United States Army Warrant Officers Association

Audie L. Murphy Chapter

P.O. Box 5218

Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas 78763

USAWOA-ALM 21 September2015

SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes, USAWOA Audie L. Murphy Chapter, 17 September 2015

1. Call to Order. A quorum was verified by Audie L. Murphy Chapter President, Ms. Christy Murray, at the Chapter meeting held at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas on 17 September 2015 at 1216 hours.

2. Opening Ceremony.

a. Pledge of Allegiance.

b. Invocation. Delivered by Ms. Christy Murray.

3. Roll Call. No roll call was conducted. There were 17 members in attendance and 2members who called in.

4. Reading and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes. Motion was made to accept the previous meeting minutes was made by Mr. Luis Chavez, second by Ms. Patricia Crawson. All members were in favor, minutes were approved. Minutes will be published in the ALMWOA newsletter.

5. Communications and Correspondence. None

6. Announcements. Chapter President, Ms. Christy Murray expressed congratulations to newly promoted Warrant Officers and newly appointedWarrant Officers. She also wished a Happy Birthday to all of those withSeptemberbirthdays.

7. Report of Officers.

a. Secretary’s Report. Mr. Luis Chavezdid not have any new information to report.

b. Treasurer’s Report. Ms. Christy Murrayread the financial report. A motion was made to accept the report byMs. Anita Dickens, second by Mr. Ellis Spencer. All members were in favor, report was approved.

Operating Funds: $2,585.87

FY16 AMM Funds: $1,768.00

Scholarship Funds: $1,107.00

Account Total: $5,460.87

c. Vice President’s Report. Ms. Melissa Harden was not present.

d. President’s report. Ms. Christy Murray addressed email correspondenceinsinuating that the majority of the ALMWOA work is done by only a small number of individuals. She stated that she is aware that at times members can’t participate or contribute due to work or family commitments. She stated that the intent of the correspondence wasmore of a call for help and not meant to offend anyone; she apologized to anyone who may have been offended by it. She reminded everyone of the commitment and financial resources needed in order for the ALMWOA Chapter to successfully host the AMM in 2016.


SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes, USAWOA Audie L. Murphy Chapter, 17 September 2015

8. New Members. Chapter President Ms. Christy Murray extendeda warm welcome to new member Mr. Derek Rewekant.

9. Introduction of Guests. Chapter President Ms. Christy Murray welcomed WOC Mr. Travis Chapell to the ALMWOA meeting.

10. Committee Reports.

a. Membership Committee. Mr.Devon Lovestated that ALMWOA stands at 114 members as of 17September 2015. Ms. Christy Murray asked Mr. Devon Love for a roster of new Warrant Officers in order to engage and encourage them to become active members of our community..

b. Scholarship Committee. Mr. Jeffrey Felton did not have anynew information to report.

c. Historic Committee. Ms. SatinaSaxby was not present.

d. Benevolence Committee. Mr. Devon Love stated that he is not aware of anyone in distress or in need of assistance at this time.

e. Awards Committee. Ms. Anita Dickensstated that due to scheduling conflictsMAJ Dupuy and LTC Crawsonwould not be present to receive their award and that the award would be presented at next month’s meeting. She asked membersto submit names of individuals, businesses or organizations who have supported ALMWOA in order to recognize them and to express oursincere appreciation.

f. Social Events Committee. – Mr. Bryan Shaw was not present.

(1) Greet and Congratulate: Ms. MinetteHatt was not present.

(2) NGAT: Ms. Terri Marshall did not have any new updates.

(3) American Heroes: Ms. Anita Dickens did not have any new updates.

(4) WO Birthday: Mr. Beau Tidrickwas not present.

(5) Holiday Events: Ms. Christy Murray asked for a volunteer to head this event.

(6) Fun Run/Walk Charity Events: Ms. Christy Murray stated that the October freaky Friday 5K run was rescheduled for December due to APFT scheduling conflicts and will now be the Jingle All the Way 5K. She stated that participants can still dress up as Santa, the Grinch, or a reindeer.

(7) Warrant Officer Networking Event: Mr. Tracey Ference was not present, however Ms. Christy Murray invited everyone to the next event to be held on 21 October 2015, 1700 to 1900 hours at the Westside Alehouse in Round Rock, TX. She encouraged everyone come and enjoy some food and bond with fellow Warrants.

g. Community Awareness/Outreach Committee. – Ms. Katherine Brownwas not present.

(1) Special Olympics: Ms. Liz Brite was not present.

(2) Blood Drives: Mr. Vicente Cedillos was not present.

(3) Habitat for Humanity: Ms. Arsilia Perez was not present.


SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes, USAWOA Audie L. Murphy Chapter, 17 September 2015

(4) Community Support: Ms. Lakeshia Marshall was not present; however, Ms. Christy Murray stated that October 10th and 24th are available as a volunteer event for the Capital Area Food Bank; five members signed up to volunteer for the 24th of October from 1330 to 1630.

(5) Operation Holidays: Mr. Luis Chavez did not have any new updates.

h. Mentorship / Professional Development. Mr. Earnest Metcalf was not present.

11. Unfinished Business.

a. Memorabilia. Mr. Devon Love stated that WO Coins are still available for $8.00.

b Golf Tournament. Mr. Frank Hinnant was not present; however Ms. Christy Murray stated that the ALMWOA Inaugural Golf Tournament is scheduled for Friday, October 30th at Pine Forrest Golf Club. She encouraged members to register either as individuals for $70 as a 4 person team for $280. This is a major fund raiser for the AMM event.

c. Chapter Recruiting Drive – Mr. Beau Tidrickwas not present.

d. 44th Annual Meeting of the Members (2016) Committee: Ms. Christy Murray stated that our next OPT will be 21 October 2015, at Camp Mabry BLDG 8, Room A123 from 1100 to 1230 hours. She stated that the car wash fund raising event held on 29 August was a great success raising $1,000.00 and thanked everyone who participated; she also encouraged everyone to assist with the ALMWOA rifle drawing fund raising event. Additionally, she stated that the sponsorship packets are ready and reminded everyone that we are targeting advertising budgets and not merely seeking donations. She thanked Ms. Patricia Crawson and Mr. Juan Sanchez for their assistance with the presentation materials she will be using for her brief at the AMM in Orlando, Florida on 11 October 2015.

12. New Business. Ms. Christy Murray asked that members fill out and return the member proxy forms; she will then deliver them to the AMM in Orlando, FL on 11 October.

13. Good of the Order. Ms. Christy Murray reminded everyone that September is Suicide Prevention Month and that everyone has the power to make a difference. She encouraged everyone to reach out to Veterans and Service Members and to let them know they are not alone.

14. Adjournment. Mr. Juan Sanchez made a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded byMs.Patricia Crawson. Meeting adjourned at1251 hours after all Chapter business was completed.Next meeting will be conducted on 22 October2015 at 1130, at Camp Mabry Bldg 75.

Submitted by:Approved by:

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Secretary President

USAWOA Audie L. Murphy Chapter USAWOA Audie L. Murphy Chapter