
Tuesday, July 10th
14:00-18:00 / Registration
18:00-19:00 / Opening & Keynote Talk
Armin Mozcek
On the origins of novelty and diversity in development and evolution: a case study on horned beetles
Chair: Richard Bateman
19:00-20:30 / Welcoming Cocktail
Wednesday, July 11th
Room 3.3.13 / Room 3.3.14 / Room 3.3.15 / Room 3.3.16
9:00-10:40 / S2
Evo-Devo of Homeotic Transformations / S1
Evolution of organs and cell types / S3
Towards a theory of development / S4
Evolution at the plant-animal interface
10:40-11:10 / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break
11:10-12:50 / S2
Evo-Devo of Homeotic Transformations / S1
Evolution of organs and cell types / S3
Towards a theory of development / S4
Evolution at the plant-animal interface
12:50-14:20 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
14:20-15:35 / C3
Evo-Devo of patterning in arthropod appendages and epithelia / C1
Evolution of organs and cell types / C4
Evolution of early development / C2
“Next generation models” to understand animal phylogeny and regulatory evolution
15:35-15:50 / Break / Break / Break / Break
15:50-16:50 / C6
Evo-Devo of homeotic transformations / C5
Evolution of organs and cell types / C7
Plant Evo-Devo / C8
“Next generation models” to understand animal phylogeny and regulatory evolution
16:50-17:20 / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break
17:20-18:00 / Keynote Talk
Paula Rudall
Flower evolution in early angiosperms
Chair: Frietson Galis
18:00-19:45 / Poster Session 1
(even numbers)
Thursday, July 12th
Room 3.3.13 / Room 3.3.14 / Room 3.3.15 / Room 3.3.16
9:00-10:40 / S6
Evo-Devo of arthropod appendages: the genes that matter / S5
“Next generation models” to understand animal phylogeny and regulatory evolution / M1
Regulatory protein changes in the evolution of plant body plans / Midi1
Planarians to parasitism: development and stem cells in flatworms
10:40-11:10 / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break
11:10-12:50 / S6
Evo-Devo of arthropod appendages: the genes that matter / S5
“Next generation models” to understand animal phylogeny and regulatory evolution / M2
Heterospory: the evolutionary road to the seed / Midi1
Planarians to parasitism: development and stem cells in flatworms
12:00 - Midi2A
Evo-Devo in extreme environments
12:50-14:20 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
14:20-16:00 / M4
The origin and fate of germ cells in animals evolution and development / M3
3D Imaging for Evo-Devo / M5
In Silico Evo-Devo: rerunning complex tapes / Midi2B
Evo-Devo in extreme environments
16:00-16:15 / Break / Break / Break / Break
16:15-16:45 / C11
The origin and fate of germ cells in animals evolution and development / C10
3D Imaging for Evo-Devo / C12
Paleo-Evo-Devo / C9
Evo-Devo of arthropod appendages
16:45-17:20 / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break
17:20-18:00 / Keynote Talk
Gerd Müller
The Evo-Devo turn: consequences for evolutionary theory
Chair: Gerhard Schlosser
18:00-19:45 / Poster Session 2
(odd numbers)
20:30 / Conference Dinner


Friday, July 13th
Room 3.3.13 / Room 3.3.14 / Room 3.3.15 / Room 3.3.16
9:00-10:40 / S7
Morphological misfits / S8
Evolution of stem cells and regeneration / M6
Posterior elongation in bilaterians / M8
How do you like your eggs?
10:40-11:10 / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break
11:10-12:50 / S7
Morphological misfits / S8
Evolution of stem cells and regeneration / M7
3D morphometrics for Evo-Devo / M9
Evolution of sex determining pathways in insects
12:50-14:20 / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
12:50-14:20 / Council Meeting / Council Meeting / Council Meeting / Council Meeting
14:20-15:35 / C14
Theoretical contributions to Evo-Devo / C13
Evolution of organs and cell types / C16
Evolution of vertebrate head development / C15
How do you like your eggs?
15:35-15:50 / Break / Break / Break
15:50-16:50 / C20
Molecular evolution / C17
Evolution of organs and cell types / C18
Posterior elongation in bilaterians / C19
Evolution of stem cells and regeneration
16:50-17:20 / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break / Coffee break
17:20-17:30 / Student Poster Prices
17:30-18:10 / Keynote Talk
Moisés Mallo
Axial patterning mechanisms and the evolution of the vertebrate body plan
Chair: Élio Sucena
18:10-19:10 / EED Business Meeting

Detailed Scientific Programme

Tuesday, July 10th


Keynote Talk

Armin Mozcek

Indiana University Bloomington, USA

On the origins of novelty and diversity in development and evolution: a case study on horned beetles

Chair: Richard Bateman

Wednesday, July 11th

S1 - Evolution of organs and cell types (Andreas Hejnol, Jean-François Brunet)

