SS 11 Timeline Assignment: Canadian Autonomy & Pride!

World War 1 marked a huge turning point in Canada’s role on the World Stage. Events such as Battle of Vimy Ridge and participation in the Treaty of Versailles peace process were instrumental in Canada’s development from “Colony to County”. What has happened since??


·  To develop an understanding of the various people and events involved in shaping Canada’s part in 20th Century World Affairs

·  To practise basic research skills

·  To analyse and interpret information

·  To present data in an organized and efficient manner


Part A: Timeline-Canadian Independence 1920-2000

1.)  Research the dates for the following 15 events.(most are in your textbook)

D-Day / King-Byng Crisis / United Nations formed
CBC created / Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope / Maple Leaf adopted as Canadian flag
Korean War / Expo 67 / Canada Act/Charter of Rights & Freedoms
Persons Case / Statute of Westminister / Suez Crisis
League of Nations formed / Newfoundland joins Confederation / Citizenship Act of 1947

2.)  Research and find any 5 other events from 1920-2000 that helped promote Canadian pride or independence. These events can be personal achievements (ie Terry Fox), international organizations ( ie UN) or specific events (ie Expo 67).

3.)  Create a timeline starting in 1920 and ending in 2000 which shows all 20 (15 + 5)

4.)  Also, on the timeline, highlight the 3 following eras:

a)  The Great Depression 1929- ?

b)  World War 2 1939-?

c)  Cold War 1947-?

Part B Written Explanations

1.  From the list of 20, choose and rank your Top 10 events in order of importance for promoting Canadian pride around the globe.

2.  Write a brief explanation for each of the 10 explaining WHAT the event was and WHY it is important.

Ie: Citizenship Act of 1947 – This post WW2 piece of Canadian legislation changed the terminology on all personal domestic documents (ie Birth Certificates, Passports etc.) from BRITISH SUBJECT to CANADIAN CITIZEN. This was a small but very significant change that made all “Canadians” proud and more distinct.

Marking Criteria

Part A-Timeline

1)  Accuracy –(20 x ½ ) 10 marks

2)  Readability-(scale, organization, title, clarity) 10 marks

3)  Creativity 5 marks

Part B –Written Explanations

1)  Explanations & interpretation 10 x 2 = 20 marks

2)  Creativity – Top 10 – 5 marks

Total 50 marks

Due Date : Friday December 7, 2001