October 2015

Courtney Keeler

Assistant Professor

School of Nursing and Health Professions

University of San Francisco

2130 Fulton Street; San Francisco, CA, 94117

• 415.422.6683 (office)


Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012 (Focus in health economics)

Visiting graduate student, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, 2010-2011

M.S. in Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008

B.A. in Economics, University of California at San Diego, 2006 (Summa Cum Laude, Highest Distinction, Provost’s Honors, Phi Beta Kappa)


2012 – presentAssistant professor, School of Nursing and Health Professions, University of San Francisco

2011 – 2012 Adjunct professor, School of Nursing and Health Professions, University of San Francisco

Summer 2011 Lecturer, Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics, California State University, East Bay

2009 – 2010 Teaching assistant, Department of Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2008 – 2009 Research assistant/programmer, ICARE project (

2007 – 2008 Teaching assistant, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2005 – 2006Research assistant, Department of Economics, University of California at San Diego (


Courses I am qualified to teach

Health services research, epidemiology, statistical/econometrics courses, or related courses. Introductory and intermediate micro and macroeconomics,applied microeconomics courses, particularly health economics, or related courses.

Courses I have taught at University of San Francisco

CourseSemester taught
N701: Applied Data Analysis Spring and fall 2012; spring 2013
MPH 612: BiostatisticsFall 2011; spring and fall 2012; spring 2013
MPH 621: Epidemiology Spring and summer 2012; spring and summer 2013
MPH 646: Advanced Epidemiology*Fall 2012; summer 2013
MPH 657: Health Economics and Public Health Spring 2012
*Full course title: Advanced Epidemiology with Statistical Software Applications

Courses I developed for University of San Francisco

MPH 612: Biostatistics
MPH 621: Epidemiology
MPH 646: Advanced Epidemiology with Statistical Software Applications
MPH 657: Health Economics and Public Health

Current graduate students

Susan DaSilva, NPDoctorate of Nursing Practice
Cohort 3 (admitted fall 2012)Master of Public Health
Cohort 4 (admitted spring 2013)Master of Public Health


Research interests

Health economics, health inequality, mental health, substance use/abuse, health behaviors in adolescent and young adult populations

Publications and other work

Nguyen, J., Chan, W., & The association between self-rated mental health status and total healthcare expenditure: A cross-sectional analysis of a nationally representative sample

Medicine. (In press.)

Keeler, C. (2014). Untangling the association between substance use and sexual risk-taking among adolescents and young adults, a selective review of the literature. J Behav Health, 4, 5.

Turner, L., & Keeler, C. (2014). Should we Prelab? A Student-Centered Look at the Time-Honored Tradition of Prelab in Clinical Nursing Education. Nurse educator.

Keeler, C. (2014). Clinical Leadership and Asymmetric Information: The Impact of Physician Advice on Smoking Cessation. Open Journal of Leadership, 3(02), 7.

Keeler, C. (2013). Liberation Health and the Role of the Public Health Leader. Open Journal of Leadership, 2, 82.

Morrissey, J. P., Domino, M., Wicher, C., Kilany, M., & Gaynes, B. Integrating Primary Care and Mental Health Services: Final Evaluation Report on the ICARE Integration Pilot Sites.

(Available at:


Cascio, E., Gordon, N., Lewis, E., & Reber, S. (2008). From Brown to busing. Journal of Urban Economics, 64(2), 296-325. (Research assistant acknowledged in paper.)

Working paper

Tile: Menthol cigarettes and smoking cessation among African American smokers in the United States

Pending journal submission(co-authors: Courtney Keeler1, Ph.D. Wendy Max2, Ph.D., Michael Ong3, M.D., Ph.D., Tingting Yao2, Ph.D., Valerie B. Yerger2, N.D., and Hai-Yen Sung2, Ph.D.

1 University of San Francisco 2 University of California at San Francisco 3 University of California at Los Angeles)

Tile: Impact of medical and dental visits on smoking cessation among United States adults

Pending journal submission (co-authors: Courtney Keeler1, Ph.D. Wendy Max2, Ph.D., Michael Ong3, M.D., Ph.D., Tingting Yao2, Ph.D., Valerie B. Yerger2, N.D., and Hai-Yen Sung2, Ph.D.

1 University of San Francisco 2 University of California at San Francisco 3 University of California at Los Angeles)

Tile: Impact of lagged price on smoking cessation outcomes among United States adults

Pending journal submission (co-authors: Courtney Keeler1, Ph.D. Wendy Max2, Ph.D., Michael Ong3, M.D., Ph.D., Tingting Yao2, Ph.D., Valerie B. Yerger2, N.D., and Hai-Yen Sung2, Ph.D.

1 University of San Francisco 2 University of California at San Francisco 3 University of California at Los Angeles)

Working title: Should we Prelab? A Faculty-Centered Look at the Time-Honored Tradition of Prelab in Clinical Nursing Education.

Pending journal submission (co-authors: Laureen Turner, Vernon Newton, Daniel Long)

Title: What do you do when empirical results do not match practical knowledge?

Pending journal submission

Working title: Substance use, depression, and employment among young people

Pending journal submission

Working title: An epidemiological approach to violent crime

Pending journal submission (co author: Daniel Keeler)

Grants and Awards

SONHP Teaching Effectiveness Award, May 2015

Three-year sub-award from the University of California, San Francisco working on a TRDRP grant entitled "The Economic Impact of Tobacco Taxes in the African American Community." ($56,275Awarded)

William R. Waters Research Grant in Social Economics (Grant worth $5,000; applied but not accepted)

Proposed research surrounded the impact of social networks on rape recovery.

Phi Beta Kappa new initiates fellow, UCSD chapter, June 2006


Reviewer, British Journal of Education, Society and Behavioral Science (Sept. 2014)

Reviewer, Dr.Susan Penner’s Introductionto Health Care Economics and Financial Management: Fundamental Concepts withPractical Application, 2nd Edition (Summer 2012)

Reviewer, Journal of Administration and Policy in Mental Health (March 2011)

Invited presentations of research

Conference: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Annual Meeting

Location and date: Philadelphia, USA, February 2014

Abstract title: Menthol Cigarettes and Smoking Cessation among African American Smokers in the United States

Authors: Courtney Keeler1, Ph.D. Wendy Max2, Ph.D., Michael Ong3, M.D., Ph.D., Tingting Yao2, Ph.D., Valerie B. Yerger2, N.D., and Hai-Yen Sung2, Ph.D.

1 University of San Francisco 2 University of California at San Francisco 3 University of California at Los Angeles

Presenter: Courtney Keeler

Conference: InternationalHealth Economics Congress

Location and date: Trinity College,Dublin, Ireland, July 2014

Abstract title: Substance use, depression, and employment among young people

Authors:Courtney Keeler 1, Ph.D., Marisa Domino 2, Ph.D.

1 University of San Francisco 2 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Presenter: Courtney Keeler

Conference: Ruth K. Palmer Symposium

Location and date: Rome, Italy, May 2014

Abstract title: Should we Prelab? A Student-Centered Look at the Time-Honored Tradition of Prelab in Clinical Nursing Education

Authors:Laureen Turner, Ed.D.(c), RN, Courtney Keeler, Ph.D.,

University of San Francisco

Presenter: Laureen Turner

Conference:International Nursing Research Conference

Location and date: Hong Kong, China, July 2014

Abstract title: Should we Prelab? A Student-Centered Look at the Time-Honored Tradition of Prelab in Clinical Nursing Education

Authors:Laureen Turner, Ed.D.(c), RN, Courtney Keeler, Ph.D.,

University of San Francisco

Presenter: Laureen Turner

Event: Sigma Theta Tau Research Night, University of San Francisco

Location and date: University of San Francisco, San Francisco, USA, April 2012

Presentation title: Substance use, depression, and employment among young people

Authors:Courtney Keeler 1, Ph.D., Marisa Domino 2, Ph.D.

1 University of San Francisco 2 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Presenter: Courtney Keeler


Focusing on adolescents and young adults, my dissertation examines the impact of individual substance use on sexual behaviors and labor market outcomes using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Several definitions of sexual behavior are used: the number of sexual partners, sexually transmitted disease status, and rape. Depression status and peer substance use are controlled for in all models. These two factors have been neglected in many previous analyses. I address the potential endogeneity of depression and substance use in all models. I employ a variety of modeling techniques, including zero-inflated negative binomial models with two-stage residual inclusion, linear probability models with two-stage least squares, and a two-part model with two-stage least squares (in each stage).

Other affiliations, training, and skills

Completed the leadership development program at the University of San Francisco (February 2013)

Completed MAPP certification (August 2012)

Strong background in several statistical software packages, including Stata and SAS

Member Phi Beta Kappa


Master of Public Health Department Committees

Faculty advisor, MPH Student association (Jan 2013 through present)

Curriculum Committee (Aug. 2012 through present)

CEPH Self-Study Committee (Aug. 2012 through present)

Program Evaluation Committee (Aug. 2012 through present)

Academic Standards Committee (Aug. 2012 through present)

Admissions Committee (Aug. 2012 through Feb. 2014)

School of Nursing and Health Profession

Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) (Aug. 2012 though present)

University Service

University Life Committee of the Board of Trustees (Aug. 2012 though present)

Flu Near You liaison (Sept. 2012 though Dec. 2013)