Room 3.3.14

Chairs: Andreas Hejnol, Jean-François Brunet

Sponsored by:

Company of Biologists Journal of Experimental Zoology Wiley-Blackwell


Detlev Arendt

EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

From apical organs to the bilaterian forebrain: duplication and divergence of neural circuits in CNS evolution


Clare Baker

University of Cambridge, UK

The development and evolution of vertebrate electroreceptors


Nicholas Strausfeld

University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

Exploring origins of a memory center in deep time


Jean-François Brunet

École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Ancient divergence of somatic and visceral neurons


Uli Technau

University of Vienna, Austria

Independent evolution of striated muscles in cnidarians and bilaterians


Lionel Christiaen

New York, USA

Development and evolution of the cardiogenic mesoderm in chordates


Volker Hartenstein

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Stem cells and lineages of the intestine: a developmental and evolutionary perspective


Kinya Ota

Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Developmental and evolutionary process of the vestigial vertebral elements in the hagfish

S2 - Evo-Devo of Homeotic Transformations (André Pires da Silva, Frietson Galis)

Room 3.3.13

Chairs: André Pires da Silva, Frietson Galis


Michael Akam

University of Cambridge, UK


John Bowman

Monash University, Australia

Patterning events during the life cycle in the liverwort Marchantia


Linda Holland

Scripps Institute of Oceanography, USA

Retinoic acid and secreted proteins mediate homeotic transformations in the basal chordate amphioxus


Zhe-Xi Luo

Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh

Vertebral identities in modern monotreme and therian mammals and their homeotic variations in early mammal evolution


Guenter Theissen

University of Jena, Germany

Evo-Devo of naturally occurring floral homeotic varieties


Joost Woltering

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Analysis of differential Hox gene regulation between mouse and teleost fishes with respect to the fin-limb transition


Andre Pires da Silva

University of Texas, USA

Homeotic transformation in natural populations of anole lizards


Frietson Galis

VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Homeotic transformations and natural selection in mammals.

S3 - Towards a theory of development (Rinaldo Bertossa, Alessandro Minelli)

Room 3.3.15

Chairs: Rinaldo Bertossa, Alessandro Minelli

Sponsored by:



Wallace Arthur

National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Past, present and future theories of development and related processes


Charbel Niño El-Hani

Federal University of Bahia, Salvador-BA, Brazil

Emergence in evolutionary and developmental time


Stuart Newman

New York Medical College Valhalla, NY, USA

Physico-genetics of morphogenesis: the hybrid nature of developmental mechanisms


Stephan Grill

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany

EMBO Young Investigator Lecture

Morphogenetic functions of actomyosin


Johannes Jaeger

Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain

Life´s attractors: understanding developmental systems through reverse-engineering


Antónia Monteiro

Yale University, New Haven, USA

The evolution of gene regulatory networks that produce plastic traits


Jan Traas

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

From genes to shape: morphodynamics at the shoot apical meristem


Rinaldo C. Bertossa

University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Units of function across the biological hierarchy and in development

S4 - Evolution at the plant-animal interface (Beverley Glover, Sam Brockington)

Room 3.3.16

Chairs: Beverley Glover, Sam Brockington

Sponsored by:

New Phytologist Natur wissenschaften


Conrad Labandeira

Smithsonian Institution, USA

Insect herbivore diversification after the end-Permian crisis: evidence from leaf miners


Mohammed Shabab

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

Plant hormones as toxins for insects: concept of molecular mimicry


Andrew Hudson

University of Edinburgh, UK

The genetics of adaptation in Antirrhinum


Harald Krenn

University of Vienna, Austria

Evolution of mouthparts in Lepidoptera: adaptations to collect nectar and pollen


Beverley Glover

University of Cambridge, UK

The petal epidermis as the origin of visual and tactile signals to pollinating insects


Ian Baldwin

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany

How plants solve the outcrossing-defence dilemma


Tanya Renner

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Molecular evolution of class I chitinases utilized for plant carnivory in the Caryophyllales


Ulrike Bauer

University of Cambridge, UK

Wax or wetness? Evolution of alternative trapping strategies in carnivorous Nepenthes pitcher plants

C1 - Evolution of organs and cell types

Room 3.3.14

Chair: Uli Technau


Oleg Simakov

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Combining developmental, population, and comparative genomics analyses to study long term evolution of cell types


Gemma S. Richards

Sars Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen, Norway

A Soxb gene identifies progenitor cells that generate neurons and nematocytes in an anthozoan cnidarian


Masaaki Yoshida

National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan
Cyclops phenocopy in squids indicates common but diverged mechanisms of eye field determination


Maria Antonietta Tosches

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Evolution of the melatonin system for the control of rhythmic locomotion


Kevin Pang

Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology

The ctenophore photocyte: light producer and light receptor?

