North Rutherford Soccer Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, Dec 6th, 2016

I.Call to Order

The NRS Board of Directors and SRFC Committee meeting was brought to order December 6th, 2016 at6:17pmat Rotary Soccer Park.


Bill Jordan (president) / Ricky Holder (VP Players) / Nigel Clements
Ginger Adcock (secretary) / Angela Zimmermann ( SRFC bookkeeper/ 04 R) / Lauren Woods (tournament/ girls academy)
Rich Wyckoff treasurer) / Jun Taulbee (05-06 Rapids) / Tommy Williams (DOC- 04/04 boys)
Rusty Boguskie (VP Fields) / Tina Taulbee (DOCC) / HG Cole
Stephen Meyer (uniforms) / Melissa Holder / Tommy Holt (SRFC Coach)

III. Executive Board Reports

A. Secretary’s ReportMinutes for November NRS Board Meeting were submitted for review via email- Motion byRich Wyckoff and Stephen Meyer

B. Treasurer’s Report
Approval of November SRFC and NRStreasurer’s report- Motion by Ginger Adcock and Rusty Boguskie

SRFCChecking account: $13.263.62

For the year (Jan 1 – Dec 5)

Gross Profit$ 115,938.44

Less Total Expenses$ - 105,001.53

Net Operating Income$ 10,936.91

NRS Checking account: $71,074.69 (owes 13,490 for goals)


Gross Profit$ 21,964.47

Less Total Expenses$ - 16,890.57

Net Operating Income$ 5,071.90

For the year (Jan 1 – Nov)

Gross Profit$ 218,284.76

Less Total Expenses$ - 257,530.71

Net Operating Income$ -39,245.95

  1. VP Facilities Report –

D.VP Players Report

  1. Old Business
  • 4 small field enclosures have been purchased ($13,490) for the U5/U6 teams. They will be 60x90 inflatable with goals flush. They are to be delivered the end of Dec.
  • Uniforms for the 2017 Fall Season
  • 3 proposals were presented
  • Score
  • $18.95 per kit
  • Saves about $19,000 per 1000 uniforms from current contract
  • Receives 1 coach jersey or keeper jersey for 12 kids, 10 cones or mesh bag per team
  • Will box and separate uniforms for $2.50 per team
  • 23 color variations
  • 2 year agreement
  • XARA
  • Cost of uniforms was either $29.95 or $39.95 per kit. Require a 3 year agreement and cannot guarantee early delivery.
  • Soccer.Com
  • Bulk pricing model $19 per jersey or $32 per kit
  • Jersey will be Adidas
  • 13 color variations
  • No contract
  • This will be used for SRFC/NRS to create “one club”
  • Still waiting for more information about other brands
  • Executive Board will make a decision between Score and when all information has been presented.
  1. New Business
  • NRS/SRFC team wins National 3v3 Tournament- Congratulations!!
  • Coach Bart Miller and players Adaly Miller, Gabrielle Woods, Capri Merbitz, and Sophia Delarosa
  • TSSA meeting will be January 18th
  • SHISAM Indoor Tournament at Smyrna High will be Feb 11-12
  • SRFC Spring ShootOut will be March 17-19th.
  • Requests were made for the following and approved
  • Switch to SincSports- more online email blasts and offers online check-in
  • Online payments
  • Possibly charging teams parking up front
  • Town of Smyrna Volunteer of the Year Dinner will be February 17th
  • Town of Smyrna New Year’s Eve Bash-
  • NRS will benefit from the profits made for the New Year’s Eve Bash
  • Spread the word- visit for more information
  • SRFC- 2 players made the STATE ODP pool—Congratulations!
  • Eli Brady 01 Rapids
  • Haile Sharp 04 Rapids

VI. Other

Next meeting Jan 3rd at 6:15pm

VII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:28

Minutes submitted by Ginger Adcock