CMO 2009 Schedule

Friday, July 31, 2009

8:00am – Registration

8:45am – Welcome and Introductions (Sanctuary)

9:00am – General Session #1 – “This Thing Called Worship” – Part 1

Dr. Jim Shaddix, pastor, and Charlie Martin, worship pastor –

Riverside BC, Denver, CO

10:15am– Break

10:45am – Conference Session #1

Pastors – Worship Leadership – What is Your Part?

Dr. Shaddix

Ministers of Music – Worship Leadership – What is Your Part?

Charlie Martin

Instrumentalists – Worship Leadership – What is Your Part?

Dr. Becky Lombard

Technology and Media – Worship Leadership – What is Your Part?

Pamela Vandewalker

Children’s Choir Workers – How Children Worship

Dr. Donna Peavey

Noon – Lunch (provided)

12:30pm – Directions for Worship and Music in Oklahoma

Percussion ensemble/Fine Arts Academy

1:15pm – Fellowship Break

1:45pm – Conference Session #2

Pastors – “You Can Communicate with Your Worship Leader”

Jim Shaddix

Ministers of Music – “You Can Communicate with Your Pastor”

Charlie Martin

Instrumentalists – What makes it right?

Piano and Organ – Dr. Becky Lombard

Worship Band – Brad Henderson

Technology and Media - How Much is Too Much?

David Richardson

Children’s Choir Workers

OC/YC – Pedagogical Needs of Children

Dr. Donna Peavey

Preschool Choirs – Planning for Worship with Preschoolers

Pamela Vandewalker

3:00pm – Break

3:30pm – General Session #2

“Modern Hymns and the Song of the Church”

Keith Getty

4 :45pm – Dinner (on your own)

7:00pm – Worship Concert with the Gettys, Oklahoma Baptist Symphony,

and Baptist Mass Choir

8:30pm – CMO Desert Reception with the Gettys

9:00pm – dismiss

Saturday, August 1

8:00am – One Day Registration

9:00am – General Session #3 – “This Thing Called Worship” – Part 2

Dr. Shaddix/Charlie Martin

10:15am – Break

10:45am – Conference Session #3

Pastors – What to look for in a Worship Leader


Ministers of Music

Ministry Planning – Organizing for Ministry

Jim Faull

The Worship Choir – Techniques and Resources


Technology and Media - Small and Getting Started

David Richardson

Children’s Choir Workers

Older and Younger Children – Children Leading Worship?

Pamela Vandewalker

Preschool Children – Pedagogical Needs of Preschoolers

Dr. Donna Peavey

Noon – Lunch (provided)

1:30pm – Conference Session #4

All Registrants

Panel Discussion ~ Where Does Music Fit in Worship?


2:45 – Closing Worship

3:15 – Dismiss with a Song