Inklings Submission Guidelines
All undergraduates of Miami University are welcome to submit their works of art, short fiction and poetry for publication in Inklings: Miami’s Undergraduate Literary Magazine. Instructions are given below by type of submission.
· You may submit up to 5 total works for publication in the magazine each semester. Please note that no more than 3 works may be submitted in the single category of poetry or the single category of fiction; 5 pieces of artwork may be submitted.
· All submissions require a coversheet specifying: submitter’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and title of work submitted. The submitter’s name should NOT appear anywhere on the physical piece(s) submitted, except the cover sheet. Separate coversheets are required for each submission.
· Writing submissions should be emailed to . Artwork submissions should be emailed to . Alternatively, submissions may be turned in to the Inklings mailbox in the Student Activities Wing of Shriver Center (third floor).
· Note that, if requested, submissions can be reconsidered for the next magazine. A submission not selected upon first evaluation may still be considered for inclusion in future magazines.
· Questions? Please contact our editor:
Steven Hoffman -
Original copies of artwork must be submitted on slide or computer disk. These slides and/or disks may be placed in the Inklings mailbox in the Student Activities Wing, located on the third floor of Shriver Center, or may be emailed to Robert Tesar at . Please title the email “Inklings Artwork” so that they do not mistake your message for a computer virus. Rob will confirm via email that he has received your submission(s). If you do not receive an email confirmation within two weeks after submitting, please contact Rob to ensure that your work has been received.
All submissions require a separate coversheet that includes the submitter’s name, address, phone number and email address, title and description of the type of artwork being submitted (e.g. color photograph, oil on canvas, wood carving, etc). Optional: a brief paragraph relating to style, layout, or intent of the submission. However, if you are submitting via email, all of the above information may be included in the body of the email. There are no restrictions on the type of artwork that may be submitted (sculpture, photographs, drawings, paintings, etc.) as long as they are submitted on disk or slide. Up to five pieces of art may be submitted by any one person.
All writing must be submitted either on a disk (placed in our Shriver Student Activities Wing mailbox) or by email to Cass Ford (). The piece must be typed in Microsoft Word or some form of Rich Text Format easily readable by Word. Cass will confirm via email that she has received your submission(s). If you do not receive an email confirmation within two weeks after submitting, please contact her to ensure that your work has been received.
Short Fiction
Submissions of short fiction may be of any genre or type. Included in this definition are plays, short stories of any genre, and screenplays that meet the word limit requirements. Please note that this is a literary magazine, and accepted pieces generally show a high degree of literary merit.
Up to three short fiction pieces may be submitted; the page limit for each is 20 pages double-spaced in 12-point font.
Up to three works of poetry may be submitted by any one person.