The Test Taker Code

Module1 Code

'Variable Declarations

Public A As Integer

Public B As Integer

Public X As Integer

Public Y As Integer

'End of Declarations

Sub Main()


Form3.Option4.Value = True

X = 20

Form3.Label3.Caption = 20

Form2.Text0.Visible = True

Form2.Text1.Visible = True

Form2.Text2.Visible = True

Form2.Text3.Visible = True

Form2.Text4.Visible = True

Form2.Text5.Visible = True

Form2.Text6.Visible = True

Form2.Text7.Visible = True

Form2.Text8.Visible = True

Form2.Text9.Visible = True

Form2.Text10.Visible = True

Form2.Text11.Visible = True

Form2.Text12.Visible = True

Form2.Text13.Visible = True

Form2.Text14.Visible = True

Form2.Text15.Visible = True

Form2.Text16.Visible = True

Form2.Text17.Visible = True

Form2.Text18.Visible = True

Form2.Text19.Visible = True

Form2.Text20.Visible = True

Form3.Option7.Value = True

Y = 4

Form3.Label4.Caption = 4

Form4.Text1.Text = 51

Form4.Text2.Text = 75

A = 51

B = 75

Form4.Label7.Caption = 51

Form4.Label8.Caption = 75

End Sub

Form1 Code

Private Sub Command1_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


End Sub

Form2 Code

Private Sub Command1_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Form3.Option4.Value = True

X = 20

Form3.Label3.Caption = 20

Form2.Text0.Visible = True

Form2.Text1.Visible = True

Form2.Text2.Visible = True

Form2.Text3.Visible = True

Form2.Text4.Visible = True

Form2.Text5.Visible = True

Form2.Text6.Visible = True

Form2.Text7.Visible = True

Form2.Text8.Visible = True

Form2.Text9.Visible = True

Form2.Text10.Visible = True

Form2.Text11.Visible = True

Form2.Text12.Visible = True

Form2.Text13.Visible = True

Form2.Text14.Visible = True

Form2.Text15.Visible = True

Form2.Text16.Visible = True

Form2.Text17.Visible = True

Form2.Text18.Visible = True

Form2.Text19.Visible = True

Form2.Text20.Visible = True

Form3.Option7.Value = True

Y = 4

Form3.Label4.Caption = 4

Form4.Text1.Text = 51

Form4.Text2.Text = 75

A = 51

B = 75

Form4.Label7.Caption = 51

Form4.Label8.Caption = 75

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()


Dim N As Long

N = Text29.Text

Dim P As Single

Dim G As Single

P = A * X / 100

G = B * X / 100

Text21.Text = 0

Text22.Text = 0

Text23.Text = 0

Text24.Text = 0

For T = 1 To N

For Q = 1 To X

R = Int((Rnd * Y) + 1)

If R = 1 Then Text21.Text = Text21.Text + 1

If R > 1 Then Text22.Text = Text22.Text + 1

Next Q

Text23.Text = Text21.Text

Text24.Text = Text23.Text / X * 100

If Text23.Text >= P Then

Text25.Text = Text25.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text < P Then

Text26.Text = Text26.Text + 1

End If

If Text23.Text >= G Then

Text27.Text = Text27.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text < G Then

Text28.Text = Text28.Text + 1

End If

If Text23.Text = 0 Then

Text0.Text = Text0.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 1 Then

Text1.Text = Text1.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 2 Then

Text2.Text = Text2.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 3 Then

Text3.Text = Text3.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 4 Then

Text4.Text = Text4.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 5 Then

Text5.Text = Text5.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 6 Then

Text6.Text = Text6.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 7 Then

Text7.Text = Text7.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 8 Then

Text8.Text = Text8.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 9 Then

Text9.Text = Text9.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 10 Then

Text10.Text = Text10.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 11 Then

Text11.Text = Text11.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 12 Then

Text12.Text = Text12.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 13 Then

Text13.Text = Text13.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 14 Then

Text14.Text = Text14.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 15 Then

Text15.Text = Text15.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 16 Then

Text16.Text = Text16.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 17 Then

Text17.Text = Text17.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 18 Then

Text18.Text = Text18.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 19 Then

Text19.Text = Text19.Text + 1

ElseIf Text23.Text = 20 Then

Text20.Text = Text20.Text + 1

End If

If Val(T) > Val(N) Then

Text21.Text = 0

Text22.Text = 0

Text23.Text = 0

Text24.Text = 0

End If

Next T

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()



End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Text0.Text = 0

Text1.Text = 0

Text2.Text = 0

Text3.Text = 0

Text4.Text = 0

Text5.Text = 0

Text6.Text = 0

Text7.Text = 0

Text8.Text = 0

Text9.Text = 0

Text10.Text = 0

Text11.Text = 0

Text12.Text = 0

Text13.Text = 0

Text14.Text = 0

Text15.Text = 0

Text16.Text = 0

Text17.Text = 0

Text18.Text = 0

Text19.Text = 0

Text20.Text = 0

Text21.Text = 0

Text22.Text = 0

Text23.Text = 0

Text24.Text = 0

Text25.Text = 0

Text26.Text = 0

Text27.Text = 0

Text28.Text = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

Text29.Text = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Text29_Change()

