The page number refers to the first time the acronym is used.

2 / YOS / Youth Offending Service
3 / ABC / Acceptable Behaviour Contracts
3 / ASBO / Anti-Social Behaviour Order
3 / ETE / Education, Training and Employment
3 / CAMHS / Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
3 / LAA / Local Area Agreement
4 / DAAT / Drug and Alcohol Action Team
4 / MAPPA / Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements
4 / MARAC / Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference
7 / YJB / Youth Justice Board
7 / YOIS / Youth Offending Information System
7 / ICT / Information & Communication Technology
7 / ASSET / Mandatory Assessment Tool to be used with all young offenders
8 / EYE / Electronic Yellow Envelope
8 / EMS / Education Monitoring System
11 / PACE / Police & Criminal Evidence Act
16 / IDSS / Identification & Support Scheme
17 / PCAMHS / Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
17 / CANACT / Crime & Nuisance Action Team
17 / MAST / Multi-Agency Systemic Therapy
17 / TAC / Team Around the Child
17 / CDRP / Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership
18 / AQA / Assessment and Qualification Alliance
19 / CDI / Community Development Initiative
20 / HoS / Head of Service
20 / DHoS / Deputy Head of Service
20 / UM / Unit Manager
20 / TYS / Targeted Youth Support
21 / YRO / Youth Rehabilitation Order
22 / STAR / Stop, Think, Act, Reflect – a Cognitive Behavourial Programme
22 / PPO / Prolific & other Priority Offender
24 / YOI / Young Offender Institution
25 / RSA / Royal Sailing Association
26 / E2E / Education to Employment
26 / SSA / Statutory School Age
26 / NEET / Not in Education, Employment, Training
26 / LDD / Learning Difficulties or Disabilities
29 / PSR / Pre-Sentence Report
29 / ISSP / Intensive Supervision & Surveillance Programme
29 / KPI / Key Performance Indicator
29 / DTO / Detention & Training Order
33 / PDM / Practice Development Manager
33 / BME / Black & Minority Ethnic
35 / MARMS / Assessment Tool from Youth Justice Board for prevention
36 / GMAP / Greater Manchester Abuse Project
36 / INSET / Youth Justice Board training programme
36 / ROSH / Risk of Serious Harm
36 / FCAMHS / Forensic Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service
41 / JAR / Joint Area Review
41 / LSCB / Local Safeguarding Children Board
43 / ECM / Every Child Matters
43 / SP / Senior Practitioner
45 / CJSSS / Criminal Justice Simple, Speedy, Summary
45 / RJ / Restorative Justice
50 / CPS / Crown Prosecution Service
56 / NQF / National Qualification Framework
56 / PCEP / Professional Certificate in Effective Practice
56 / NACRO / National Association for Care & Rehabilitation of Offenders
57 / OCC / Oxfordshire County Council
60 / NIS / National Standards
61 / BCU / Basic Command Unit
62 / APA / Annual Performance Assessment
63 / PSA / Public Service Agreement
