Each club may send up to two representatives to the meeting, one of whom will be entitled to vote. Failure to send a representative to the AGM will result in a fine equivalent to your club’s annual membership fee in accordance with 8(f) of the constitution.

NB at 7.30 we will hold the presentation of individual players’ awards for the leading batsmen and bowlers in the 2017 season - please be prompt)


  1. Approval of minutes of the 24th AGM (attached)
  1. Hon. Treasurer’s report –review of financial position and accounts.
  1. Hon. Secretary’s report (attached)
  1. Election of Officers

The following are standing for re-election:-

President- Nigel Wray

Chairman-Tony Johnson

Hon Secretary-Barry Hellewell

Results Secretary & Fixtures Secretary-Michael Wood

Colin Mundayis standing down as Treasurer

  1. Election of Executive Committee Members

Richard Burling, Tony Rhodes, Peter Hinstridge, Paul Blackwell,Mark Shepherd and Steve Selwood are all standing for re-election.

  1. Changes to the Constitution

See details attached

  1. Changes to Match Rules

See details attached

  1. Appointment of Reporting Accountant
  1. Any other business.


In the chair: Tony Johnson.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the 2016 divisional player awards were presented to the winners by the Chairman and in Richard Robertson’s absence Peter Wholley presented the Derek Dredge Groundsman's award to Redbourn CC.The Chairman then presented the President’s trophy for the club of the year to West Herts CC

There was a short presentation by Andy Abbott ,the secretary of the East Anglian Premier League on the impact of the new Home Office Managed Migration Rules.
Apologies for absence were received from the President Nigel Wray and Flamstead and Northchurch cricket clubs.

11 other clubs did not attend, and will be fined.

The minutes of the 23rdAGM were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true record. Proposed by Hoddesdon CC and seconded by Watford CC. There were no matters arising.

Treasurer’s Report

Draft accounts were circulated before the meeting. At the meeting, however the Treasurer was able to provide final unaudited accounts and copies were made available .These accounts showed a small loss on the year but a very strong balance sheet with in excess of £100,000 in the bank. The committee had decided to return to all clubs 10% of their ball order costs and this, together with over £9,806. paid to our new website contractors had led to that loss. The Treasurer hoped to get the accounts to Paul Fishpool, the league’s reporting accountant, within a few days with the aim of circulating those accounts to all clubs before the end of March. There were no questions of the Treasurer and the accounts were adopted after being proposed by Aldenham CC and seconded by Hertford CC.

The Chairman thanked Colin Munday for his report and reiterated that the strength of our balance sheet was down in no small way to our strong relationship with both our main sponsors, Saracens and Readers .He saw no reason why this should not continue.Both Saracens and Readers were happy with the relationship and hoped that it would continue for many years. As a consequence there would be no membership fees asked of the clubs again this season although the invoices for the fines incurred last season would go out to all clubs before the start of the season.

Secretary’s Report

The secretary's report had been circulated before the meeting and he had nothing further to add. It was adopted by the meeting after having been proposed by Hoddesdon CC and seconded by Langleybury CC.

Election of Officers

President- Nigel Wray, proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Hertford CC, and Chairman-Tony Johnson, proposed by the secretary and seconded by Langleybury CC were both unanimously re-elected as were the Secretary- Barry Hellewell, the Results Secretary- Mike Woodand the Treasurer - Colin Mundayafter being proposed by the Chairmen seconded by Old Elizabethans CC.

The following committee members –Peter Hinstridge (Officials), Tony Rhodes (Sponsorship), Paul Blackwell(Registration), Richard Burling(Welfare) Mark Shepherd(Facilities)and Steve Selwood (Premier division rep) were all re- elected after being proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Harpenden CC.

Changes to the Constitution.

