Tennessee English IIEOCPerformance Indicators
Standard 1 - Language
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the eight parts of speech, including theirtroublesome aspects,
such as how to form the past and past participle of irregular butcommonly-used verbs.
1.2 Identify the patterns of a given set of sentences
a. subject-verb
b. subjectactionverb-direct object
c. subject-action verb-indirect object-direct object
d. subject-linkingverb-subject complement**pred. nominative or adj.
e. subject-action verb-direct object-object complement
1.3 Combine a set of simple sentences into a single compound or complexsentence.
1.4 Use sentence-combining techniques, effectively avoiding problematic
a. commasplices
b. run-on sentences
c. sentence fragments.
1.5 Use commas correctly with
a. appositives.
b. introductory words, phrases, orclauses.
1.6 Use commas to set off nonessential elements in a sentence.
1.7 Correct a run-on sentence by using a comma and
a. a coordinating conjunction.
b. a subordinate conjunction.
c. a semicolon.
1.8 Recognize correct subject-verb agreement with intervening elements.
1.9 Recognize a shift within a writing sample in either
a. verb tense.
b. point of view.
1.10 Select correct pronoun usage in a sentence with compound elementssuch as
a. between you and me.
b. following than or as.
1.11 Select correct pronoun-antecedent agreement using
a. collective nouns.
b. indefinite pronouns.
1.12 Recognize the correct placement of end marks and other marks of punctuationwith quotation
marks used in dialogue.
1.13 Select the appropriate word from among frequently confused words.
a. to/too/two
b. their/there/they’re
c. its/it’s
d. your/you’re
e. whose/who’s
f. which/that/who
g. accept/except
h. affect/effect
i. between/among
j. capitol/capital
k. principal/principle
l. stationary/stationery
m. who/whom
n. allusion/ illusion
o. complement/compliment
p. cite/site/sight
q. counsel/council
r. coarse/course
s. farther/further
t. lose/loose
u. fewer/less
v. advice/advise
w. precede/proceed
x. adapt/adopt
y. eminent/imminent
z. assure/ensure/insure
1.14 Use context clues and/or knowledge of roots, affixes, and cognates todetermine the meaning of
unfamiliar words.
1.15Proofread a written passage for errors in punctuation and/or capitalizationand/or spelling.
1.16 Use a sample reference source to determine aspects of a given word.
b. part of speech
e. etymology
1.17Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases
a. RSVPk.E pluribus unum u.ad nauseamee. vox populi
b.déjà vul.prima donna v.carpe diem
c.fauxpasm.avant-gardew.tempus fugit
d.du journ.status quo x.c’est la vie
e.bon voyageo.joie de vivre y.bona fide
f.alma materp.carte blanche z.savoir faire
g.cum laudeq.caveat emptoaa.non sequitur
h.femme fataler.alpha and omegabb.id est
i.esprit de corpss.tabula rasacc.enfant terrible
j.verbatimt.hoi polloidd.terra firma
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 2 - Communication
2.1 Identify the thesis and main points of a challenging speech.
2.2 Distinguish between a summary and a paraphrase.
2.3 Distinguish between
a. a critique.
b. a summary.
2.4 Discern the structure of a challenging speech
a. sequential
b. problem-solution
2.5 Identify rhetorical devices used in a challenging speech
b.parallelism andrepetition
d. hyperbole
2.6 Determine the most effective methods of engaging an audience during an oralpresentation
a. makingeye contact
b.adjusting speaking rate
2.7 Select the most appropriate strategies for participating productively in a team
a.gaining the floor in orderly, respectful ways and listen with civility to the ideas ofothers
b.identify the needs of the team and sharing various resources to respond to thoseneeds
c.establishing clear group agreements and ensuring appropriate individual contributionsare
respected by the team
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 3 -Writing
3.1 Proofread a passage for correct
3.2 Choose the most effective order of sentences in a paragraph.
3.3 Choose the transitional device that appropriately connects sentences orparagraphs within a writing
3.4 Select a vivid word to strengthen a writtendescription
a. adjective
3.5 Demonstrate the ability to combine a set of simple sentences into a longer,more interesting
3.6 Determine the most effective placement of information using a prewritinggraphic organizer.
3.7 Select the thesis statement in a writing sample or passage.
3.8 Evaluate the relevance of supporting sentences by deleting an irrelevantsentence in a passage.
3.9 Rearrange the order of supporting paragraphs within a writing sample given aspecified
organizational pattern
b. chronological
3.10 Identify a statement that reveals the writer’s attitude.
3.11Identify the targeted audience for a selected passage.
