March 23, 2007
To: Trout Unlimited Trustees
Fr: Robert Teufel, Acting Chairman
Article V, Section 11 of the Trout Unlimited by-laws authorizes the chairman, vice chairman, or president of the Board of Trustees to utilize electronic mail, among other means, to introduce written proposals and motions for consideration by the board. In accordance with that authority, I am hereby notifying the board of my intention to withdraw the resolutions introduced by electronic mail dated March 9, 2007 and substitute the following resolution:
Whereas, formal involvement by Trout Unlimited chapters and councils in conflicts between claimed rights of public stream access and claimed property rights has been a divisive and difficult issue for a number of years and has raised questions of mission fit and mission drift; and
Whereas, there has been extensive discussion, commentary, and criticism of a March 9, 2007 proposal to amend Trout Unlimited’s stream access policy (the “Access Policy”) to restrict chapter and council involvement in cases where claimed public access rights conflict with claimed private property rights; and
Whereas, the members of Trout Unlimited’s National Leadership Council (“NLC”) have expressed concerns about the process chosen to present the Access Policy amendments for consideration and a desire to participate in the formation of any policy amendments;
Now, therefore, the Board of Trustees adopts the following resolution:
- It is the sense of the board that Trout Unlimited’s involvement in disputes between public stream access rights and private property rights should be re-examined and minimized;
- It is also the sense of the board that Trout Unlimited should develop and fund, on a pilot basis, a program to promote voluntary and incentive-based stream access;and
- The NLC, through designated representatives, should participate in the formulation of appropriate amendments of the Access Policy to accomplish the above purposes. The process for formulating such amendments shall include consultation by means of an ad hoc committee composed of three NLC representatives chosen by the NLC and three members of the board of trustees appointed by the Chairman or acting Chairman, with the ad hoc committee reporting to the Board of Trustees no later than August 15, 2007, for consideration bythe Board of Trustees at its September 2007 meeting.
Votes on the proposed amendments shall be made by electronic mail addressed to . The deadline for casting votes on the proposed resolutions ismidnight March 28. On March 29, I will transmit the results of the voting, along with my own vote on the proposed resolutions, to Charles Gauvin and Kirk Otey.