Patient Participation Group

Minutes of the meeting held on Friday 4 November 2016

Present: Derek Spencer (acting Chairman), Ms Mofi Kuyeka, Mr Jim Obee, Ms Socrattes Ofori-Addo, Mr Harold S, Mrs Sheila Wojewodzki, Dr Karthi, Mrs Berrin Buyukarslan (Practice Manager), Miss Manisha Bhagbut (Receptionist).

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions

Derek welcomed Ms Socrattes Ofori-Addo to her first meeting and thanked everybody for attending. He apologised for the late start due to an unexpected visit by David Burrowes MP who was attending another meeting in the Surgery. David introduced himself to PPG and answered a few questions about Cycle Enfield and the underfunding of Enfield Council by the government. He expressed an interest in attending a future PPG meeting and Derek agreed to inform him of the date and time of the next meeting.

Item 2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Ms Benedicta Elton-Campbell and Mrs Rochelle Iny.

Item 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 29 July 2016.

These were agreed as a true record.

Item 4. Matters arising from the Minutes

(i) Berrin had now established the reason for the missing data in the Healthwatch Enfield FFT report and having written to Healthwatch Enfield Derek had obtained an apology from the Chief Executive; (ii) Berrin had now placed a link to our Newsletter on the front page of our web-site;

(iii) the Council had failed to acknowledge our objections to the Cycle Enfield scheme and had now started to build the Cycle Lane in Winchmore Hill; and (iv) the Skinners’ Company were unable to help us overcome our parking difficulties because our suggestions would adversely impact on a landscaped area within their grounds.

Item 5. Reports

(i) CQC Inspection: 24 August 2016

All the Surgery staff felt the inspection had gone very well and at the de-briefing meeting the inspection team had no recommendations to make, which was a good sign. Derek thanked those PPG members who made themselves available to meet the inspection team, and congratulated

Dr Karthi and Berrin and the whole Surgery team. The CQC report was already overdue and, judging from experience around the Borough, was unlikely to be available soon.

(ii) Enfield PPG Meeting: 6 September 2016

This was attended by Berrin and Derek along with PPG representatives from 14 other Enfield Practices. After a long presentation by Enfield CCG about their strategy for financial recovery and removal from Special Measures the meeting then considered, among other things, a Mission Statement and an Action Plan. Finally it was announced that “PPG Locality Champions” had been appointed across the Borough and that Gillan House Surgery had been allocated Ms Jean Brewer. We could expect a visit from Ms Brewer at some point although Berrin confirmed that she had not yet been in touch. Derek thought it would be good if we could be represented at the next Enfield PPG meeting on Tuesday 6 December 2016 and Jim agreed to accompany him.

(iii) Sponsored Walk: 10 September 2016

Despite the awful weather this had been a great success and was supported by about a dozen walkers. Particular thanks were given to Dr Karthi, Dr Johan Byran and his partner, Berrin and Jennifer who gave up their time to support the event. The sponsorship proceeds were £363 which would be sufficient to purchase 2 portable Hearing Loops. Derek and Berrin would take this forward.

Item 6. Gillan House PPG Mission Statement

Based on a document presented to the Enfield PPG Meeting in September 2016 (see Item 5(ii) above) Derek had prepared a draft Mission Statement for our own PPG which he circulated to those members present. See Annex 1 to these Minutes. After some discussion it was agreed to adopt the Statement which would be published on our web-site. Mofi was reassured that non-English speaking patients could use our web-site’s translation facility in order to read the Statement.

Item 7. Data Collection

(i) Gillan House Friends and Family Test (FFT) data

At Derek’s request Berrin had completed a return of FFT responses collected during the 3 months August – October 2016 (see Annex 2 to these Minutes). The meeting noted the low number of responses and discussed how the response rate might be improved. This would be discussed again at a future meeting. The meeting congratulated the Surgery on the 93% of patients who would either be extremely likely or likely to recommend Gillan House to friends and family. The unfavourable comments were noted and would be acted upon where possible. To meet one of the criticisms Berrin agreed to arrange for a mirror to be installed in the new toilets.

