Child's Full Name: Male Female
(First) (Middle)(Last)

Date of BirthCity & State of BirthScheduled Date of Baptism

Father’s birth name Married Name

Mother’s birth name Married Name


(street)(city)(state, zip)

Home phone Mother’s Cell Father’s Cell

Other Phones

Mother’s Email: Father’s Email

Best way to reach you: Phone Email

Religious Background:

Mother / Father
Yes / No / Uncertain / Yes / No / Uncertain
Baptism in Catholic Church
Confirmation in Catholic Church
First Communion in Catholic Church
Baptized Other Christian

If either parent is not Catholic, what is his/her religious affiliation and/or background?

Parish Identification:

In which parish are you registered:

___ St. Aloysius (Number of years in the parish )

___ Another parish (name, city, state)

___ Not currently registered in any parish

If you are not a St. Aloysius parishioner, for what reasons are you choosing to present your child for Baptism here?

Which weekend Mass do you usually attend (checkone):

□ 5:00PM (Sat.)□ 8:30AM (Sun.)□ 11AM (Sun.)□ 5:00PM (Sun.) □7:00PM (Sun.)

Do you attend: ___ Every week___ Occasionally___ Rarely

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Please see the schedule of preparation sessions and Baptism dates.
Please indicate which preparation sessions you plan to attend:

If you have participated in Baptism preparation before, please indicate when and where. Please note that a confirmation letter will be needed.

NOTE: A Baptism date for your child, whether in St. Aloysius church or any of the chapels located within the parish, cannot be confirmed until preparation is complete. If an emergency prevents you from attending the preparation sessions as planned, please call 509-313-7009 beforehand(24 hr. answering machine) or e-mail .

Are there any circumstances or special needs that could affect your ability to participate in the preparation sessions? How can we help you?

Celebrantfor baptisms at St. Aloysius Parish is usually the priest assigned to the Baptism weekend liturgy. If you are requesting another celebrant (priest or deacon friend or relative), please explain your request.

It is important that you review the section Godparents for Your Child enclosed in this packet. One godparent (at least) must be a fully initiated,practicingCatholic. In most cases, this will mean that this godparent is an active member of a parish.

Please give full names and parishes of godparent(s). Print clearly.

1.Name □ Catholic□ Other Christian


2. Name □ Catholic□ Other Christian


Return this form at least two weeks before the scheduled preparation sessions to:

Michele Lassiter

330 E. Boone Ave.

St. Aloysius Parish

Spokane, WA 99202

FAX: 509-313-5892

Questions? Call 509-313-7009 or e-mail:

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