promote legitimacy? How do these words apply to U.S. govt?

3.  List the 4 types of government.

4.  List the 4 forms of direct democracy in America today (1. town meetings..)

5.  What are the dangers of direct democracy?

6.  What type of government does the U.S. (2 different names)

7.  List the 3 principles essential for democratic government in our society.

8.  How have you been politically socialized? (2 ways)

9.  What principle is a Constitutional Democracy based upon?

10.  Name the 3 types of theories political scientists use to describe American democracy?

11.  Should citizens be required to vote? Explain your answer.


1.  political culture

2.  political socialization

3.  dominant culture

4.  property

5.  capitalism

6.  ideology

7.  conservatism

8.  liberalism

9.  socialism

10.  libertarianism

11.  communism

12.  fascism

13.  social capital

14.  theocracy

1.How does liberty clash with order? Explain and provide an example from a current event or issue.

2.How do property rights conflict with capitalism? Explain and provide an example from a current event or issue.

3.How do security rights clash with civil liberties?Explain and provide an example from a current event or issue.

4.How do equality rights and liberty clash? Explain and provide an example from a current event or issue.

5.What are the two sides of economic equality arguments?

6.Why do some think that Kelo v. City of New London 2005 violated the Constitution’s intentions about eminent domain?

7.Explain the difference between liberalism and conservatism. (What do they each support?) How do these differ from the traditional views?

A helpful video:

8.Go what is the name of the famous person who resembles your ideology?

Know the chart The Traditional Political Spectrum p. 15.


1.  Hispanic

2.  race

3.  ethnicity

4.  gender gap

5.  GDP

6.  socioeconomic status

7.  ethnocentrism

8.  demographics

9.  political predisposition

10.  reinforcing cleavages

11.  cross-cutting cleavages

1.  Why won’t America’s average age rise as quickly as Europe?

2.  How will the rising percentage of the population over age 65 affect the country?

3.  Does a low birth rate affect a nation? Explain.

4.  Study the charts p. 20. What is the largest minority in America as of 2000? From what country does America receive the greatest number of immigrants? Search online and find the results of the 2010 Census to answer the last questions.

5.  Why is immigration such a controversial issue in America? Discuss two possible reasons.

CHAPTER 2 THE CONSTITUTION- Constitution Fill-in

Vocabulary p. 56- 19 words add: expressed powers, delegated powers, implied powers, concurrent powers

1.  Explain the most significant actions of the First and Second Continental Congresses.

2.  What issues did the Republicans of 1776-1790 support?

3.  How are the principles of natural rights and consent of the governed a vital part of American democracy?

4.  Six weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation are listed in a chart on p. 35. How was each of these corrected in the Constitution?

5.  What does the text say was the most fundamental weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

6.  Why was Shay’s Rebellion significant?

7.  How did the nationalists influence the Constitutional Convention?

8.  Draw a Venn Diagram that illustrates the Great Compromise.

9.  Fill in the blanks: The three-fifths rule meant that the __ and __ would be apportioned in part on the basis of ___ ---specifically, property in ___. Explain the implications of this statement.

10.  List two ways that the South influenced the Constitutional Convention.

11.  Why did Madison propose separation of powers?

12.  Provide examples of how Congress and the President have gotten around some of the prescribed checks and balances.

13.  List the 5 fundamental principles of the Constitution. (judicial review is a check and balance)

14.  What were the advantages and disadvantages of the Anti Federalists when it came to ratifying the Constitution?

15.  Madison proposed 12 Amendments to be accepted as the Bill of Rights. Which 2 were not accepted?

16.  Copy the chart on p. 49: Formal Constitutional Amending Procedure.

17.  Why was the amendment process made difficult? What fundamental principle does it represent?

18.  List and describe and provide an example of the 4 informal methods of constitutional change.

19.  If the Constitution can be changed informally is it really the document creating the “rule of law” in the U.S.?

FEDERALISM CHAPTER 3Vocabulary p. 104 (16)

17.  implied powers

18.  reserved powers

19.  inherent powers

20.  full faith and credit clause

21.  extradition

22.  national supremacy

23.  preemption

24.  centralists

25.  decentralists

26.  revenue sharing

27.  federal mandates

28.  condition of aid

29.  preempt

30.  extradition

1.  Compare the relationship local governments have with the central authority in a unitary system and a federal system.

2.  Explain three advantages of federalism. List 2 benefits of federalism.

3.  List three disadvantages of federalism.

4.  Your text explains that the Constitution divides the power of government into three divisions: 1. the powers of the national govt 2. the powers of the states 3. prohibited powers. Provide two examples of each.

5.  Provide an example of each of the following types of checks and balances: 1. horizontal 2. vertical

6.  In what 2 ways does the national government check the state policies?

7.  List the names of the three clauses that govern interstate relations.

8.  Explain Marshall’s rulings in McCulloch v. Maryland 1819 and Gibbons v. Ogden 1824.

9.  List and describe the three Civil War amendments.

10.  Why did dual federalism end?

11.  Describe the 4 ways that cooperative federalism is implemented.

12.  How was LBJ’s federalism different from Nixon’s?

13.  Is federalism an ideological theme for the Republicans? Explain.

14.  How do U.S. v. Lopez, 1995, and U.S. v. Morrison, 2000, rein in the commerce power? Why is this significant?

15.  Does the 11th Amendment protect states from being sued?

16.  What did Printz v. U.S., 1997, rule to protect states rights?

17.  Is the Supreme Court clear on issuing rulings concerning federalism issues?

18.  How can federalism be a political issue? Explain 2 ways.

Chapters 4 and 5 are covered in the spring so the questions are listed later-

CHAPTER 6 Public Interest and Political Socialization

Vocabulary (14) p. 216 add: 15. push polling 16. political culture

1.  What is meant by public opinion and how is it formed?

2.  Explain the most important influences (3) in political socialization.

3.  Discuss the most important values of the American political system and the trend in political trust over the last 3 decades.

