Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus

Mrs. Allen’s Class

Quilcene School

Katie Allen



In each of my classes I review the Common Core State Standards and build projects around each set of standards. Students will write, read and present multiple times each week.

Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus

Absentee Policy:

Unplanned Absence- Upon returning to school students must talk with the teacher to gather any missing assignments, they will have 24 hours after returning to school to turn in all missing or late work.

Planned Absences- If a student knows they are to be absent they must communicate with the teacher to gather work that will be missed while away. They must also turn in any work in progress before they leave. Upon return to school ALL work is due.

Homework Policy:

Homework is a very important part of each students education and will be put towards each students grade. Students are expected to write a five paragraph entry in their journals each night, journals will be checked weekly on Friday’s. Students are expected to read 40 books this school year (see book challenge), this means reading will need to take place at home and outside of school.

Grading Policy:

Grading is done based upon mastery. Each assignment turned in will be graded based upon the given standard and the level of mastery each student has proven. Each standard will have multiple assignments so students have various opportunities to prove their level of mastery.

Academic Concerns:

If you have concern about your student’s academic progress please contact me to set up a meeting, we can discuss interventions as needed and next steps to advocate for your student.

If you are concerned that your student is not being challenged enough please set up a meeting with me to discuss nominating your student for the Highly Capable Program.

Classroom Rules and Discipline Policy:

Students will have a Class Dojo account, through this, students will be accountable for their actions and behaviors in class. If students behavior is drastic I will contact Mr. Breaky, Miss. Ma’am to investigate and deal with the issue. Parents will be contacted when issues arise.

Communicating with the Teacher:

Please bookmark our class website to review daily schedules, important links, and classroom information

Class Dojo will be used to keep parents up to date with students behaviors, but it will also be used to communicate with parents and students will be using it as an online portfolio.

Please keep this syllabus for future reference and return the last page to Mrs.Allen

Contact Information:

Mrs. Katie Allen

Quilcene School

(360) 765-3363 ext 224


Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus

*Class Dojo is the best way to reach me, I will do my best to answer within 24 hours.


Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus


Student Name


Parent/Guardian Name #1


Work #


Parent/Guardian Name #2


Work #


Home Phone #


E-mail address


Cell #


E-mail address



Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus

*Please put a star next to the best way(s) to reach a parent/guardian during the school day.

Is there a computer available at home? Are you able to log-on to the Internet?


Do you give permission for your child’s picture (with no name) to be used on the class website?


Is there anything that would be helpful for me to know?





I have read this syllabus with my son/daughter and we have discussed and understand all of the policies and procedures.

Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date

Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus

Allen Mrs. Allen’s Syllabus