Welcome to 8th Grade

Family and Consumer Science (FACS)

This exploratory class meets for an 85 minute block every other day for one trimester...that will be about 28 classes.

What are we going to be learning in 8th grade FACS class? There are three units of study.

In the Resource Management Unit, students will identify and use their personal resources for volunteerism in our community. Students will learn about the resource of money and making good decisions, while considering wants and needs. Students will learn how to set goals based on their values, understand budgets, fixed and flexible expenses, credit, interest, and saving.

In the Food and Nutrition Unit,students will learn about specific nutrients and look at food choices within the framework of “how will I feed myself”. In the foods lab, our focus will be on learning how to prepare quick and healthy meals.

In the Child Development Unit,students will study the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual stages of development of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary school-age children. Students will also explore the roles and responsibilities of being a care-giver, as well as careers related to working with children.

Class Standards: In 8th grade FACS you will...

* Learn about nutrients needed for good health

* Learn about the relationship between food choices and good health

* Work as a team member

* Follow, prepare, and serve simple recipes

* Identify your personal resources

* Use your personal resources in the community

* Learn how to make wise financial decisions

* Learn how to make and follow a budget

* Know the stages of child development

* Learn how to care for children to help them reach their potential

What supplies do I need?

Pen or pencil every day!!!

A folder and paper

Chrome Book

Grading Policies:

Grades will be based on daily performance in class, completed assignments, quizzes and tests.

ACADEMIC GRADES will reflect what the student knows, or what material they have mastered. This will be measured through formative and summative assessments.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS are various in-class assignments that will account for 30% of a student’s grade.

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS are written tests, projects, including the service learning project, and final lab that will account for 70% of the student’s grade. These assessments can be retaken, if necessary, after a student has demonstrated significant effort at relearning the content and has completed at least 75% of the formative assessments. Schedule the retake with the teacher.

How can I succeed in FACS?

Do your best every day.....have a positive attitude

Use your class time wisely! Most of our work can and should be done in class.

Finish and hand in all work completed and on time.

Try not to miss class. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask for the make-up

Class Rules:

Respect yourself, your teacher, your peers, and our classroom.

Be in your seat when class begins. Be prepared to participate and learn.

Be a good listener and allow your classmates to listen.

Use all equipment correctly and safely.

Clean up your workspace everyday...leave things better than you found them!

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Mrs. Michelle Blodgett