26 Look there is the steamer

(= zieginds komt de stoomboot)

1. Look there is the steamer ......

2. from far-away lands ......

3. it brings us Saint Nicholas ......

4. he's waving his hands ......

5. his horse is a-prancing * ......

6. on deck up and down ......

7. the banners are waving ......

8. in village and town ......

9. Black Peter is laughing ......

10. and tells everyone ......

11. the good kids get candy ......

12. the bad ones get none ......

13. Oh, dearest St. Nicholas ......

14. if Pete and you would ......

15. just visit our house ......

16. for we all have been good ......

* prancing = steigeren

27 Bright December moon is beaming

(= zie de maan schijnt door de bomen)

1. Bright December moon is beaming ......

2. boys and girls now stop your play ......

3. for tonight's the wondrous evening ......

4. eve of good Saint Nicholas day ......

5. over the roofs his horse unshod* 2x ......

6. brings us cake or else the rod ......

7. We will share things fair and even ......

8. marzipan and gingerbread......

9. Oh, what fun it'll be to play with ......

10. toys and games till time for bed ......

11. only naughty kids will shake 2x ......

12. get the rod instead of cake ......

13. No one here needs to be fearful ......

14. nother says we have been good ......

15. though perhaps we've not been always......

16. as obedient as we should ......

17. so we wait in hopeful fear 2x ......

18. holy saint be welcome here ......

unshod = ongeschoeid

28 Oh, come have a look at

(= Oh, kom er eens kijken)


1. Oh, come have a look at ......

2. what I'm finding in my boot ......

3. dropped through the chimney ......

4. yet no speck of soot* ......

5. A doll with pigtails in her hair ......

6. her dress as white as saint's old mare ......

7. a sugar bunny sweet and quaint** ......

8. we thank you dear old saint ......

9. (Chorus)

10. A jumping jack with woolly head ......

11. my name in letters of gingerbread ......

12. a book with pictures and some paint......

13. we thank you dear old saint ......


* speck of soot = spikeltje/vlekje roet

** quaint = curieusvreemd

29 Hear the wind over rooftops humming

(= hoor de wind waait door de bomen)

1. Hear the wind over rooftops humming......

2. in the chimney hear it blow ......

3. will Saint Nicholas still be coming ......

4. through the storms and through the snow 2x......

5. Yes he comes though storms be beating ......

6. on his horse so strong and fast ......

7. if he hears our hearts a beating ......

8. surely he would not ride past 2x ......

30 Hear who knocks there children

(= hoor wie klopt daar kinderen)

1. Hear who knocks there children ......

2. hear who taps there children ......

3. hear who raps against the window panes ......

4. it's a stranger surely ......

5. who is lost here surely ......

6. let us ask him what may be his name ......

7. Saint Nicholas, Saint Nicholas ......

8. pay us a call tonight please do ......

9. we've put hay and carrots ......

10. in each and every shoe ......

11. Naughty children, says Mum ......

12. get no presents says Mum ......

13. who's been naughty, says Mum ......

14. Pete will scold * ......

15. for Saint Nicholas, says Mum ......

16. does not fancy, says Mum ......

17. children who refuse to do as told ......

18. Saint Nicholas, Saint Nicholas ......

19. pay us a call tonight please do ......

20. we've put hay and carrots ......

21. in each and every shoe ......

* scold = schelden