NAMA Evaluation Form Annual Conference 3rd to 5thMarch 2016

STEM Centre York

Feedback summary:

. / 1 Really helpful to role / Helpful to role
Conference as a whole / 89% / 7.5%
Impact on students’ mathematical learning / 59% / 33%

Conference attendees held a variety of roles, with adviser/consultant being by far the majority.

Comments from delegates:

Conference as a whole

A really good opportunity to keep up to date with developments across all stages. Great opportunities for networking

Fantastic opportunity to hear high-calibre speakers with national reputations in maths. It’s also a great team building time for us. I do enjoy the networking.

It’s just what we need as a team – opportunities for policy discussions and being made to think

Always well worth the time!

Yes a packed agenda with well-balanced time for more informal discussion

Great bunch of people, good range of workshops – variety and phase. Always worth the journey

Cracking conversations with friends and colleagues. We always look forward to opportunities to remain up to date with the national priorities. However the laughter and website sharing took this conference beyond York into the world of Norfolk!

Excellent sessions, lots of variety and an opportunity to network

Nice variety in a lovely setting with useful opportunities over meals and breaks to network. Keeping to time was an asset so that networking time was not squeezed. Lovely food and happy with sleeping accommodation

Great programme – lots of variety between speakers, subjects but key themes also

Impact on students’ mathematical learning

What will you do differently– How will you measure the impact – What further support would you like?

Explore some of the resources further eg NRICH

A few ideas of resources that are easy to use. Really like to develop the ‘confidence’ scores with colleagues

Really interested in negative marking and scalar/functional reasoning

Some good ideas/research/materials to use with the teachers I work with (in school and at CPD events)

Develop aspects in own school and also with delivery of PD head training in SLE role

Need to consider how to adapt activities to be used appropriately in the classroom (to support teachers)

Loved Colin Fosters keynote – child’s confidence does matter and who would have thought negative marking is a positive!

Indirectly the teachers we work with will now change pedagogical practise to enable them to continue their own learning and growth to inspire children to a better mathematical future.

Links with the NCETM and Maths Hubs, Being an NCETM National Standards Holder and PD lead doesn’t automatically equate to involvement! Will the greater involvement of NAMA facilitate greater collaboration?

Parker ideas on topology - cutting up combined strips – with 70+ group at U3A Maths for fun

Investigate the teacher as researcher topic further with a view to providing more appropriate support

As a COPD provider I will reflect on my work around coaching other CPD providers so that they can better improve their provision by focusing on the big ideas

Share updates with colleagues and teachers. Follow up reading and links. Another good conf next year please. Use the scaling and function problems with teachers from Terezinha’s session

Suggestions for content or improvements for next year’s conference

Nice to have range of workshops each time

Nice to have sociologists and psychologists

Developing resilience in maths

More maths!

Follow up to this year eg Colin on a workshop

Bring your best gadget – eg torch, brollydry (bag), wrap ear plugs

Perhaps code workshops – classroom activities, research focus etc

Could even do a ‘lucky dip’ workshop

We discussed repeating some workshops but this didn’t happen. Next year repeat some over 2 sessions as people want to go to others in the same slot (and cuts our planning!)

Availability of research papers to follow up thinking

Could we have an event to share Lesson study experiences

Not too far South West

Keep the balance between keynotes and workshops

The newsletters remain very useful

Please invite Terezinha Nunes back again!! Thank you all

Lets have Teezinha again

Continue to have an early years input and develop towards NAMA having an impact on early years CPOD nationally

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