(ii) DNA data (did not attend appointments)

At Derek’s request Berrin had also completed a DNA return for the 3 months August – October 2016 (see Annex 2 to these Minutes). The meeting was horrified that 632 appointments had been missed over this period and agreed that a carefully worded notice should be displayed in Reception informing patients of this. The notice would also ask patients to inform the Surgery as soon as they knew they would not be able to keep an appointment so that it could be offered to another patient. Berrin would investigate whether this message could also be displayed on the TV Monitor in Reception.

Item 8. PPG Future Action Plan

(i) A Surgery Directory

Dr Karthi had now commented on the draft Surgery Directory prepared by PPG and Berrin would type up his comments in time for the next meeting.

(ii) A Hearing Loop for Reception

Derek and Berrin would meet in the near future and purchase 2 Hearing Loops with the proceeds from the Sponsored Walk (see Item 5(iii) above).

(iii) Prams, pushchairs and buggies

Jim would contact Berrin and Derek with a suggested date for a visit to Hazelwood School to look at its pram storage facilities.

Item 9. Our next Newsletter

Jim asked for our next Newsletter to draw attention to a letter currently in circulation and appearing to come from the NHS about prescriptions. In fact the letter was advertising the services of a company in the north of England which despatched repeat prescriptions by mail order, thus impacting on the business of local pharmacies. It was agreed to include this in the next Newsletter along with the FFT and DNA data noted at Item 7 above.

Item 10. Any Other Business

(i) Berrin reported that sadly Dr Johan Byran was planning to leave the Practice. It was doubtful that his Monday Walking Group would continue once he had left.

(ii) Berrin confirmed that upon request patients can be given a double appointment if they consider that their medical problems cannot be dealt with in the time allowed for a single appointment.

(iii) It was agreed that future meetings of PPG would start at 1.00pm to allow more time for business to be conducted before members and Practice staff had to leave for their afternoon commitments.

(iv) Derek was concerned about the relatively low attendance at PPG meetings and Berrin agreed to send a text reminder to members a few days before the next meeting.

Item 11. Date of next Meeting

This would be held on Friday 20 January 2017 at 1.00pm.

The meeting closed at 3.30pm.

Annex 1 to PPG Minutes 4 November 2016


Mission Statement

At Gillan House Surgery PPG we aim to work with patients and the practice team to develop an efficient, effective and welcoming GP practice where patients become equal partners in their care.

We propose to achieve this aim by:

·  working with our practice team and patients to improve patients’ health

·  engaging and communicating with patients

·  helping our practice improve the services we offer patients

·  empowering patients to have a voice by actively inviting feedback

·  encouraging our practice to support those patients who have particular health needs and outreach to community groups where needed.

Our work will be underpinned by the following principles and values. We believe in:

·  mutual respect between patients and our practice team. This includes a commitment to removing barriers to communication through reducing and explaining jargon

·  collaboration between patients and our practice team that will enable and educate patients to take responsibility for their own health. This includes listening to and respecting each other’s opinions

·  listening to and learning from comments, criticisms and compliments.
November 2016

Annex 2 to PPG Minutes 4 October 2016


August / September / October
likely / 12 / 10 / 11
Likely / 7 / 7 / 5
Neither likely nor
unlikely / 1 / 0 / 1
Unlikely / 0 / 0 / 0
Unlikely / 1 / 0 / 0
Don’t know / 0 / 1 / 0
TOTAL / 21 / 18 / 17

Comments made during August – October 2016:

Not professional at all – rude and incompetent

Long telephone delays when trying to make an appointment

Waiting time to see GPs and Hospital Consultants (!) too long

Smell and mess in toilets – they should be locked

Mirror in toilet please

Employ more doctors like Dr Byran!



August / September / October / Total
185 / 211 / 236 / 632