Javier Aguilar

EDCI 6304- Assignment # 17P

1. From lecture number four, we learned about "schemata," and two forms of schemata called categories and scripts. In lecture five, Prof. P. continues discussing ways to acquire, or build, new categories and scripts. What are those two ways for building new categories and scripts?

According to Dr. P. individuals acquiring scripts is when we collect information that leads to the rules for a script, and the second way is the tactic approach that involves guessing after applying previous experience.

2. If you are training new employees to learn a specific, job-related skill what is the best way for a new employee to develop a new "script" for that specific skill? (You may want to consider an example with which you are familiar. I used to drill for oil, and I have developed a script for changing the drill bit for the drilling apparatus on oil exploration platform. What would've been the optimal way for me to prepare for that task prior to doing it by having some sort of script, according to Prof. P.

I have experience in learning a new version of the hotel program we use at our company. A supervisor and I are the only two persons that took the training and was delegated the responsibility to create two sessions in which to trainother employees. We acted as coaches by explaining step by step new tools, icons or shortcuts of the software. Our advantage was that the employees were familiar with previous versions of this system.

3. From lecture six, we saw the chimps and humans babies have much in common. But in several critical ways, even babies are significantly different from chimps. What are some of those differences?

Differences between chimps and human babies are listed based on studies from Michael Tomaselloand his colleagues that describes how human babies share with other human babies their food while baby chimps do not share this particular trait.Chimps act more selfish and see their own benefit where in contrast human babies want to share playtime with other humans for that emotional contact. Another difference between human babies and chimpanzee babies is that human babies communicate on a constant basis with noises, reactions, and feedback from their parents. In comparison, baby chimpanzees only look for the advantage to themselves when communicating.

4. One difference between chimps and humans babies in particular reference by Prof. P. is that maybe chimps have no desire to play games (although they like to play a great deal) whereas human babies greatly enjoyed playing games. Think of what you have learned about Vygotsky and discuss briefly in terms of learning what advantage the human babies will have as compared to their baby chimp counterparts due to the human propensity to want to play games?

Children always look to interchange play time with other kids and are willing to change to different games or activities as long as they continue to have interaction. In the case of the Chimps when a certain game or activity stops, then the chimps are no longer interested in that activity and just simply stop. Their interaction is based on what they are involved with in the moment, and not with other chimpanzees.