  1. . Clause 13 d) Category 3-Overseas Player, replace (A player resident in the UK for less than 2 years) with ‘(A player resident in the UK for less than 18 months as at 31 March before the start of any season)’ and

Category 3E: -replace ‘(A player who has beencontinuously resident in UK for between 2 & 4 years)’with ‘(A player who has been continuously resident in the UK for a period of not less than 18 months as at 31 March before the start of any season)’and replace ’24 months’ with ’18 months’ at the end of the second line at the top of page 21 in the 2016 handbook.

Carried unanimously.

  1. Clause 8 f): - replace ‘£10.00’ with ‘a sum equivalent to the current membership fee set out in clause 10. a) of the Constitution, regardless of whether that fee is currently suspended’

Carried with one dissenting vote.

  1. Add a new sub-clause ‘g) to clause 8 as follows: -‘A captains’ meeting shall be held during the month of April before the start of any season at which cricket balls, handbooks and other equipment will be distributed. Every club sending a captain or other suitable representative to such meeting will receive a 5-point addition to its league points total at the start of that season for each of its teams’

Carried with two against the motion.

  1. Clause 15 c) i) replace the existing chart with the following: -


Divisions 1 & 2A, 2B, 3A / Top 2 sides promoted 1 division
(2nd side in Championship subject to Play-Off)
Divisions 3B to 10B and
Regional Division A / Side finishing 1st promoted 2 divisions
Side(s) finishing 2nd promoted 1 division
Regional Division B / Side finishing 1st with higher average points total from B East & B West promoted 2 divisions
Side finishing 1st with the lower average points total from B East & B West promoted 1 division
Sides finishing 2nd promoted one division
Regional Division C / Side finishing 1st with higher average points total from C East & C West promoted 2 divisions
Side finishing 1st with the lower average points total from C East & C West promoted 1 division
Sides finishing 2nd& 3rd promoted one division


Premier, Championship & Division 1 / Bottom 2 sides relegated 1 division
(9th place in Premier subject to Play-Off)
Divisions 2A to 9B / Side finishing 9th relegated 1 division
Side finishing 10th relegated 2 divisions
Division 10A / Side finishing 8th relegated 1 division
Sides finishing 9th& 10th relegated 2 divisions
Division 10B / Sides finishing 8th& 9th relegated 1 division
Side finishing 10th relegated 2 divisions
Regional Division A / Side finishing in 9th place relegated 1 division
Side finishing in 10th place relegated 2 divisions
Regional Division B / Sides finishing 9th& 10th relegated 1 division

Carried with three dissenting votes

  1. Clause 14 Fixtures, add after ‘………. with no points awarded.’ at the end of the fourth line from the bottom of page 21 of the 2016 handbook a new sentence as follows:- ‘ Any such decision to remove a team shall be made before 31 July in any season’

Carried with one against the motion.

  1. Clause 14 Fixtures change ‘£100.00’ for ‘£150.00’ in the last line at the bottom of page 21.

Carried, 36 in favour 25 against.

  1. At the end of Clause 14 add the following sentence;- ‘Where both fixtures between any two teams during the same season are arranged to take place at the ground or grounds of one of those teams the visitors shall pay to the home team the sum of £100.00 as compensation for having to provide the facilities twice in that season.’

Carried unanimously.

Changes to match rules.

Permanent adoption of the 2016 match rule changes.

The 2016 changes to match rules adopted by the 2016 AGM were unanimously carried by the meeting with the exception of rule change ‘2’ which was carried with 2 dissenting votes. These changes are set out italicised in this minute:-

1. Section 8:

Renumber 8(e) to 8(d)

New 8(e):

The penalty of 5 points will not be applied as follows:

-In (c) where the club has supplied to the Umpires Panel at least as many umpires as it has teams playing in Divisions 6B and above, and

-In (d) where the registered scorer is also a registered umpire and that umpire is a member of the Umpires Panel

8(f)It is expected that in cases where a club is able to claim exemption from the penalty of 5 points that it will make every effort to provide, in all matches, an umpire or scorer as applicable for the benefit of the participants.

8(g) It is the responsibility of every club to ensure that its umpires and scorers are correctly registered on the League website and a claim for exemption under 8(e) will be determined from those registration details.

2. Duration of the match in the divisions one and below:

In the limited overs format

a)Regional divisions: Matches will normally comprise 80 overs.

In the timed game

b) Regional divisions: Matches will normally comprise 80 overs with the side batting first receiving not more than 42 overs.

Consequential alterations......

Limited overs format: No bowler to bowl more than 8 overs

Both sides expected to complete their innings within 2 hours 20 mins.

Timed format: No bowler to bowl more than 12 overs

The side batting first to complete their innings within 2 hours 20 mins.

A game should be considered abandoned if the start is delayed by greater than 71 minutes.

In all completed games, which are subject to interruption the side batting first must have received a minimum of 32 overs subject to the laws governing a declaration to constitute a league match.

e) In divisions 6B-1: - in the limited overs game both sides are expected to complete their innings within 3 hours

4. Interference by weather (2)

Interference by Weather – clause 2 (b)

Any disruptions to play in the second innings shall result in one over being deducted for each full 3 ½ minutes lost. The winner of the match will be the team scoring the highest number of runs per over (as calculated to two decimal places). If either side was dismissed before receiving the full allocation of overs the runs per over calculation shall be based on the number of overs the side was entitled to receive (either at the commencement of its innings or as reduced due to subsequent interruptions to play).

5. Wide-clause 14 b)

Wide – clause 14 b)

A leg side wide shall be called if, irrespective of where the ball pitches, it passes outside of the line of the striker standing in his normal guard position and the leg stump. A wide shall not be called if the striker moves towards the off-side and the ball would have struck any part of his person had he not moved

Proposed changes to the match rules for 2017

  1. Match Rule 8 to cover umpires in Divisions 7 a to 10 b, add a new sub-clause d) as follows: - ‘d) In Divisions 7 a to 10 b each club is encouraged to provide a registered non-playing umpire who either meets the requirements of 8 c) above or has attended an ‘Introduction to Umpiring’ course. Such attendance shall entitle the umpire to be registered as an ‘Intermediate Umpire’ under 8 a).Please note the requirements of 8 h) below.

In all matches where a Registered Umpire stands throughout the match the team for which that umpire stands shall be awarded two additional points. For the avoidance of doubt this shall not apply to cancelled matches. In the event of misreporting of the provision of umpires the two points will be cancelled and a five point penalty imposed.’

Not carried 8 in favour of the motion

  1. Match duration.
  1. All matches in the Regional structure shall be played under Format 2 in the playing rules.(limited overs)

Carried 38 in favour 21 against.

  1. All matches in divisions 7a to 10 b shall be of 90 overs duration.

Not carried 35 in favour 37 against

  1. Changes proposed to 2017 match rules in the Premier and Championship divisions.
  1. Match rule 15 on page 7 of the match rules handbook after the word ‘Final’ in line two of ‘Week 20 (Saturday):’ remove ‘……at a neutral venue to be determined by the League. If a neutral venue is not arranged the Final will be played at the ground of the highest placed (based on league position) Finalist’ and replace with.’at the ground of the highest placed (based on League position) Finalist unless the League determines that a neutral venue shall be used.’

Carried unanimously

  1. Match rule 3 on page 4 of the match rules handbook delete in its entirety and replace with


3.1All clubs will appoint their own scorers, who shall be qualified or have been granted dispensation by the League.

3.2Failure to provide a registered scorer for the duration of the match will result in a 5 point penalty and the side will be required to nominate a player to score for the duration of the match.

3.3 The home club is responsible for providing a competent Duckworth-Lewis Match Manager (DLMM), as defined in the Duckworth-Lewis Procedure document and failure to do so will result in a 5 point penalty. The umpires shall be responsible for reporting any breach of this rule and their decision shall be final.

3. Match rule 2.6 on page 14 of the match rules handbook delete rule 2.6.5 in its entirety and replace with‘2.6.5 If the Home club has provided a DLMM or someone from the Away club has agreed to act as DLMM then the Duckworth/Lewis Method will be used to calculate the target score of the side batting second using the Duckworth/Lewis regulations as provided by the League to every club. The umpires shall agree with the scorers and shall inform the captains of the target score before play is resumed. In the event of a miscalculation of the target score the original score shall not be altered once the captains have been informed. The target score shall be displayed clearly on the scoreboard.

2.6.6If a competent DLMM is not available throughout the match the following will apply: Away side shall have the option of dispensing with the Toss and electing to field first. target score of the side batting second shall be calculated using average run rate, calculated by dividing the runs scored by the number of legitimate deliveries received by the side batting first.’

Carried 12 in favour 3 against

General. Although not a match rule please also note that we are changing the time limits within which umpires and facilities marks are to be recorded on the website to 11.00pm on the Friday after every match. The fine for entering the report after that deadline is still £20.00 but it rises to £40.00 if the report is entered after 11.00pm on the second Friday after the match.

Appointment of reporting Accountant

Hertford CC proposed and Langleybury CC seconded the appointment of Paul Fishpool as the Reporting Accountant which was unanimously approved.

Any Other Business

1.Clubs were reminded that their ball order forms needed to be submitted as soon as possible.The secretary confirmed that there were still over 30 to submit their orders.

2. Richard Burling confirmed that 14 clubs had still to have their affiliation to the Hertfordshire Cricket confirmed, which is a requirement for their membership of the League. In most cases this was due to their failure to complete all the necessary stages of becoming a club welfare officer.It was stressed that this is an absolute requirement and Richard and Ben Wallis of Hertfordshire Cricket were available to help clubs that were still not affiliated.

Richard had also pointed out earlier after the presentation of the Managed Migration arrangements by Andy Abbott that there are new arrangements in place this season for the registration of category 3 and category 3 e players. All such players and their club’s chairman will have to complete and sign a registration form that will be available from the website and send it to Richard before the registration will be accepted. The ECB will require the league to make all such forms available to them by the middle of the 2017 season and they will be audited. Richard emphasised the need for all clubs to verify that the information their players give to them is accurate. The penalties for not so doing may lead to deportation of the player and the chairman having to pay a fine of up to £20,000.

3. Peter Hinstridge confirmed that despite the match rule change regarding umpires in divisions 7 a to 10 b having been heavily rejected by the meeting it was still planned to run the intermediate courses if there was sufficient demand. It could only serve to improve the standard of umpiring, an aim to which we should all aspire.

4. The Chairman reminded the meeting that the captains’ meeting had been set for 27 April next at Allianz Park.

5. The questions raised from the floor had highlighted that, perhaps, the way that the Premier division sub-committee had functioned, particularly of late, had not been as intended. The relevance of the play-off at the top of the Premier division was also questioned. The Chairman confirmed that these matters had been discussed at the latest Executive committee meeting at length. Arrangements were in hand to make the workings of the sub-committee more transparent and to ensure that the representatives of the clubs on that committee made proper communications with their clubs. This would also ensure that comments on the sub-committee’s proposals were those of the clubs and not simply individuals within the clubs. The Chairman was also at pains to point out that we are all in the same league and the processes that apply should apply to all 94 clubs.

6. Josh Groves of Hemel Hempstead had agreed to continue to captain the League’s representative eleven in the CCC trophy.

7. Mike Wood informed the meeting that despite the delays experienced throughout 2016 which led to the old website and text messaging results system continuing he was now expecting the new site to be active by the end of March. The new website will make significant changes to the way clubs interact with the site and how information will be posted onto it. First of all Mike stressed the importance of all clubs in updating their contact details. There will also be a different process with regard to the registration of players and all clubs will be sent a list of their players registered from last season .They will need to check that the details are accurate and note that this year a registration will not be accepted without the date of birth being included for each player. Mike will keep in touch with league reps throughout this process to ensure that all clubs are familiar with the requirements prior to the start of the season.