April 27, 2011 Electronic Edition Volume 9, Issue 15

Sunday Services – 10:00 am

May 1: “The Yeztzer Hara” Rev. Victoria Weinstein

Today is Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. We will be introduced to the concept of the “yetzer hara,” or evil inclination, and reflect on the shadow side within ourselves and as a species. Without wallowing in shame and guilt, what does our religion ask us to do about it? We welcome Jim Brown as special guest organist.

May 8: “No Brown M&M’s: On Being Faithful in Small Things” Stuart Twite, Pulpit Guest

May 15: “Beam Me Up, Scotty” Rev. Victoria Weinstein

May 12, 2011 has been identified by some Christian groups as the Judgment Day. Assuming that we are all still alive, we will gather to consider the powerful hold the End Times have on the popular imagination. Where did this rapture for the Rapture come from? Is there anything useful in the idea for us?

May 22: MUSIC SUNDAY Rev. Victoria Weinstein



Don't miss the Meetinghouse Organ dedication concert this Saturday evening, April 30. The concert will begin 7:30 pm and is free. In addition to what we're sure will be a great concert, each attendee will receive a special 16-page commemorative program booklet which includes a color photo of the organ. Also enjoy a wine reception following the concert where you can meet our concert organist, Jim Brown, and the organ builder, Darron Wissinger.


The Alliance is hosting its Annual Meeting and Luncheon on Wednesday, May 4 at noon in the Parish Hall. All are welcome at this special event! Please RSVP to Helen Keeler at 781-837-8248 if you will be attending.


Red Sox Raffle: Paul and Netta Vercollone have once again donated 3 Sky View Red Sox tickets for the Spring Market Raffle. The game is Tuesday, May 31 against the Chicago White Sox. We will begin selling raffle tickets this coming Sunday at Coffee Hour (1 for $1 and 6 for $5).

The Spring Market is a co-operative church fund-raiser. We need help from everyone in the church- donors of items, workers the week before the Market and on the day of the Market, and customers the day of the Market. Sounds easy, but MANY, MANY people are needed to pull off a successful Spring Market. Please help this year!

Several years ago we went to this co-operative model since too much was being done by far too few people before then. For the Church tables, we are now asking donors to sort their donations directly onto the church tables. There will be signs and people to help you sort! Also, we want relatively clean items in good working condition with all parts there. We used to have to put donations in the dumpster before the day of the Market since they could not be sold. The last few years, you all have been very good about this. Thank you so very much!


·  used household & kitchen items, books, jewelry, toys, etc. for the church tables (no clothes, magazines, encyclopedias, text books, computers, printers, or TV's please)

·  new or fine used collectible items for the “Tongue in Chic Boutique”

·  potted garden plants for the large plant sale

Items can be brought in the Sunday before the Spring Market (May 15), and Tuesday-Friday mornings that week (May 17-20). Additional times may be announced that week.

Eric Page has once again volunteered to pick up items for people who can’t get them here themselves. In the next Spire, we will tell you how this will work. Thank you so much, Eric!

And remember, you can rent a table for $25 to sell your own items and keep your profits! Call the church office at 781-659-7122 Tuesday-Friday mornings to reserve a table for your family!

For information, contact Bev Gardner at 781-829-0932 or .


When: Saturday, May 14 from 7- 8pm

Where: Satuit Bowlaway in Scituate Harbor

Cost: $5 per person (estimated)

RSVP: Les Taylor at (781) 837-2929 or .


Scenes of the North River
Friday, May 6from 6-9 pm

Thirty-five local artists have created new works (sculpture, turned wooden items, watercolors, pastels and oils) all depicting our beloved river. The show remains on view through May 30. Come to the opening party and enjoy light fare, music by Alex Gordon and meet the artists. All works are for sale with proceeds benefiting the library. Tickets are available online at www.jameslibrary.org ($25) and at the door ($30). Call 781-659-7100 for more information.

The microphone stand has disappeared in the past month from the Meetinghouse. If you know its whereabouts, please let the Church Office know.

To Deane Howard, Don Messinger and Jim Miller for locating, purchasing and installing the two new refrigerators in the church kitchen.

To Peg Carpenter, Sally Turner and Mary Winn for tidying up and thinning out the perennial flower beds at the Kent House.


We are always pleased to have new members from the congregation! We have one meeting a month on the Second Sunday after church and a “retreat” (usually pot luck breakfast or dinner at the church with an extended meeting) in June to wrap things up and to plan for the next year. Please consider joining us!
Bev Gardner, Chair, Fogg Service Committee
Members: Marcia & Scott Babcock, Pat Bordewieck, Carrie Brandon, Pat Crumley, Tommie Magazu, Barbara Meacham, Mary Mercier, Dorothy & Bill Montuori, Sue Robinson (Parish Committee liaison), Amy Stephenson, Jack Wallace and Jane & Stan Wilderoter.


This is an outstanding bloom year for magnolias! All are cordially invited to see Harry Heineman’s magnolia collection in bloom, starting now through May 8. If you would like the “guided tour”, please call Harry at 781-545-2516 before stopping by (673 First Parish Road, Scituate).

For information on the church’s religious education program for both adults and children, please visit the “RE Everyday” blog at http://reeveryday.blogspot.com.


Wednesday, April 27: Family Passover Seder and Potluck Supper in the Parish Hall, 6:30 pm

Saturday, April 30: Organ Concert and Dedication in the Meetinghouse at 7:30 pm, followed by a reception in the Parish Hall

Sunday, May 1: Activities Committee in the Office, 11:30 am

Tuesday, May 3: Finance committee in the Office, 7:15 pm

Wednesday, May 4: Alliance Annual Meeting and Luncheon in the Parish Hall, 12 pm

Saturday, May 7: First Parish Golf Tournament, followed by dinner in the Parish Hall

Sunday, May 8: Fogg Service Committee in the Fogg Parlor, 11:30 am

Monday, May 9: Worship Committee in the Office, 7:30 pm

Tuesday, May 10: Invested Funds Committee in the Fogg Parlor, 7:30 pm

The deadline for the next hard-copy edition of The Spire is Sunday, May 8th.

For more information, or to review archived issues of The Spire, go to www.firstparishnorwell.org

The full First Parish calendar can be accessed online at the website by selecting “News” then scrolling to the calendar option.