Dear Parents and Students:

On behalf of the faculty and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Black Street Early Childhood Center. This handbook contains important information about our programs, policies and procedures. You are encouraged to read it carefully and refer to it throughout the school year. After reviewing the handbook, please sign the enclosed letter stating you have read the handbook and return the letter to your child’s teacher.

We welcome our parents to share in our adventure and make this year a magical one your child will always remember! We invite and encourage families to visit the school and participate in all activities. If you have any questions, please call 782-4516 or visit our website at It is an honor and privilege to serve as your child’s principal.


Barbara Kulisek, Principal

Important Information

Notify the school of any changes in address or phone numbers.

Any change in the routine arrangement for the child’s transportation, as well as any other messages, must be written to the teacher. SC law mandates only 10 absences are allowed per year. Always send a doctor’s excuse and/or write a note when your child returns. Write your child’s name in all clothing.

Please help us to use our automated phone system to the best advantage. Pressing 0 will take you to the front office desk of Mrs. Grant/Mrs. Driggers, or you may access the directory of names if you want to dial a room. The phones go through our computer system and every room has a phone. All extensions start with 48 and end with the room number. If you want to leave a voice mail for your child’s teacher press 48 and the room number, such as 48302. The teacher’s phones are set to go straight to voice mail during class time. Leave a message and your child’s teacher will return your call.

Please do not leave a voice mail asking to change your child’s transportation that day unless you actually talk with someone

BSECC Extensions For 782-4516 (frequently called)

Mrs. Kulisek 48100

Mrs. Humphries 48092

Mrs. Grant 48090

Mrs. Driggers 48091

Nurse Winfield 48207

Lunchroom Cashier 48204

Mrs. Mazur 48108

School Hours: 7:50-2:50

Please have your child at school on time. If you are late, please walk your child into the office to sign your child in and get a tardy slip.

Please only sign your child out early for a medical appointment or a real emergency. It is very disruptive to everyone’s education when one leaves early!

Unscheduled Early Dismissal

Early dismissals without prior written notification are considered classroom disruptions. Instructional time is protected by law. State regulation 59-1-440 prohibits non-emergency classroom disruptions. In order to maintain an orderly instructional environment, it is necessary to adhere to the designated dismissal times and procedures. Please DO NOT come into the office or call a few minutes prior to dismissal and request that we call your child to come to the office prepared to leave. We understand that circumstances may arise that may make an unscheduled early dismissal unavoidable. Therefore, we may allow you up to two exceptions to this rule. After two exceptions, only in cases of extreme emergencies will we interrupt class to get your child out early. Exceptions to the rule require administrative approval

All side doors are locked after entrance times of 7:50.

All visitors and parents enter through the front doors and into our office. We will issue a pass if you wish to go to a classroom. We invite and encourage our parents to visit and work with their children often in the classroom. We follow our guidelines of signing out children STRICTLY. NO child will be signed out unless the adult is authorized and shows a picture ID. We take the safety of every student very seriously

Dress Code

Thank you for dressing your child according to the adopted CCSD School Uniform Policy. We follow the elementary colors: Collared shirts in white, navy blue, light blue, light yellow and light pink. Pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, and jumpers are black, khaki, and navy (no cargo style).


Fire drills are held monthly. Students will evacuate the building promptly and quietly according to exit routes established for each classroom. Each classroom has plans for emergencies. Tornado and earthquake drills will be held during the year.


1.  All crayons, markers, scissors, toys etc. should be left at home and not travel in book bags.

2.  Occasionally the class will go on field trips. Parents are notified in advance. Written permission from parents will be required for pupils to go on field trips.

3.  Our children do not like to miss school, even when sick. Parents must use their best judgment and arrange for a child to stay at home when truly sick.


Please mark items of clothing - coats, hats, lunch boxes, glasses, book bags, etc. with the child's first and last name. Only when the child's name is on the article can we locate the student and return the item. Please stop by the school at any time and check for lost items.


Student achievement and classroom activities are often photographed and videotaped for publication in the various media. These photos or videotapes may be used in a variety of media such as local newspapers, our school newsletter, our school news, and/or presentations made by teachers at professional meetings. First and last names of students may be used in the local media. Parents who do not wish their child to be included in this type of publicity need to notify the principal in writing.


School personnel of the Colleton County School District may administer medication when authorized by a physician. Parents are required to have a medicine request form completed with the doctor’s signature and on file before any medication can be administered. Medicine Request Forms are available at the office. Medication must be hand-delivered by an adult to the office. Please see our nurse for any information about medicine.

“Eat Smart, Move More, Grow Healthy”

BSECC has been chosen as a pilot school for a grant program through DHEC, Clemson Extension, and Eat Smart, Move More SC. We are working to help improve the nutrition and physical activity environment, policies, and practices at our school for our staff and students. Personal health and wellness for a lifetime is our goal!

Healthy Guidelines for Celebrations and Parties

Please help us to encourage lifelong healthy habits among our children. We encourage parents to join us for their child’s birthday, holiday party, or other special occasion and bring food to help celebrate. Please select or prepare healthier food options that your child enjoys.

Suggestions include:

Favorite fruits

Lower fat baked goods (such as low fat muffins)

Favorite dishes that aren’t necessarily desserts, such as veggies and low fat ranch for dipping

Foods with special family or cultural significance

Healthy foods in fun shapes

100 % fruit juice or water is offered to drink

To learn more about the program, visit and click on the toolkit folder.

Conscious Discipline

The goal of good discipline is to help the child develop self-control, responsibility, and problem solving skills. Consistent, clear rules are explained to the children at the beginning of the year to develop self-discipline and independence. Parents, as well, should make their expectations about behavior clear. The staff uses positive techniques to guide children, such as redirection and encouragement.

We practice the strategies and techniques of Dr. Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline (CD). CD offers a relationship-based community model of classroom management. The “school family” is the core of the program. The system is built on the following 3 major points:

·  Controlling and changing ourselves is possible and has a profound impact on others.

·  Connectedness governs behavior.

·  Conflict is an opportunity to teach.

The seven skills of discipline are Composure, Encouragement, Assertiveness, choices, Positive Intent, Empathy, and Consequences. Through meaningful relationships we will build skills that promote respect. Please read more about conscious discipline at

In order to work together, we will contact a parent by note or phone when a student has continuing difficulties controlling his/her own behavior.