Social Studies 30: Do We Really Need the CRTC? Really? /72

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Name: ______

Please note: This sheet must be handed in with the essay!!!

Choose one of the following:

  1. Since its inception in 1968, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission has taken a lot of heat. Many people feel that they are having their culture forced upon them. Imagine you have been hired as the CRTC’s chief communications officer. It is your job to deal with the backlash and sell the idea of the CRTC to the people of Canada. To that end, you have been given the task of starting the promotional campaign. You need to start by writing an essay promoting the virtues of the CRTC’s Canadian content requirements for the CRTC website. The essay must be your standard five-paragraph essay and needs to be typed so it can be easily scanned on to the CRTC’s website.
  2. You are a Regina radio disc jockey who is tired of the CRTC’s Canadian content requirements. You feel you may go crazy if you have to play Alanis Morissette’s Ironic one more time! You’ve decided to start a Facebook campaign (titled, Isn’t it Demonic … Don’t You Think) to bring an end to the CRTC’s reign of terror. You feel that you could use your immense local celebrity to gain support to abolish the Canadian content requirements. You would like to put an essay on your Facebook page to outline your cause. The essay is your standard five-paragraph essay and needs to be typed so it can easily be uploaded onto the popular social networking site.
  3. You are a middle of the road politician pandering for votes from people on both sides of the CRTC issue. Your plan is to reform the CRTC’s Canadian content requirements and hopefully gain votes in the process. You see the merit of the requirements but feel they could be improved upon. You feel that there are three improvements that can make the system better. You need to write an essay explaining your ideas for reform. The essay must be your standard five-paragraph essay and needs to be typed so it can be easily scanned on to your political mailer.

The Five-Paragraph Essay Formula:

The five-paragraph essay consists of five paragraphs, each serving a purpose:

  1. Introduction that ends with your thesis statement
  2. Topic A that supports your thesis
  3. Topic B that supports your thesis
  4. Topic C that supports your thesis
  5. A re-cap of your thesis statement, which leads off the Conclusion paragraph

Please note: The Evaluation Schema is on the reverse.

All five paragraphs /5 (You get five marks or zero!!!)

Each paragraph typed in 12 point Times New Roman font with correct margins:

  1. Paragraph One /1
  2. Paragraph Two /1
  3. Paragraph Three /1
  4. Paragraph Four /1
  5. Paragraph Five /1

Topic sentence for each:

  1. Paragraph One /1
  2. Paragraph Two /1
  3. Paragraph Three /1
  4. Paragraph Four /1
  5. Paragraph Five /1

At least 5 meaningful (not repetitive or redundant – Ha ha!!!) sentences in body:

  1. Paragraph One /3 (You get three marks or zero!!!)
  2. Paragraph Two /3 (You get three marks or zero!!!)
  3. Paragraph Three /3 (You get three marks or zero!!!)
  4. Paragraph Four /3 (You get three marks or zero!!!)
  5. Paragraph Five /3 (You get three marks or zero!!!)

Concluding sentences:

  1. Paragraph One /1
  2. Paragraph Two /1
  3. Paragraph Three /1
  4. Paragraph Four /1
  5. Paragraph Five /1

Each paragraph sticks to the main idea:

1.  Paragraph Two /3

2.  Paragraph Three /3

3.  Paragraph Four /3

Uses vivid details:

1.  Paragraph Two /2

2.  Paragraph Three /2

3.  Paragraph Four /2


1.  Spelled correctly /2

2.  Complete sentences /2

3.  Punctuated correctly /2

4.  Capitalized correctly /2

5.  Correct grammar /2

6.  No run-on sentences /2

Works cited (at least two sources and three in essay quotes):

  1. Correctly cited /10

These might help: