September 2004
(IECEx Scheme)
ExTAG – IECEx Testing and Assessment Group – comprising of
Accepted Ex Certification Bodies(ExCBs) and Ex Test Laboratories(ExTLs) and Candidate Ex Certification Bodies(ExCBs) and Ex Test Laboratories(ExTLs)
The Sixth Meeting of the ExTAG to be held
In Brdo, Slovenia
12th October 2004
Draft Agenda
Please note Monday 11th October 2004 - ExTAG Training Workshop
Note 1 Delegations are asked to abide by the following rules concerning attendance at the meeting:
Maximum of 3 delegates per accepted ExCB / ExTL (these may alternate with other delegates)
- Representatives of candidate ExCB / ExTL and chairpersons / secretaries of IEC Technical committees TC31 / SC31 - may attend the meeting
- ExTAG discussions may touch sensitive matters that must not be disclosed to manufacturers, users or other organisations that are not ExCBs or ExTLs. Observers are permitted to attend the meeting but may be asked to leave should the Chairman and members of ExTAG believe it to be required.
All delegations are encouraged to participate during discussions
Note 2 It is intended that the meeting be conducted in English, however allowances will be made for Delegates from non-English speaking countries, including allowing delegations to bring their own interpreter.
Note 3 All ExTAG meeting documents referred to are, or will be, available from the IECEx Website by the IECEx Secretariat prior to the meeting. However, should you require paper copies of meeting papers please contact the Secretariat no later than 30 SEPTEMBER 2004.
Note 4 Participants should bring copies of all necessary documentation with them to the meeting.
Michel Brenon
ExTAG Secretary
Address:IECEx Secretariat
286 Sussex Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Australia / Contact Details:
Tel: +61 2 8206 6940
Fax: +61 2 8206 6272
1Opening and Welcome
Commencement of the meeting 09.00 a.m Tuesday 12th October 2004.
2Approval of the Agenda
Document ExTAG/59A /DA
3Minutes of the 5th ExTAG Meeting Budapest 2003
To note the Confirmed Minutes of the last meeting held in Budapest, October 2003. The minutes have been confirmed via correspondence.
Document for noting:
ExTAG/48A/RMConfirmed Minutes of 5th ExTAG Meeting
4ExTAG Officers (Restricted participation)
Nominations, for consideration by the ExMC, to elect an expert to the office of ExTAG Secretary
Mr Brenon is eligible for re-election and has declared his willingness to stand for re-appointment as ExTAG Secretary for an additional 5-year term.A document ExTAG/52/Inf seeking other nominations was issued.
Document for noting:
ExTAG/52/Inf Call for Nominations to ExTAG Secretary
5Report on ExTAG Training Workshop held Monday 11th October 2004
in Brdo
5.1Summary and highlighting of the main points from the
ExTAG Training Workshop, by ExTAG Chairman, Mr Kerry McManama
5.2 Matters and actions arising from ExTAG Training workshop
6.New Applicant Status Short Review.
ExMC Secretary to briefly report about candidate ExCB and ExTL
7.Assessment of ExCBs and ExTLs (Restricted participation)
7.1Status review.
7.2Observations and suggestions to be made to ExMC.
8. IECEx Website and On-line Certificate of Conformity
Update of information by IECEx Secretariat
9.Working Group Status-Review.
To review the status of work conducted by the ExTAG Working Groups and to give consideration to the continuance of groups.
9.1ExTAG WG1, Preparation and maintenance of ExTRS
WG 1 Convened in Toronto prepares and co-ordinates the ExTRs
(Report by Mr P. Smith, Convenor)
Document for noting
ExTAG/65A/R Report on WG 1 Preparation and maintenance of ExTRS
9.2IECEx TAG WG2 Interpretations and Technical Enquires
Working Group 2was originally convened during the 1997 Toronto Meeting. Working Group 2 has been on standby for some time.
9.3IECEx TAG WG3 Documentation and Drawing Requirements
Working Group 3 was originally convened to prepare documentation and drawing requirement guidelines for use in the preparation and issuing of ExTRs.
(Report by Mr Jim Birch, Convenor)
Document for noting
OD/017 V2 Drawing and Documentation Guidance for IEC Ex Certification
9.4IECEx TAG WG4, Uncertainty of Measurement
(Report by Dr. U. Johannsmeyer, Convenor)
Document for noting
OD/012/V1 ExTAG Guide for Application of Uncertainty of Measurement to conformity for laboratory tests carried out under the IECEx Scheme
9.5IECEx TAG WG5 Verification of compliance to referenced Standards
This Working Group was formed as a result of discussionsheld during the 2003 ExTAG Budapest Meetingon document ExTAG/45/CD Verification of compliance to referenced Standards
(Report by Mr Paul Kelly, Convenor)
Documents to be considered
ExTAG/45/CD Draft decision sheet prepared by AU Bodies -
Verification of compliance to referenced Standards
ExTAG/54/R Report form ExTAG Working Group 5 - Verification of compliance to referenced Standards
ExTAG/56/CC Compilation of comment on ExTAG/54/R Verification of compliance to referenced Standards
9.6IECEx TAG WG6 Procedures for testing at other locations
This Working Group was formed as a result of discussions held during the 2003 ExTAG Budapest Meeting. The Working Group first met in Budapest in 2003 and reported to the ExMC Budapest Meeting (report contained in - ExMC/181A/RM - Clause 20. 1 Report from WG on Manufacturer’s testing). As result of this report additional experts were added to the Working Group. It should be noted that Dr Dill wishes to relinquish his role as convenor and a replacement convenor is sought.
