Q: What policy governs All-Marine Sports?

A: DoD Directive 1330.4 allows Marines to participate in Armed Forces, National, and International sports activities. A Marine Corps Order pertaining to sports is currently being drafted.

Q: Who is eligible for the All-Marine Sports Program?

A: The total force, with the exception of Inactive Ready Reservist (IRR), is eligible to participate onAll-Marine Sports teams (active duty, active reserve, and reservist).

Q: What sports are included in the All-Marine Sports Program?

A: All sports listed on the All-Marine Sports calendar are currently offered.

Q: My sport is not listed, can it be added?

A: The inventory of sports is determined by Armed Forces Sports calendar, as established by the Armed Forces Sports Council, for each year. If you have a sport you would like to propose for inclusion please contact the All-Marine Sports Office and the feasibility of the sport will be determined.

Q: If selected will I receive PCS orders or change my MOS?

A: This is a short term Temporary Assigned Duty (TAD) opportunity (4 days to 2 months depending on the sport and your selection for higher competitions). This is not a change in MOS or PCS opportunity.

Q: Who pays for the TAD?

A: HQMC All-Marine Sports will fund all travel (flights/rentals/lodging/meals and incidentals)for Trial Camps, Armed Forces and higher level competition.

Q: How do I apply for All-Marine Sports?

A: Apply online at There you can create a username and log in to start your application. To apply, you will need such information as your commander's name, phone number, and official email address.

Q: When are applications due?

A: In order to be considered for the first/primary selections for a Trial Camp, your application should have processed through all approvals (Commander and Installation Sports Director) prior to the deadline noted. If you are not on an installation with an MCCS, your application will skip the Sports Director and proceed to the All-Marine Sports Office. Specific deadline dates are listed on the application site and corresponding MARADMIN.

Q: Can I send additional paperwork with my application?

A: Yes. You can attach your supporting documents within your application or email it to: .

Q: What happens if my commander did not receive my application to approve?

A: Your commander will not receive your actual application to approve, but an email with instructions on how to go into the same website you applied in. If your commander did not receive an email, please verify your commander's name and official email address is correct. If it is not correct, they will not be able to access your application. If it is correct, here is the information for your commander: To approve/disapprove your Marine’s participation, please login to: by creating an account using your official email address. Click on "Commanders" then “Review & Approve”. Be sure that you use your official email.

Q: My application states "Awaiting Commander's Approval" what does this mean?

A: Your commander has to approve your participation before your application can be reviewed. Please ensure your commander's name and official email address is correct or they will not be able to access your application.

Q: What if my Commander needs me back early from an All-Marine Sports competition?

A: If the Commander needs a Marine back early for mission requirements, the All-Marine Sports Office will attempt to make travel arrangements to have the Marine back within 24 hours. This return may be the responsibility of the command.

Q: When will I be notified to "Try Out"?

A: Selections will be made to attend Trial Camp from the information provided in the applications and contacting references, this is NOT a Try Out opportunity. Notifications will be made approximately two (2) weeks following the application deadline through a selection message. Marines must be in peak physical condition to compete immediately. Even though an athlete is selected to the trial camp, as the Trial Camp proceeds "cuts" will be made to get down to the final roster to represent the Marine Corps in the Armed Forces Championships. From the Armed Forces Championships, an all championship team will be selected to participate in either a national or international competition (if applicable).

Q: What happens if I am selected to an All-Marine Trial Camp?

A: All-Marine Sports generates a selection message and sends it to each Marine selected. The selection message will give travel details for creating Defense Travel System (DTS) orders. All-Marine Sports will contact each Marine selected to ensure that they have access to the All-Marine Sports Line of Accounting (LOA) for their DTS orders. Each Marine will be responsible for creating their DTS authorization and signing it so that All-Marine Sports can approve the travel. Government Travel Card use is mandatory for required travel and centrally billed accounts will not be authorized. Marines are also responsible for creating and signing their travel voucher within five days of returning form TAD.

Q: Does the All-Marine Running Program have a Trial Camp?

A: No, the All-Marine Running Program does not have an official Trial Camp. The All-Marine Running Program accepts application year round.

Q: What do I need to bring to Trial Camp?

A: Specific requirements for each trial campvary by sport and location. The head coach will reach out to the Marines selected prior to travel and provide a list of required items.

Q: Can I participate in a Trial Camp if I am on leave?

A: No, participation on leave status is prohibited.

Q: Can I participate while on Terminal Leave status?

A: No, you have to be able to be in active duty status in order to participate.

Q: Can I take leave on the front or back of TAD?

A: Marines must obtain Commander’s approval for leave prior to creating DTS orders (except for emergency situations) and include leave details in DTS authorization.

Q: I’ve filled out the application now what do I do?

A: After clicking the Submit Button, your application will automatically route to your Commander for approval. Make sure your Commander's name and official email address is correct and receives your application. An incorrect email address will delay your approval and could prevent you from being considered. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their application routes correctly and the approvals by their Commander are received prior to the application deadline.

 If approved by your Commander, your application routes automatically to your Sports Director and then All-Marine Sports Office for final review. If you are not stationed at an installation with an MCCS, your application will skip the sports director and come directly to the All-Marine Sports Office.

 It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their application routes correctly to the Sports Directors and the approvals are received prior to the application deadline.

 Based on the information provided on your application, All-Marine Sports will select candidates to participate in Trial Camp. (Make sure your application is complete, decisions are made based on what is on the application). Submitting an application does not guarantee selection to Trial Camp.

Q: What if my question is not answered here?

A: You can send an email to: or call 703-784-5779/703-432-0732/703-784-1233.