C2 - “Next generation models” to understand animal phylogeny and regulatory evolution Room 3.3.16

Chair: Maja Adamska


Marcin Adamski

Sars Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen, Norway

Surprisingly complex developmental toolkits of calcaronean sponge


Stephan Q. Schneider
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA

Symmetry makers and symmetry breakers: reiterative beta-catenin asymmetries and the formation of the annelid body plan


Eve Gazave
Institut Jacques Monod - CNRS, Paris, France

Notch signalling pathway in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii: insights into chaetogenesis and segmentation processes


Gregor Bucher

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany

IBEETLE: Genome wide RNAi screen for embryonic and metamorphic development in the beetle Tribolium castaneum


Megan J Wilson

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Sequencing and developmental expression of microRNAs from early honeybee (Apis mellifera) embryos

C3 - Evo-Devo of patterning in arthropod appendages and epithelia

Room 3.3.13

Chair: Elizabeth Jockusch


Kristen Panfilio

Institute for Developmental Biology, University of Cologne, Germany

Assessing the degree of conservation in epithelial morphogenetic movements


Alistair P. McGregor

Oxford Brookes University, UK;

Evolution of the regulation of cellular morphology among Drosophila legs: a new route to the naked valley


Arnaud Martin

University of California Irvine, Irvine - CA, USA

Two developmental patterning genes that drive color pattern diversity and convergence in Heliconius mimetic butterflies


Suzanne V Saenko

Institute Biology Leiden - Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands

Characterization of a hotspot locus for wing pattern evolution in the Lepidoptera


Matthias Pechmann

Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany

Novel function of distal-less as a gap gene during spider segmentation

C4 - Evolution of early development

Room 3.3.15

Chair: Robert Cerny


Evelyn E. Schwager

Harvard University, Cambridge - MA, USA

Germ line specification in the spider Achaearanea tepidariorum


Megan P. Leask

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Epigenetics in the honeybee ovary


Chiara Sinigaglia

SARS Centre, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Homologs of bilaterian head genes regulate aboral pole development in a cnidarian larva


Günther Jirikowski

Universität Rostock, Institut für Biowissenschaften, Germany

Evolution of malacostracan muscle development: how myogenic patterns relate to modes of ontogeny


Adrien Demilly

Institut Jacques Monod - CNRS, Paris, France

WNT/β-Catenin and PCP pathways control CNS development in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii

C5 – Evolution of Organs and Cell Types

Room 3.3.14

Chair: Volker Hartenstein


José M. Martin-Duran
Sars Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen, Norway

Deuterostomy in an early branching ecdysozoa: embryonic development of the digestive tract in Priapulus caudatus


Emmanuel Farge
Institut Curie, France

Beta-catenin dependent mechanical induction determines Bilateria early mesoderm specification


Koh Onimaru
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Evolution of the lateral plate mesoderm: insights from amphioxus and lampreys development


Marta Chiodin
Barcelona University, Spain

Mesodermal gene expression in the acoel Isodiametra pulchra: implications for the evolution of the mesodermal germ layer

C6 – Evo-Devo of Homeotic Transformations

Room 3.3.13

Chair: Linda Holland


Daniel Capek
University of Vienna, Department of Theoretical Biology, Austria

A molecular-morphogenetic approach to avian digit identity


Michael Schubert
Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

Retinoic acid-FGF antagonism is an ancestral mechanism for patterning the chordate brain


Yuuta Moriyama
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

The Medaka zic1/zic4 mutant provides molecular insights into teleost caudal fin evolution


Verónica S. Di Stiliio

University of Washington, USA

Homeotic cultivars of Thalictrum thalictroides enable a forward genetic approach to flower organ identity evolution

C7 – Plant Evo-Devo

Room 3.3.15

Chair: Richard Bateman


Florian Karolyi
Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Vienna, Austria

Adaptations for nectar-feeding in the mouthparts and the suction pump of long-proboscid flies (Nemestrinidae: Prosoeca)


Katrina Alcorn
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Evolution of petal surface texture with variation in pollinator handling


Beatriz Gonçalves
Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR) de Génétique Végétale, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

A floral dimorphism in Nigella damascena: genetic control and evolutionary significance


Heather Sanders
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
A new fern model system for understanding heterospory

C8 - “Next generation models” to understand animal phylogeny and regulatory evolution

Room 3.3.16

Chair: Lennart Olson


Naoki Irie
RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB), Kobe, Japan

Experimental verification of the developmental hourglass model


Guillaume Balavoine
Institut Jacques Monod - CNRS, Paris, France

Annelid nervous system patterning: insight into the origin of the chordate neural tube


Helen Gunter
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany

Exploring the molecular basis of phenotypic plasticity in the pharyngeal jaw of the cichlid, Astatoreochromis alluaudi