Request letter for reconstituion of Firm/change in constituion of membership entity

(On the Letterhead of the member)



Membership Department


Akruti Corporate Park

L.B.S. Marg, Kanjur Marg (W)

Mumbai – 400 078

Sub: Reconstituion of Firm/change in constituion of membership entity

Dear Sir/Madam,

We , …………………………………………………………TMID………………and FMC………………….the member of the Exchange hereby seeking your approval for Reconstituion of Firm/change in constituion of membership entityas per the details given below.

Sr No / Particular of changes / Applicable Proposed changes (Yes/No) / Remarks If any
1. / Reconstituion of Partnership firm
2. / Change in constituion from Individual to Partnership Firm
4. / Change in constituion from Individual to Corporate
5. / Change in constituion from partnership to Corporate
6. / Any other changes

The following documents are submitted by us in regards of this application

Sr No / Particulars of Documents / Submitted (YES/NO/NA)
1. / Existing and Proposed shareholding pattern (Format Attached)
2. / Existing and Proposed Dominant Promoter Group details (Format Attached )
3. / Certified copy of Board Resolution(In case of Corporate only)
4. / Net worth certificate
5. / Attested copy of MOA (In case of Corporate only)
6. / A cheque or DD in favors of NCDEX of applicable processing Fee with applicable service tax Or Debit Authorization Letter (As per attached Format)
(Fees applicable as per Circular No NCDEX/MEMBERSHIP-001/2010/217 dated 23rd August 2010)

Note: All documents should sign & stamp by Authorized Signatory.

For any further communication in this regard, please contact the undersigned or Mr./Ms______(Name of the contact person)on______(Contact Numbers) or Email______

Yours faithfully

For (Name of the Members)

(To be signed by two authorised Directors)

Existing and Proposed shareholding pattern

(On the letter Head of the member)

Shareholding pattern of …………………(Name of member entity) as on……………….(date)

Total Paid up capital :

Face Value of each equity share:

Sr No / Name of shareholder / Nationality / Present shareholding as on…………………… / Proposed shareholding as on…………………… / Change in shareholding
No of Shares / % of total paid up capital / No of Shares / % of total paid up capital
Total / 100 / 100


1.Give similar details thereof separately in case of holding company.

2. Person holding 5% or more of the paid up capital should be shown separately and

not in clubbed in others

3.share holder/Person holding more than 10% should be provide a pan card copy

Date :

Place :

For (Name of the Members)

(To be signed by two authorised Directors)

Existing and Proposed Dominant Promoter Group

(On the letter Head of the member)

Shareholding pattern of …………………(Name of member entity) as on……………….(date)

Total paid up capital:

Face Value of each equity share:

Sr No / Name of Dominant shareholder / Relation / Existing DPG pattern as on………… / Proposed DPG pattern as on…………
Amount Paid UP / % of Shareholding / Amount Paid UP / % of Shareholding / Total %
1. / Main DPG Name / Self / Self
Relative/Corporate / Relative/Corporate
2. / Main DPG Name / Self / Self
Relative/Corporate / Relative/Corporate
3. / Main DPG Name / Self / Self
Relative/Corporate / Relative/Corporate
4. / Main DPG Name / Self / Self
Relative/Corporate / Relative/Corporate

Note: 1.Give similar details therof separately in case of holding company.

2. Person holding 5% or more of the paid up capital should be shown separately and

not in clubbed in others



For (Name of the Members)

(To be signed by two authorised Directors)

Debit Autorization Letter for reconstituion of Firm/change in constituion of membership entity

(On the Letter head of the company)



Membership Department


Akruti Corporate Park

L.B.S. Marg, Kanjur Marg (W)

Mumbai – 400 079

Dear Sir/Madam

Sub: Debit instruction letter for reconstituion of Firm/change in constituion of membership entity

This has referance to your circular No NCDEX/MEMBERSHIP-001/2010/217 dated 23rd August 2010.

We have applied for change in shareholding/ dominant Promoter Group of the company for which we authorize you to debit our settlement account no.………………in………………………..(Name of the Bank) by ` …………along with service tax @10.30% as Processing charges and `…………………………. as Fixed Fee along with service tax @ 10.30% for change in shareholding/ dominant Promoter Group of the company.

For ______(Name of the member)

Signature of Authorised Director.

Compnay seal