Shelter Project Update
As you may know in December the Town of Catharine did grant The Humane Society approval to build a shelter for dogs and cats at our location in Alpine. However, the approval came with a number of restrictions. At that time we indicated that we needed to evaluate the financial and operational impact of those restrictions. Some of restrictions are fairly straightforward and easily implemented but others carry increased financial implications. Further, there are some new circumstances which may now make it impossible for us to build on that property.
Given the increasing costs at our current location and a level of uncertainty we are also evaluating the feasibility of consolidating our spay/neuter clinic, our cat sheltering and the dog shelter at Kurtz Enterprises, located on Marina Drive in Montour Falls.
We are currently evaluating the costs of the renovations needed to repurpose that facility for our use and are in the early stages of discussion with the current owners. We have also begun discussions with the Village of Montour Falls regarding our ability to operate in that location given the zoning ordinances. Initially, we were advised that the proposed use is a permitted use in that district with a special use permit. We presented our proposal to The Village Planning Board who voted to refer the proposal to The County Planning Commission. A review by the County Planning Commission is required because the property is within 500 feet of a state highway. The Village Planning Board also made a motion to schedule a Public Hearing which is the next step in the process.
We have since been advised that there is a question as to whether or not the project is, in fact, an allowed use with a special use permit. Therefore, we are now required to ask the Zoning Board of Appeals for an interpretation of the zoning ordinance. That meeting will be scheduled as soon as possible.
The public hearing for the project at Kurtz Enterprises is scheduled by the Planning Board for February 2nd at 7 pm at the Village Hall in Montour Falls. This will be an opportunity for our membership and the general public to see the plans for the project and to voice support. Your participation is greatly appreciated.