4.  Is there an impact of the media on political socialization?

5.  How do the following factors influence political preference and voting behavior? 2. socioeconomic status 3. religion 4. Race and ethnicity 5. gender 6. region

Election-Specific Factors: Fill in the blanks:

6.  With the possible exception of___, ______has been the most important determinant of voting behavior in national elections. ______affiliation is influenced by ___ and ___ groups......

7.  Fill in the blanks: Historically, ______have been among the most powerful influences on public opinion.

8.  Explain how public opinion is measured. When creating polls, what factors are required to increase the accuracy?

9.  List and describe 3 problems with polling.

10.  How has technology changed polling?

11.  Using report the current job rating of Congress.

12.  Should push polls be legal? Defend your answer.

13.  List the 3 most important values of American political culture (according to this text).

14.  Why is the structure of government an important value? (think of 2 reasons)

15.  What institution of government is most trusted by Americans? In which institutions do Americans have less confidence?

16.  Fill in the blanks: p. 214: public _____ does ___ make public ____ rather it ___ officials from taking truly _____ actions.

17.  Are policymakers responsive to public opinion? Explain.

CHAPTER 7: INTEREST GROUPS Vocabulary: 12 words Review: pluralist theory (Chapter 1)

13.  527

14.  PAC political action committee

15.  bundling

16.  issue advocacy

17.  amicus curiae brief

18.  iron triangle

19.  issue network

20.  revolving door

1.  What is the difference between a social movement and an interest group?

2.  What two reasons best describe why the U.S. has so many interest groups?

3.  List the 3 incentives that encourage interest group membership.

4.  What are the top 5 most effective interest groups? (Table 7-1)

5.  List the 5 types of economic interest groups.

a.  Provide examples of interest groups existing in each category.

b.  How do they influence government?

6.  Describe and identify environmental interest groups.

7.  Explain and give examples of public and single interest groups.

8.  How do foreign governments influence the government?

9.  List the 4 factors that make an interest group powerful.

10.  Provide 4 examples of direct techniques used by interest groups.

11.  Provide 3 indirect techniques used by interest groups.

12.  Explain the current laws that regulate lobbyists. Use for accuracy

13.  What are the positive and negative roles of interest groups in our democracy?

14.  What did Madison say about factions in Federalist #10?

CHAPTER 8: POLITICAL PARTIES Vocabulary: 31 words

A detailed history of the parties is not a part of the AP course curriculum--

1.  List the 5 basic functions of political parties

2.  Describe the basic composition and main issues of the Democrat and Republican Parties.

3.  Explain the two main values of cultural politics of political parties.

4.  Describe the three major “faces” of political parties. (p.263) Provide examples of each.

5.  What is the job of the National Chairperson? How do they get their job?

6.  Where is the real strength of political parties? Why?

7.  Why are local party organizations important?

8.  Since 1968 could it be said that America prefers divided government? Support your answer using data provided in the text and supplemented with research. (p. 258 and p. 269)

9.  Describe two causes of party polarization (according to this text).

10.  Explain 4 reasons why the United States has a two party system.

11.  How does the winner-take-all electoral system influence presidential elections?*this has been a FRQ

12.  Explain how state election laws favor the 2 main parties.

13.  What are 2 roles that minor parties have played in U.S. political history. Explain the role of (1) Wallace, (2)Perot, and (3)Nader’s parties in elections.

14.  Explain the difference between a realigning and dealigning election. Why do political scientists argue about these types of elections?

15.  List 2 possible impacts of third parties.

16.  Could the Tea Party cause a tipping effect in some states? Why or why not?

17.  What roles do parties play in each of the following: *this has been a FRQ

1. legislative branch 3. executive branch

2. judicial branch 4. state and local levels

Chapter 9 Campaigns, Nominations, and Elections Vocabulary- 26-

27.  McGovern-Frazier Commission

28.  plurality voting system

29.  blanket primary

30.  runoff primary

31.  FECA

32.  527s

33.  staggered terms

34.  incumbent advantage

35.  split ticket

36.  straight ticket

37.  motor voter

38.  political efficacy

39.  Citizens United v. FEC

40.  Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

41.  Super PAC

42.  bundling

1.  Should spending limits be placed on campaigns? Explain your opinion after reading p. 286.

2.  How are candidates for local office determined?

3.  Create a chart to show the qualifications for president/vice president, Senate and House.

4.  How does the plurality election system contribute to a candidate’s strategy to win?

5.  Why do candidates have to use professionals such as political consultants and media strategists?

6.  What are the effects of a plurality voting system?

7.  Explain the importance of polls and focus groups to the modern day campaign. (List the current president’s approval rating found at:

8.  Identify Buckley v. Valeho (1976) How did it change campaign finance?

9.  What did the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 do to soft money contributions to national political parties? State and local parties?

10.  How has issue advocacy affected elections? (think: 527s, soft money...)

11.  What were the most successful 527s? Why were they successful?

12.  Can nonprofit charities participate in political activities? Explain.

13.  How has the recent Supreme Court case Citizen’s United v. FEC, 2010, changed fundraising rules for corporations and unions? (This is not in your 2007 textbook) ( link is also on my wiki)