COMPANY: Inland Ocean LEASE: Cesar Garcia WELL NO: B1
Completion and work over dates reflect actual days work. Drilling dates reflect previous 24 hours.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 08/07/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Attempting to release packer. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 5.95#/ft / Grade: / N-80 / Coupling: / EUE, 8R / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0600 / 0800 / 2.0 / Drove from San Antonio to lease.
0800 / 0830 / 0.5 / Waited for Nabors rig to arrive on lease. Opened well. SITP: 150psi; SICP: 700psi.
0830 / 1200 / 3.5 / MI Nabors WOR #969 on lease. Held SM with Nabors rig crew Pioneer haul truck drivers. Spotted base beam, pipe racks, catwalk, open top rig tank rig pump. AMJ Trucking delivered 217 jnts of 23/8" 4.7#/ft, L-80, EUE, 8R, R2 tbg, totaling 6975.6', from Watson Pipe. Unloaded tbg onto pipe racks. Basic Energy Svs vacuum truck unloaded 200 bbls of FSW into open top rig tank. RU pump to open top tank. RU WOR. TRIO delivered 7 1/16" 10K x 7 1/16" 5K adaptor spool. Texas Downhole Tools delivered 4 ½" x 23/8" 14-23# 10K Arrowset 1X pkr with carbide slips.
1200 / 1230 / 0.5 / Crew broke for lunch.
1230 / 1800 / 5.5 / Production tree valves were frozen. Greased all valves was able to get the top master valve to open close. ND flow cross crown valves. NU 41/16" flange with 1502 swedge. RU Kelly hose to well. Bled off pressure on 23/8" tbg through gas buster on open top tank. Tbg bled down to 0psi in less than 1 min. Bled off press on 5" csg through gas buster on open top tank. Csg bled down to 0psi in 1 hr 20 mins. All dry gas, no fluid. Loaded 23/8" tbg with 30 bbls of FSW. Loaded 5" csg with 112.2 bbls of FSW. Broke all bolts on 71/16" flange replaced with new bolts. Secured well. SDFN.
1800 / 1930 / 1.5 / Drove from lease to Mathis.
Scheduled the following for tomorrow: PLPS electric line unit for 0700 hours.Production Equipment to deliver new wellhead at 1200 hours.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 08/08/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Rig down or Swab / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 5.95#/ft / Grade: / N-80 / Coupling: / EUE, 8R / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0530 / 0700 / 1.5 / Drove from Mathis to lease.
0700 / 0730 / 0.5 / MI PLPS electric line unit. Held SM with Nabors rig crew PLPS crew. Openedwell. SITP: 1100psi; SICP: 0psi.
0730 / 1200 / 4.5 / Bled down tbg press to open top rig tank. Pumped 3 bbls of FSW down 23/8" tbg to killwell. ND 71/16" 10K production tree. All retainer screws on the tbg hanger bowl were frozen in place. Took an extended period of time to free them. Basic Energy Svs vacuum truck unloaded 120 bbls of FSW into open top rig tank. NU 71/16" 10K x 71/16" 5K adapter spool 5M BOPs. RU floor, tbg tongs PH-6 slip type elevators. Made several attempts to release Tasco Type BB WL set pkr with no success.
1200 / 1500 / 3.0 / Acme Truck delivered upper production tree consisting of 71/16" x 21/16" 10M double master gate valves, 21/16" crown gate valve, 21/16" single wing gate valve with 21/16" adjustable choke. Nabors Safety director, Gilbert, on lease to hold safetyaudit during lunch. Hans Helland on lease. While trying to RU WL, the tbg pressincreased to 500psi with 0psi on csg. Decision was made to bleed off press to flowbacktbg volume of 33 bbls. Then, turn well to sales.
1500 / 1900 / 4.0 / RD PLPS WL. RD tbg tongs, floor slip type elevators. ND 5M BOPs. Loaded tbg with 3 bbls of FSW to kill well. TP: 0psi. Watson pipe delivered 10 jnts of 23/8" 4.7#/ft, L-80, EUE, 8R, R2 tbg, totaling 328'. NU 10K upper tree assembly. Lease crew on lease to plumb-in tree to FL. RU swabbing equipment on well. Flowed back well to open top tank. Flowed back 14 bbls at 0psi FTP. Well stopped flowing. Was unable to swab. Nabors did not have the proper cups. They had cups for 23/8" 4.7#/ft tubing with ID of 1.990". ID for PH-6 2-3/8" 5.95#/ft is 1.875". Contacted office was instructed to turn well to facilities on a 24/64" choke. SDFN.