Documents to be considered
ExTAG/53/CD Draft IECEx OPERATIONAL DOCUMENT- IECEx Rules of Procedure for testing at other locations (e.g. in manufacturers or users laboratories)
ExTAG/57/CC Compilation of comments on Draft IECEx OPERATIONAL DOCUMENT- IECEx Rules of Procedure for testing at other locations (e.g. in manufacturers or users laboratories)
10ExTAGTechnical Discussions
10.1To note updates to the current list of ExTAG Decision Sheets
The following document provides a listing of current ExTAG Decision Sheets and is issued for information to ExTAG Members.
Document for noting
ExTAG/58/Inf A list of approved ExTAG Decision Sheets
10.2 ExTAG decision sheets under discussion
Document ExTAG/42/CD Short circuit testing ofIS batteries was issued for discussion during the Budapest Meeting. Canada wished to make comment, post meeting, and as a result a revised draft document ExTAG/49/CD Short circuit testing ofIS batteries was circulated for comment. The following documents ExTAG/49A/CD, ExTAG/51/CC and the latest document ExTAG/49B/CD are a result of comment received.
Documents for discussion
ExTAG/42/CD Short circuit testing of IS batteries
ExTAG/49/CD Short circuit testing of IS batteries
Based on decision made during the ExTAG Budapest Meeting
ExTAG/49A/CD Short circuit testing of IS batteries
Based on comments detailed in ExTAG/51/CC Dr Wolf Dill prepared a revised
draft decision sheet, document ExTAG/49A/CD for ExTAG consideration
ExTAG/49B/CD Short circuit testing of IS batteries
Dr Wolf Dill prepared a revised draft decision sheet based on comment received
document ExTAG/49A/CD.
ExTAG/51/CCShort circuit testing of IS batteries
The comments detailed in is document, ExTAG/51/CC were issued for the information of
ExTAG Members when considering ExTAG/49A/CD
10.3 Use of temperature coefficient for ambient temperatures above 40C
As a result of discussions held during the 2003 Budapest Meeting on ExTAG/46/CD Use of temperature coefficient for ambient temperatures above 40C a revised document ExTAG/50/CD, prepared by GB, was circulated for comment. ExTAG/55A/CC is a compilation of the comment received.
Documents to be considered
ExTAG/46/CD Draft decision sheet prepared by AU Bodies - Use of temperature coefficient for ambient temperatures above40C
ExTAG/50/CDExTAG Draft Decision Sheet - Use of temperature coefficient for ambient temperatures above 40 deg C
ExTAG/55A/CC Compilation of Comments received concerning ExTAG/50/CD Draft Decision Sheet - Use of temperaturecoefficient for ambient temperatures above 40C
10.4Procedures for use Ex components not covered by an ExTR
This draft Decision has been prepared in response to enquiries received by the IECEx Secretariat
Document to be considered
ExTAG/61/CD Procedures for use Ex components not covered by an ExTR
10.5Use of the suffix “X”
This Draft Decision Sheet has been prepared by Mr Ajay Maira (TestSafe)
Document to be considered
ExTAG/62A/CD Use of the suffix “X”
10.6Distributor as a Certificate holder
This Draft Decision Sheet has been prepared by Mr Karl Heinz Schwedt (TÜV Nord).
Document to be considered
ExTAG/63/CD Distributor as a Certificate holder
10.7Segregation distances where earthed metal separates IS from Non IS circuits
This Draft Decision Sheet has been prepared by Mr David Walker (ITACS)
Document to be considered
ExTAG/64/CD Segregation distances where earthed metal separates IS from Non IS circuits
10.8Non-metallic parts of enclosures
This Draft Decision Sheet has been prepared by AU
Document to be considered
ExTAG/66/CD Non-metallic parts of enclosures
This Draft Decision Sheet has been prepared by AU
Document to be considered
10.10This Draft Decision Sheet has been prepared by Mr Jim Munro, Chairman of IEC TC/31
Document to be considered
ExTAG/68/CDDraft ExTAGGuidance Document for Sampling of Group I Ex d Motors for Test as Representative of a Range for Certification Purposes
10.11New topics (to be dealt with at the next ExTAG Meeting)
11Contact with other International and Regional Bodies – Status review
11.1ExTAG Chairman and IECEx Officers to report
12CAB/ILAC Cooperation
Review on ILAC Issues (Report by C. Agius).
Document for noting:
- CAB/470/R -Report on the ILAC/CAB Technical Panel meeting, 29 April 2004 (Geneva, Switzerland)
13Integration of service facilities of Ex Repair and Overhaul of Ex Equipment
The ExMC Secretary to report as convenor of ExMC WG 10
Documents to be considered:
ExMC/193/R – Confirmed report of the WG10 Singapore meeting 13.1 Inclusion of ex repair and overhaul within the IECEx Scheme
14Matters for proposal to ExMC
15Other Business
16Confirmation of next meeting, year and place
(normally aligned with ExMC meeting)
17.Close of meeting.
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