Name ______Date ______Block _____
IB History11 – History of the Americas
Unit 1 – Early America
VUS.2 – VUS.6
Summer Assignment – 2017
The Virginia Department of Education Website =
Step 1 = Click on Standards of Learning (SOL) & Testing
Step 2 = Click on History & Social Science
Step 3 = Click on Standards of Learning – Curriculum Framework –Virginia and US History – PDF
Directions: Write a complete response for each of the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Use the VA/US History Curriculum FrameworkEssential Knowledge Section located on the Virginia Department of Education website listed above as your source.
Early European Exploration and Colonization
- Describe New England.
- Describe the Middle Atlantic region.
- Describe Virginia and the other Southern colonies.
- Describe Jamestown.
- Describe the interactions among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians.
Economic, Social, and Political Characteristics of the Colonies
- Describe the economic characteristics of the New England colonies.
- Describe the economic characteristics of the middle colonies.
- Describe the economic characteristics of the southern colonies.
- What two ideals characterized colonial life everywhere?
- Describe the social characteristics of the New England colonies.
- Describe the social characteristics of the middle colonies.
- Describe the social characteristics of Virginia and the Southern colonies.
- Describe the “Great Awakening.”
- Describe political life in the New England colonies.
- Describe political life in the middle colonies.
- Describe political life in the southern colonies.
- Describe the development of indentured servitude and slavery in the colonies.
The Revolutionary Period
VUS.4a – The Political Ideas of John Locke and Thomas Paine
- Analyze the ideas of John Locke.
- Describe Thomas Paine and Common Sense.
- Analyze the Declaration of Independence.
VUS.4b – Key Principles of the Declaration of Independence
- How did the key principles of the Declaration of Independence increase political, social, and economic participation in the American experience over a period of time?
VUS.4c – Political Differences among the Colonists
- Describe the Anglo-French rivalry leading to conflict with the colonies.
- Describe the beginning of the American Revolution.
- Describe the differences among the colonists.
VUS.4d – Colonial Victory in the Revolutionary War
- Describe the diplomatic and military factors that led to colonial victory.
Ratification of the Constitution of the United States
VUS.5a – Origins of the Constitution, including the Articles of Confederation
- How did America’s pre-Revolutionary relationship with Britain influence the structure of the first national government?
- List five weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
VUS.5b – Major compromises of the Constitution
- Identify and describe five key issues and their resolutions (compromises) at the Constitutional Convention.
- Describe George Washington’s role at the Constitutional Convention.
- Describe James Madison’s role at the Constitutional Convention.
VUS.5c – Important Documents
- Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights? Describe it.
- Who wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom? Describe it.
- What two documents did James Madison consult when drafting the amendments that eventually became the United States Bill of Rights?
VUS.5d – Ratification Debates
- What did the Federalists advocate?
- What did the Anti-Federalists fear?
- Who were the two leading Virginia opponents of ratification?
- Who were the two leading Virginia proponents of ratification?
VUS.5e – John Marshall and the Supreme Court
- How did Chief Justice John Marshall, a Virginian, contribute to the growth of the United States Supreme Court’s importance in relation to the other branches of the national government?
Major Events in United States History: 1790s – 1850s
VUS.6a – Development of Political Parties
- Why did competing political parties develop during the 1790s?
- Describe the presidential election of 1800.
- Describe the Federalists.
- Describe the Democratic-Republicans.
VUS.6b – Territorial Expansion
- Describe Thomas Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana Territory.
- Describe the American victory over the British in the War of 1812.
- Describe the Monroe Doctrine (1823).
- List and describe five factors that influenced westward movement and economic development.
- Describe “Manifest Destiny.”
- How were American Indians impacted during the period of westward migration?
VUS.6c – The War of 1812
- What were the causes of the War of 1812?
- Describe the Federalists’ opposition to the War of 1812.
VUS.6d – Jacksonian Era
- In what ways did political democracy change in the years following the War of 1812?
VUS.6e – Issues that Divided the Nation
- Describe the sectional tensions caused by competing economic interests.
- Describe the Missouri Compromise (1820).
- Describe the Compromise of 1850.
- Describe the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and its effect on Kansas and the Republican Party.
- Describe the sectional tensions caused by debates over the nature of the Union.
- Describe the sectional tensions caused by the institution of slavery.
- Describe the women’s suffrage movement.