1900 / 2000 / 1.0 / Drove from lease to Mathis.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 08/09/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Final report. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 5.95#/ft / Grade: / N-80 / Coupling: / EUE, 8R / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0530 / 0700 / 1.5 / Drove from Mathis to lease.
0700 / 0800 / 1.0 / Held SM with Nabors rig crew. Opened well. SITP: 1000psi; SICP: 300psi. Turned well to flowback tank for 10 mins to see if press would bleed off. After 10 mins press decreased to 500psi. SWI & contacted the office. The decision was made to RD & put well on production.
0800 / 1030 / 2.5 / RD MO Nabors rig, catwalk base beam. Pipe racks were left on lease until 23/8" tbg is picked up for next well. Contacted Texas Downhole tools to pick up 4 ½" x 23/8" pkr to put back in Inland Ocean inventory. Contacted Production Equipment to pick up 71/16" x 21/16 flange 23/8" EUE, 8R Cantrell bushing. Released well to gauger.
1030 / 1230 / 2.0 / Drove from lease to San Antonio.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 08/21/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / L.L. Bruun / Phone: / 361-404-1024
Present Operation: / Waiting on workover rig. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 5.95#/ft / Grade: / N-80 / Coupling: / EUE, 8R / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
1100 / 1230 / 1.5 / Drove from Rockport to lease.
1230 / 1330 / 1.0 / MI Select Oilfield Svs slickline unit. Held SM. Opened well. Light blow. RU mast slickline. RU 24' 5K lubricator with pack off. MU 15/8" sample bailer, 1 ¼" spang jars 10' of 1 ½" wt bars. Tool string 18'. Pkr at 7770'.
1330 / 1500 / 1.5 / Attempted to RIH with same to 7770'. However, unable to RIH with tool string due to obstruction 5' below grade. POOH with slickline. MU 1 ½" sample bailer, 1 ¼" spang jars 10' of 1 ½" wt bars. Tool string 18'. Attempted to RIH with same to 7770'. However, still unable to RIH with tool string due to obstruction at 31'. PU tool string pushed through obstruction. Encountered obstruction again at 50' 64'. POOH with slickline. Examined sample bailer. Found build up of iron sulfate type material in bailer.
1500 / 1630 / 1.5 / MU 1.25" gauge ring, 1 ¼" spang jars 10' of 1 ½" wt bars. Tool string 15.5'. RIH with same to 7770' slickline MT. Encountered few areas of resistance beginning at 5300' WL depth. However, no major obstructions found. POOH with slickline. RD MO Select slickline unit. Turned well to facilities. Released well to gauger.
1630 / 1800 / 1.5 / Drove from lease to Rockport.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 10/07/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Making up wireline tools to string shot tubing. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 5.95#/ft / Grade: / N-80 / Coupling: / PH-6 / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0500 / 0700 / 2.0 / Drove from San Antonio to lease.
0700 / 0930 / 2.5 / Waited for Nabors rig to arrive on lease. Nabors rig could not leave the yard due to fog.
0930 / 1230 / 3.0 / MI Nabors WOR #969 on lease. Held SM with Nabors rig crew & haul truck drivers. Spotted base beam, pipe racks, catwalk, open top rig tank & rig pump. Energy Fishing & Rental Service delivered 7-1/16" 10K x 7-1/16" 5K adaptor spool, slip type elevators & 2-3/8" PH-6 x 2-3/8" EUE 8R crossover. Texas Downhole tools delivered 4-1/2" x 2-3/8" 14-23# 7K Arrowset 1X pkr, with carbide slips. Rigged up rig, pump & tank.
1230 / 1300 / 0.5 / Crew broke for lunch.
1300 / 1430 / 1.5 / FTP: 0psi; SICP: 600psi. Bled down csg press through gas buster. Basic Energy Services vacuum truck transferred 180 bbls of FSW from tank battery to open top tank. Pumped 130 bbls of FSW down csg. Pumped 30 bbls of FSW down tbg. Well dead.
1430 / 1630 / 2.0 / ND 7 1/16" x 2 1/16" 10K tree & NU rig 5M BOPs. Rigged up floor. MI PLPS electric line unit. Held SM with PLPS crew. While rigging up PLPS it was found that their 1" cable head was damaged. Unable to repair cable head. They had to get one from their yard in Victoria. Secured well and shut down for night.
1630 / 1730 / 1.0 / Drove from lease to Alice.
Scheduled the following for tomorrow: PLPS electric line unit for 0700 hours.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 10/08/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Finish tallying out of hole laying down 2-3/8" PH-6 tubing. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 5.95#/ft / Grade: / N-80 / Coupling: / PH-6 / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0600 / 0700 / 1.0 / Drove from Alice to lease.
0700 / 0800 / 1.0 / Held SM with Nabors rig crew & PLPS wireline crew. Opened well. SITP: 1390psi; SICP: 0psi. Bled off tbg press through gas buster into open top tank.
0800 / 1200 / 4.0 / Rigged up 5K swivel lubricator, with pack off, on tbg. RIH with 1" x 5' strip gun, collar locator & 10' of weight bar. Located pkr @ 7749' wireline measurement. Attempted to log up with collar locator. Unable to locate collars. Worked tbg to the right 8 turns to ensure tbg was made up. Turned tbg 4 turns to the left. Fired strip gun at 7749' wireline measurement. There was no reaction on tbg. Worked tbg to the left several times. Unable to back off tbg.
1200 / 1230 / 0.5 / Crew broke for lunch.
1230 / 1400 / 1.5 / Rigged up 5K swivel lubricator, with pack off, on tbg. RIH with 2 strand 1" x 5' strip gun, collar locator & 10' of weight bar. Located collar above pkr @ 7720' wireline measurement. Turned tbg 4 turns to the left. Fired dual strip gun. Tbg backed off. POOH with wireline.
1400 / 1430 / 0.5 / RD PLPS.
1430 / 1800 / 3.5 / Set up pipe racks & catwalk. Tallied out of hole LD 185 jnts of 2 3/8" PH-6 tbg.
1800 / 1830 / 0.5 / Secured well and shut down for night.
1830 / 1930 / 1.0 / Drove from lease to Alice.
NOTE: Scheduled PLPS wireline crew for tomorrow at 0800 hours.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 10/09/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Making bit and scraper run. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / Grade: / Coupling: / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0600 / 0700 / 1.0 / Drove from Alice to lease.
0700 / 0900 / 2.0 / Held SM with Nabors rig crew. Opened well. SITP: 300psi; SICP: 0psi. Bled off tbg press through gas buster into open top tank. Tallied out of hole laying down 43 joints of 2-3/8" PH-6 tubing. Total tubing length 7709.87'. The last 400' of PH-6 tubing was severely pitted around the box and pin areas.
0900 / 1000 / 1.0 / Moved in PLPS on well. Held safety meeting. Rigged up wireline. Made up 3.825" gauge ring, 5' junk basket, 1' collar locator, 5' weight bar and 1' cable head. Total tool length 12'. Rigged up 5K lubricator, with pack off. Ran in hole to 7000' wireline measurement and tagged solid. Unable to work through obstruction. Pulled out of hole with wireline. Opened junk basket and found no debris inside.
1000 / 1130 / 1.5 / Added 5' weight bar to tool string. Ran in hole to 6455' wireline measurement and tagged solid. Unable to work through obstruction. Pulled out of hole with wireline.
1100 / 1130 / 0.5 / Decision was made to make bit and scraper run. Contacted Energy Fishing & Rental and ordered equipment.
1200 / 1230 / 0.5 / Energy delivered 3-7/8" rock bit, 2-3/8" bit sub and 2-3/8" PH-6 x 5" casing scraper. Crew broke for lunch.
1230 / 1830 / 6.0 / Picked up and ran in hole with .31' x 3-7/8" rock bit , 3.75' x 5" casing scraper, 1.50' bit sub, 13 joints of 2-3/8" PH-6 tubing, 1.30' x 2-3/8" PH-6 pin x 2-3/8" EUE 8R box crossover sub and 150 joints of 2-3/8" EUE, 8R tubing. Total depth 5510.29'. Secured well and shut down for night.
1830 / 1930 / 1.0 / Drove from lease to Alice.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 10/10/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Running in hole with AS-1X packer and tubing. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / Grade: / Coupling: / Perfs:
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0600 / 0700 / 1.0 / Drove from Alice to lease.
0700 / 0930 / 2.5 / Held safety meeting with rig crew. Opened well. SITP = 400 psi. SICP = 400 psi. Bled off pressure through gas buster into open top tank. Ran in hole with 77 joints of 2-3/8" EUE, 8R tubing to 7666.97' tubing measurement. Tagged obstruction at 6257 +/-. Worked tubing through obstruction. Circulated well 3x total volume.
0930 / 1430 / 5.0 / Pulled out of hole and with 227 joints of 2-3/8" EUE, 8R tubing and 2-3/8" PH-6 pin x 2-3/8" EUE, 8R box crossover sub. Pulled out of hole laying down 13 joints of 2-3/8" PH-6 tubing, PH-6 bit sub, 5" casing scraper and 3-7/8" rock bit. Rig crew broke for lunch.
1430 / 1730 / 3.0 / Moved in PLPS on well. Held safety meeting with PLPS wireline crew. Rigged up wireline and packoff. Made up and ran in hole with 1' 5" 23# 10K CIBP, 7' Go shorty setting tool and CCL. Set CIBP at 7500' wireline measurement. Pulled out of hole with wireline. Tested CIBP to 1000 psi for 10 minutes. Tested good. Bled off pressure. Rigged up packoff. Made up and ran in hole with cement dump bailer and dump bailed 20' of Class H cement on top of CIBP. Pulled out of hole with wireline.
1730 / 1800 / 0.5 / Ran in hole with 2 joints of 2-3/8" tubing for kill string. Secured well and shut down for night.
1800 / 1900 / 1.0 / Drove from lease to Alice.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 10/11/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Swabbing well. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 4.7#/ft / Grade: / L-80 / Coupling: / EUE, 8R / Perfs: / 7284'-7291' & 7294'-3000'
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0600 / 0700 / 1.0 / Drove from Alice to lease.
0700 / 1130 / 4.5 / Held SM with Nabors rig crew. Opened well. SICP: 0psi. POOH LD 2 jnts of 23/8" PH-6 tbg. MU 4 ½" x 23/8" 7K AS1-X pkr with carbide slips. RIH with BHA 225 jnts of 23/8" tbg set pkr @ 7191' TM. 10,000# of compression. Tested pkr to 1000psi. Pkr tested good. Production Equipment delivered 71/16" x 21/16" 10K adapter spool, ring gasket 23/8" bushing. ND 5M BOPs & NU 10K tree. Swabbed tbg down to 1000'.
1130 / 1630 / 5.0 / MI PLPS wireline on well. RU 25' of 5K lubricator, with pack off, pump-in tee. MU & RIH with 16' of Enerjet 4 spf, 0 phased perforation guns with 3' spacer, 4' gamma gun & 1' firing head. RIH T/ 6800' lost communication with gamma gun. POOH with wireline. Replaced gamma gun. RIH T/ 7400'. Logged up to btm of pkr. Correlated using open hole log. Perforated F/ 7284' T/ 7291' &F/ 7294’ T/ 7300'. 0psi after perforating.
1630 / 1730 / 1.0 / Rigged down and moved out PLPS electric line unit.
1730 / 2000 / 2.5 / Opened well to open top tank on full choke. 0psi no fluid. RU swab lubricator. RIH with 2-3/8" dual swab cups & tagged fluid @ 600'. Pulled F/ 1100'. Recovered 3 bbls of fluid. Waited 30 mins. No fluid, no press. Made 2ndswab run. Tagged fluid @ 900'. Pulled F/ 1400'.Recovered 3 bbls of fluid. Waited 30 mins. Slight blow on well. Made 3rdswab run. Tagged fluid @ 1400'. Pulled F/ 1900'. Recovered 3 bbls of fluid. Secured well. SDFN.
2000 / 2100 / 1.0 / Drove from lease to Alice.
DAILY COMPLETION REPORTDate: / 10/12/14 / Operator: / Inland Ocean, Inc. / Well Name: / C. Garcia No. B-1
Field: / County: / Duval / Consultant: / James Mullins / Phone: / 304-279-1693
Present Operation: / Shut down until Monday. / Contractor & Rig No.: / Nabors Rig #969
Production Casing OD: / 5" / Depth: / 8295' / Wt.: / 23.2#/ft / Grade: / P-110 / PBTD: / 8052'
Tubing OD: / 2-3/8" / Wt: / 4.7#/ft / Grade: / L-80 / Coupling: / EUE, 8R / Perfs: / 7284'-7291' & 7294'-3000'
Breakdown of Operations
From / To / Hrs
0600 / 0700 / 1.0 / Drove from Alice to lease.
0700 / 1200 / 5.0 / Held Safety meeting with Nabors rig crew. Opened well. SICP: 0psi; SITP: 2010psi. As advised opened well on a 10/64" adjustable choke. Press bled down to 0# in less than 3 mins. Opened well to 64/64" choke. No blow was detected, only small amount of gas fumes. RU swab lubricator. Load to recover 19.1 bbls. Swabbed well as follows:
Run Tagged Fluid Pulled From Total BBLs Rec Load to Rec Remarks
1 200' 700' 3.3 15.8 Load water
2 700' 1500' 6.6 12.5 Load water
3 1400' 2300' 9.9 9.2 Load water
4 1800' 2600' 13.2 5.9 Load water
5 2400' 3200' 16.5 2.6 Load water
6 3100' 3900' 19.8 -0.7 Load water
7 3700' 4200' 23.1 -4 Water
Stopped swabbing to see if well would flow on its own. Only gas fumes after 30 mins. Contacted office decision was made to SD until Monday.
1200 / 1230 / 0.5 / Secured well and shut down for night.
1230 / 1430 / 2.0 / Drove from lease to San Antonio.
Inland OceanHeld safety meeting with Nabors rig crew. Opened well. SICP = 0 psi. SITP = 1700 psi. Bled off pressure through gas buster into open top tank. Loaded tubing with 30 bbls of FSW at 1 bpm at 3000 psi with casing open. Bled off pump pressure. Tubing pressure 0 psi. Nippled down 10K tree. Nippled up 7-1/16" 10K x 7-1/16" 5K adapter spool and 5M rig BOPs. Released 4-1/2" 7K AS1-X packer. Circulated 3X total volume. Pulled out of hole with 225 joints of 2-3/8" L-80 EUE, 8RD tubing and AS1-X packer. Moved in PLPS electric line unit on lease. Held safety meeting with PLPS crew. Made up 25' of 5K lubricator with packoff and 5' pump-in tee. Nippled up wireline flange to rig BOPs. Ran in hole with 22' of casing gun carrier, 4 spf, 60 degree phased and Gamma gun. Ran in hole to 7400' and logged up to 7200'. Correlated using Atlas Wireline open hole log dated May 27, 1988 and PLPS log dated October 2014. Perforated from 7284'-7291' and 7294'-7300'. After perforating, casing pressure 0 psi. Pulled out of hole with wireline. Confirmed all shots fired. Secured well and shut down for night.
Inland OceanHeld safety meeting with Nabors rig crew. Opened well SICP = 1500 psi. Bled off pressure through gas buster into open top tank. Moved in Texas Downhole Tools tool hand and PLPS electric line, with grease. Held safety meeting. Made up 30' of 5K lubricator, 5' pump-in tee, grease head and grease unit. Made up packer BHA consisting of 1.30' wireline entry guide with dual ceramic discs, 4.06' x 2-3/8" J-55 pup joint, 7.46' 4-1/2" x 2-3/8" AS1-X 7K wireline set packer, 1.20' seal nipple with X-profile, 5.75' Baker E-4 10 setting tool, 4' Gamma gun and 1' firing head. Ran in hole with BHA to 7250'. Logged up to 7100' correlated using Atlas Wireline open hole log dated May 27, 1988. Set packer at 7185' wireline measurement. Pulled out of hole with wireline. Tested packer to 1000 psi. Tested good. Ran in hole with 1.30' L-80 on/off overshot, 223 joints of 2-3/8" tubing, 10' x 2-3/8" pup joint, 8' x 2-3/8" pup joint, 6' x 2-3/8" pup joint, 4' x 2-3/8" pup and 1 joint of 2-3/8" tubing slick joint. Basic Energy Services hauled 300 bbls of water to disposal and delivered 250 bbls of 2% KCl water. Circulated 250 bbls of 2% KCl water all the way around. Spaced out AS1-X packer. Tested packer seal and wraparound to 1000 psi. Tested good. Secured well and shut down for night.