10 If Text29.Text = "" Then Text29.Text = 0

20 If Text29.Text < 0 Or Text29.Text > 1000000 Then Text29.Text = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Text29_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii > 8 Then

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Form3 Code

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Option1.Value = True Then

X = 5

Label3.Caption = 5

End If

If Option2.Value = True Then

X = 10

Label3.Caption = 10

End If

If Option3.Value = True Then

X = 15

Label3.Caption = 15

End If

If Option4.Value = True Then

X = 20

Label3.Caption = 20

End If

If Option5.Value = True Then

Y = 2

Label4.Caption = 2

End If

If Option6.Value = True Then

Y = 3

Label4.Caption = 3

End If

If Option7.Value = True Then

Y = 4

Label4.Caption = 4

End If

If Option8.Value = True Then

Y = 5

Label4.Caption = 5

End If

If X = 5 Then

Form2.Text0.Visible = True

Form2.Text1.Visible = True

Form2.Text2.Visible = True

Form2.Text3.Visible = True

Form2.Text4.Visible = True

Form2.Text5.Visible = True

Form2.Text6.Visible = False

Form2.Text7.Visible = False

Form2.Text8.Visible = False

Form2.Text9.Visible = False

Form2.Text10.Visible = False

Form2.Text11.Visible = False

Form2.Text12.Visible = False

Form2.Text13.Visible = False

Form2.Text14.Visible = False

Form2.Text15.Visible = False

Form2.Text16.Visible = False

Form2.Text17.Visible = False

Form2.Text18.Visible = False

Form2.Text19.Visible = False

Form2.Text20.Visible = False

End If

If X = 10 Then

Form2.Text0.Visible = True

Form2.Text1.Visible = True

Form2.Text2.Visible = True

Form2.Text3.Visible = True

Form2.Text4.Visible = True

Form2.Text5.Visible = True

Form2.Text6.Visible = True

Form2.Text7.Visible = True

Form2.Text8.Visible = True

Form2.Text9.Visible = True

Form2.Text10.Visible = True

Form2.Text11.Visible = False

Form2.Text12.Visible = False

Form2.Text13.Visible = False

Form2.Text14.Visible = False

Form2.Text15.Visible = False

Form2.Text16.Visible = False

Form2.Text17.Visible = False

Form2.Text18.Visible = False

Form2.Text19.Visible = False

Form2.Text20.Visible = False

End If

If X = 15 Then

Form2.Text0.Visible = True

Form2.Text1.Visible = True

Form2.Text2.Visible = True

Form2.Text3.Visible = True

Form2.Text4.Visible = True

Form2.Text5.Visible = True

Form2.Text6.Visible = True

Form2.Text7.Visible = True

Form2.Text8.Visible = True

Form2.Text9.Visible = True

Form2.Text10.Visible = True

Form2.Text11.Visible = True

Form2.Text12.Visible = True

Form2.Text13.Visible = True

Form2.Text14.Visible = True

Form2.Text15.Visible = True

Form2.Text16.Visible = False

Form2.Text17.Visible = False

Form2.Text18.Visible = False

Form2.Text19.Visible = False

Form2.Text20.Visible = False

End If

If X = 20 Then

Form2.Text0.Visible = True

Form2.Text1.Visible = True

Form2.Text2.Visible = True

Form2.Text3.Visible = True

Form2.Text4.Visible = True

Form2.Text5.Visible = True

Form2.Text6.Visible = True

Form2.Text7.Visible = True

Form2.Text8.Visible = True

Form2.Text9.Visible = True

Form2.Text10.Visible = True

Form2.Text11.Visible = True

Form2.Text12.Visible = True

Form2.Text13.Visible = True

Form2.Text14.Visible = True

Form2.Text15.Visible = True

Form2.Text16.Visible = True

Form2.Text17.Visible = True

Form2.Text18.Visible = True

Form2.Text19.Visible = True

Form2.Text20.Visible = True

End If



End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If Label3.Caption = "" Then GoTo 100

If Label3.Caption = 5 Then Option1.Value = True

If Label3.Caption = 10 Then Option2.Value = True

If Label3.Caption = 15 Then Option3.Value = True

If Label3.Caption = 20 Then Option4.Value = True

If Label4.Caption = "" Then GoTo 100

If Label4.Caption = 2 Then Option5.Value = True

If Label4.Caption = 3 Then Option6.Value = True

If Label4.Caption = 4 Then Option7.Value = True

If Label4.Caption = 5 Then Option8.Value = True

100 Form3.Hide

110 Form2.Show

End Sub

Form4 Code

Private Sub Command1_Click()

A = Text1.Text

B = Text2.Text

Label7.Caption = Text1.Text

Label8.Caption = Text2.Text



End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = Label7.Caption

Text2.Text = Label8.Caption



End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

If Text1.Text = "" Then Text1.Text = 51

If Text1.Text < 0 Or Text1.Text > 100 Then Text1.Text = 51

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii > 8 Then

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_Change()

If Text2.Text = "" Then Text2.Text = 75

If Text2.Text < 0 Or Text2.Text > 100 Then Text2.Text = 75

End Sub

Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii > 8 Then

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub