Field Trip to the Columbus ZOO!


Our hope is that each child will have an adult chaperone on this field trip

in order to ensure fun and safety for everyone.

WHEN: Friday, May 1st PM class 8:45-12:00 THERE IS NO PM SCHOOL May 1st

WHO: PM Preschool class and parent /chaperones. No siblings please. If you chaperone your child, you are in charge of their safety.

WHERE: The Columbus Zoo…we will be meeting at the front entrance and entering as a

group in order to receive the group discount. If you are driving your own vehicle, park and wait outside the admission gates in the waiting area.

TRANSPORTATION: We will be meeting at the school at 8:45 and boarding.

PM bus students will be picked up in the morning (Friday, May 1st), bused to Wyandot. Car riders will meet their classmates at school by 8:45am. Bus riders and car riders will board the Bus together, buses will want to "Load & Go" as fast as possible b/c school-age buses will need the bus lane.

Ø  The cost to park at the Zoo is $8.00 (FREE for Zoo members)

Buses should arrive at the zoo, approximately 9:15am. Most likely there will be some wait time to enter.....gathering

money, paying etc...

The field trip will begin approx. 9:45 and go until 12 noon. The buses will be ready to board at noon.

Buses back to the buildings around 12:20-12:30pm. Buses will bus students home from the zoo, car rider parents will pick-up their children at school. (If you are not going on the field trip with your child, please be at school by 12:20).

SNACK: Please pack a snack and juice box with your child’s name on a disposable bag.

We have reserved a Shelter House for our snack. The Oscar Shelter.

COST: $5.00 per child & $5.00 per adult ***CASH ONLY*** NO CHECKS PLEASE

(Zoo memberships are welcome…we will need a photocopy of your membership card per Zoo policy)

(Cut on line and return lower portion to school)

****PLEASE read carefully, COMPLETE all sections & RETURN BY FRIDAY, April 17th*****

Child’s Name______

Please check all that apply:

__ YES.. My child WILL attend the Zoo field trip.

__ YES.. I will attend as a chaperone.

__ NO…My child WILL NOT be attending the Zoo field trip.

___NO..I will not be able to chaperone.

Please check one:

__ My child will be riding the BUS to/from the Zoo.

__ I will be providing transportation to/from the Zoo.

__ Child $5.00 = ______(if using membership, then -$0-)

__ Number of adults x $5.00 = ______(if using membership, then -$0-)

__ I have attached a PHOTOCOPY of my Zoo membership card (numbers only will NOT be accepted per zoo policy)