Bring a Friend Instructions:

Women Rocking Business LIVE
March 6-8, 2018 in Santa Cruz

WHOOHOOO! By entering the Bring a Friend Contest for Women Rocking Business LIVE, you’re eligible for some awesome prizes.And, we are honored you’re trusting us to send your friends to our event!

  • #1: Everyone who brings 1-3 friends will get one FREE Coaching Session per friendwith ANY COACH… up to 3 sessions for 3 friends (Asyou know, this is VALUABLE!)
  • #2: Everyone who brings 3 or more friends gets FREE Admission to our VIRTUAL VIP DAY 'GET IT DONE' TRAINING($3000 value) with Sirena & Sage on ZOOM where we are going to help you rock out your Profitable Group Program, choose price, dial in your first paid offer & create your marketing so you can experience your first real LEVERAGE!!!
  • #3: GRAND PRIZE: The goddess who brings the most friends will receivean All Expense Paid trip to the Big Island,Hawaii this Fall for the Big Island Branding Retreat ($5,000 Value)Whether you join Leverage or not, this retreat is HUGELY valuable - you'll get branded, you'll get to swim with manta rays and we'll pay your airfare and ocean view hotel room and you're going to have a BLAST!


  1. Use the email below to invite your friends and networking contacts to Women Rocking Business LIVE. Just be sure your friends use the special "friend ticket" link to book their seat deposit AND enter Your Name on the "Who Referred you to Women Rocking Business LIVE?" section of thecheckout page when they register (and feel free to re-write the email in your own voice)!
  2. Call them the same day, let them know authentically what you’ve experienced in this program that has contributed to you, and if you attended the event last year tell them about that too! Let your friend know you believe in her and would like to build your business alongside her, and at thiseventyou can both learn similar tools so you can hold each other accountable and collaborate to support each other more deeply. Let her know there’s an email in her inbox with a website link to check out and that the tickets are first come first serve.Follow up a week later if you haven’t heard back from her!
  3. Book your own seat deposit using the link below so that we know you’re coming, and start planning your stay with your friends!

We’re pasting in the email below so you can copy/past and use this template.

Thanks Goddess for being the best thing about Women Rocking Business—

Team Sage

Possible Subject #1: Join me: Women Rocking Business LIVE on the CA coast

Possible Subject #2: Wow this event rocks for Women Entrepreneurs


I’m writing because I have a free ticket I’d like to offer you to a life changing entrepreneurial workshop for women on the California Coast with my mentor and business coach Sage Lavine and her amazing team at Women Rocking Business.

Every spring hundreds of women solo-preneurs, coaches, healers, authors, and practitioners gather for a life-changing, strategy rich, transformative entrepreneurial women’s summit…

Sage, along with her team and guest speakers will be teaching you her 3 love-based launch plans to find and enroll your perfect clients, fill your practice and group programs and make the difference you’re meant to make in the world… and charge what you’re worth so you can reach your income goals doing what you love.


As her client, Sage has gifted me 12 free tickets to this event, first come first serve – and I thought of you!

If you get to the page and the free tickets are gone, you’ll be redirected to Sage’s page to purchase a ticket.

The collaborative approach just works for women in business—women thrive doing it together. That’s why I recommend you grab one of these free tickets:

“Women Rocking Business LIVE”
Grow your Tribe, Lead your Tribe
And change the world, together.
March 6-8, 2018

Again, Sage gifted me these 12 free tickets and they’re available on a first come, first serve basis & this year is already half sold out. When you register you’ll be asked to put a $100 seat deposit down to reserve your seat, but you’ll get that back when you get to the event!

You can even check out the video of last year's event by clicking below.

Get your free ticket now by entering my name on the “Who Referred you to Women Rocking Business LIVE?” section of the checkout page to receive this special Friend Ticket![Insert hyperlink:

Here are more highlights from the event:
  • Learn 3 "Done-For-You" Launch Plans to Fill your Client Practice, Group Programs, Workshops & Retreats
  • Clarify your Marketable Message so you can Increase your Income & Impact
  • Discover the Formula for Financial Feminine Freedom... Work 12 Days a Month or Less making 6-7 Figures... Doing what you LOVE!
Get your free ticket now![Insert hyperlink:
Hope you’ll join Sage in March in Santa Cruz, CA.. .
[Insert Your Signature]
P.S. Sage only does this event once a year and women fly in from all over the world, I want to invite you to join us to learn love-based launch plans so you can grow your database full of clients who love you, and master a collaborative approach that just works for women… we thrive when we do it together.