3.12 Determine the writer’s purpose in a writing sample.
3.13 Identify sentences that use effective parallelism within a writing sample.
3.14 Select the proper format to convey a set of work-related information.
3.15 Select the most precise word to provide clarity appropriate to audience andpurpose.
3.16 Identify the mode in which a writing sample is written.
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 4 - Research
4.1 Select the research topic with the highest degree of focus.
4.2 Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
4.3 Evaluate the reliability and credibility of sources for use in research.
4.4 Evaluate the validity of Web pages as sources of information.
4.5 Determine which statement presents an opposing view from those stated on aWeb page.
4.6 Identify information that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample.
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 5 - Logic
5.1 Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence in text.
5.2 Choose a logical word to complete an analogy.
5.3 Evaluate text for fact and opinion.
5.4 Analyze cause/effect relationships in text.
5.5 Select the persuasive device
a. bandwagon
b.loaded words
e.plain folks
f.snob appeal
g.misuse of statistics
5.6Identify the logical fallacy within a given argument.
a.appeal to fear
b.personal attack (ad hominem)
c.false dilemma
d.false analogy
e.slippery slope
f.non sequitur
g.false authority
5.7 Differentiate between the stated and implied evidence of a given argument.
5.8 Determine whether a given argument employs deductive or inductivereasoning.
5.9 Identify a statement that reveals the writer’s biases, stereotypes, assumptions,or values within a
writing sample.
5.10 Identify a false premise in text.
5.11 Identify the main claim, premise(s), evidence, or conclusion of a givenargument.
5.12Select an additional sentence to add to an argument within a persuasive text.
5.13 Select a rebuttal statement that best refutes the writer’s viewpoint.
5.14 Distinguish the strongest or weakest point of a given argument.
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 6 - Informational Text
6.1 Discern the stated or implied main idea and supporting details of informationaland technical
6.2 Use the graphics of informational and technical passages to answer questions.
6.3 Determine the appropriateness of a graphic used to support an informational ortechnical passage.
6.4 Identify the organizational structure of an informational or technical text
a. sequential
6.5 Synthesize information across two or more informational or technical texts.
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 7 – Media
7.1 Draw an inference from a non-print medium.
7.2 Select the type of conflict represented in a non-print medium.
7.3 Choose a visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint.
7.4Determine the impact of production elements
7.5 Match a focused message to an appropriate medium.
7.6 Infer the mood represented in a non-print medium.
7.7 Consider the treatment of a particular subject or event in two or more media
a.newspaper andvisual art
b.narrative and poem
c.diary and magazine article
Tennessee English II EOC Performance Indicators
Standard 8 –Literature
8.1 In poetry or prose, identify examples of
8.2 Differentiate among
a.verbal irony.
b.situational irony.
c.dramatic irony.
8.3 Identify and analyze an author’s point of view
a.first person
c.third-person limited
d.third-person omniscient
8.4 Identify and analyze how the author reveals character through
a.what the author tellsus.
b.what the other characters say about him or her.
c.what the character does.
d.what thecharacter says.
e.what the character thinks.
8.5 Determine the significance/meaning of a symbol in poetry or prose.
8.6 Differentiate between mood and tone in poetry or prose.
8.7 Determine the impact of setting on literary elements (i.e., plot, character,theme, tone).
8.8 Identify and analyze the common theme in a series of passages.
8.9 Demonstrate knowledge of sound and metric devices.
a. rhyme {internal,slant}
b. rhythm
c. blank verse
d. free verse
e. repetition
f. alliteration
g. onomatopoeia
8.10 Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of
a. lyric poetry.
b. epics.
c. sonnets.
d. dramatic poetry.
e. ballads.
8.11 Identify and analyze the elements of drama such as
a. stage directions.
b. dialogue.
c. soliloquy.
d. monologue.
e. aside.
8.12 Locate words or phrases in a passage that provide historical or cultural cues.
8.13 Identify and analyze standard literary elements such as
a. allegory.
b. parable.
c. paradox.
d. parody.
e. satire.
f. foreshadowing.
g. flashback.
8.14 Identify classical, historical, and literary allusions in context.
8.15 Identify and analyze basic elements of plot.
a. exposition
b. rising action
c. climax
d. falling action
e. resolution (dénouement)
8.16 Analyze how form relates to meaning (e.g., compare a poem and a newspaperon the same theme
or topic).
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