DTV Cargo Insurance Conditions 2000/2008

(DTV Cargo 2000/2008)

Special Terms and Conditions for the Open Policy of

Goods at Exhibitions and Trade Fairs

for insurances governed by the provisions of DTV Cargo 2000/2008

Sample terms and conditions of the GDV

Table of contents
1Basis of the insurance
2Insured exhibition and trade fair goods
3Excluded perils and losses/damage / 4Duration of insurance

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and Trade Fairs, Januar 2008

1Basis of the insurance

If goods at exhibitions are insured under DTV-Cargo All Risks/Open Policy 2000/2008, the following special terms and conditions apply.

2Insured exhibition and trade fair goods

Exhibition and trade fair objects are deemed as goods and items displayed at exhibitions and trade fairs including the associated stand facilities and consumer goods.

3Excluded perils and losses/damage

Excluded are:

3.1loss of and/or damage to goods caused by the influence of the whether (e.g. wind, storm, rain, snow and hail) if said goods were being exhibited in tents or in the open air. The above does not apply to loss or damage caused by lightning.

3.2disappearance of smaller valuables (e.g. items of jewellery, binoculars, cameras, art-objects). Cover does, however, extend to the loss of such valuables due to burglary and robbery. The above applies also to goods intended for sale or use at the exhibition (e.g. prospectus, catalogues, food and beverages);

3.3loss and/or damage arising from theft, misappropriation or embezzlement by the staff of the Insured or Assured. Staff in the sense of this insurance are not, however, deemed to be persons employed casually for the duration of the exhibition or trade fair, provided said persons were selected with due diligence of a prudent businessman;

3.4loss and/or damage caused by

3.4.1cracking of polish, detaching of glued parts, rust or oxidation, breakage of valves or filaments, loss in weight or volume, odour as well as vermin, rats or mice;

3.4.2processing, assembling, dismantling, use or the presentation itself. The above also includes loss of and/or damage to the exhibition or fair good caused by a fire to which it is exposed in the course of its intended use.

4Duration of insurance

Cover is provided for the transport to and from the place of exhibition or trade fair, for the installation and dismantling period as well as for the duration of the exhibition or trade fair within the storage period to be agreed in accordance with section 9.1 of the DTV Cargo 2000/2008.

It is possible to extend this period. The Insurer is then due an additional premium to be agreed.


5.1Upon request, the Insured shall provide a list of the Insured goods and their values. Furthermore, he is obliged to observe all other obligations agreed.

5.2If the Insured breaches this or any other contractually agreed obligation by way of a deliberate or grossly negligent act, the Insurer will not be obliged to indemnify unless the breach was not deemed to be the cause of the insured event or had no bearing on the scope of the indemnification..


6.1The Insurer indemnifies

6.1.1the Insured value of the lost exhibition or trade fair goods;

6.1.2in the case of damage to the exhibition or trade fair goods, the repair costs at the time of an insured event. The amount payable shall not exceed the insured value. Any residual value counts towards the indemnification.

6.2Claims for depreciation in value are recoverable only if the exhibition or trade fair goods can no longer be returned to their former state of use by replacement or repair.

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and Trade Fairs, Januar 2008