Horizon 2020
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions
Organization Name / Department / University Palacký in OlomoucFaculty of Education
Department of primary and pre-primary education / Organization Short Name / UP
Organization Type / University
Public Research Centre
Large Scale Enterprise
Small and Medium Scale Enterprise / Public Body
International NGO
National NGO
Research Fields / Chemistry CHE
Social and Human Sciences SOC
Economic Sciences ECO
Information Science and Engineering ENG
Environment and Geosciences ENV
Life Sciences LIF
Mathematics MAT
Physics PHY / Sub-Fields / Keywords:
Education, study, PhD study, educational system, trends in education, inclusion and intergration, research
Short Description
of the Organization / Department / The roots of the tradition of education at the University of Olomouc go back to the 18th century. That is why the Pedagogical Faculty was one of the faculties that opened immediately after the re-establishment of Palacký University after the Second World War. Over the next years there were ups and down in its development but it has always had an important position both within the region and in the European context. Now it ranks among the largest of the eight faculties of Palacký University.
The Faculty of Education strives for maintaining the tradition, versatility and modernity in the education of students for their teaching careers or other positions in education. This is done in cooperation with the other faculties of Palacký University and the priority is the development of education in the region and in providing qualification of graduates for positions outside the national borders.
Previous Related Projects / Research Experience / SELECTED PROJECTS
Norway grants: Promotion of cooperation and sharing of experience in early childhood education, NF-CZ07-ICP-3-169-2015
CEEPUS III: Educational systems in Central Europe – University of Osijek, Faculty of Education
International project: The Child´s Vision on the World in the Mirror of Children´s Culture, TÁMOP-4.1.2.B.2-13/1-2013-0003
Ministry of education in CZE: Social aspects of inclusion in basic education in the context of international research, 91414101; 4401/11
Grant agentur: Children's readiness to begin mandatory schooling in the current concept curriculum and terms in comparison selected EU countries, 406/09/0206
European Social Fund:
Competence development of teachers with a focus on equal access for individuals in pre-primary and primary education, CZ.1.107/1.2.27/01.0018
Development of professional competence of nursery school teachers in the field about curricular reform, CZ.1.07/1.3.00/48.0036
Short Description of the Project idea
(if foreseeable) / Currently we are focusing on the process of preparation of the grant project Marie Sklodowska-Curie Horizon 2020, where we want to deal with the support the doctoral program in the field of Education. We intend to introduce a “gold” or “green” ways to access data from surveys by PhD students. Furthermore, we would like to support their research mobility and, ultimately, to create a network of professionals who would like to cooperate with us in the professional growth of the students (we would like to introduce online lectures).
Actual study consists of three basic parts:
· The first part of the study (lectures, seminars, graduation courses and seminars, self-study)
· The second part of the scientific research (including project activity), resulting in publication activities, participation in conferences at home and abroad
· The third part of teaching focused on the implementation of the corresponding topics focusing dissertation in education at university.
Related Call / H2020-MSCA
Contact Person / 1Doc. PhDr. Eva Šmelová, Ph.D.
2Mgr. Dominika Provázková Stolinská, Ph.D. – coordinator
Position in the Organization / 1Head of the Department of primary and preprimary education
Tel / +420721 037 9472
Email / 1