Form F - Epilepsy Management Plan

Contacts /



Date of Birth



Year Level

Parents / Caregivers Names

/ Home Telephone / Work Telephone

Name of Doctor:



Ambulance / Emergency Contact:

Epilepsy History / Type of seizure/s experienced?
How frequently do you experience seizures?
Known triggers? (eg. weather, photosensitivity, diet, stress, etc.)
Seizure pattern:
Build up and onset / The seizure / The period after the seizure
Regular Medication:
Drug name / Dose / Time Taken / Form of Administration

Additional Information:

Emergency Action / Detailed plan of treatment provided by medical practitioner is attached
If a doctor / specialist has provided authorisation for the administration of treatment in an emergency situation all details should be noted in the emergency action plan.
Or; Standard Epilepsy emergency action plan as below should be followed.

Step 1:

/ Note the time and length of the seizure.

Step 2:

/ Remain with the person. Move harmful objects away; put something soft under head and shoulders; do not put anything in mouth; loosen any tight clothing; do not restrain.

Step 3:

/ As soon as possible roll the person onto side to assist breathing.

Step 4:

/ After the seizure allow the person to rest until they have fully recovered. Reassure them until they are aware of their surroundings.

Step 5:

/ If the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, if another seizure quickly follows the first, or the person remains unconscious or is injured, call an ambulance.
In the event of a seizure, do you want details of that seizure to be recorded as per the attached form. Indicate (by ticking the boxes beside the numbers) the information to be recorded.
Yes No

I declare that the information on this form is complete and correct and is based on advice provided by a medical practitioner. I further request that the medication as specified on this form be administered, or assistance be provided in the management of the medication, in accordance with the instructions provided.

Signature: ………………………………………….………… Relationship to student: ...……………….

Print Name: …………………………………………………..Date: ……/……/……

Information on Education Queensland’s Information Privacy Standard can be obtained from:


Record of Epileptic seizure



Date of Birth

1. / Date of the seizure
2. / Exact time of the day
3. / What was the person doing at the time?
4. / Had the person just fallen asleep or woken up?
5. / What called your attention to the seizure?
6 / Did the seizure progress slowly or quickly?
7. / How long did each stage of the seizure last?
8. / What parts of the body were affected?
9. / Was one side affected more than the other?
10. / Did the body become stiff?
11. / Did it jerk, twitch or go into convulsions?
12. / Was the person unconscious?
13. / If not was there any alteration in awareness?
14. / Did the skin show changes (flushed, clammy etc.)?
15. / Did the breathing change?
16. / Did the person talk or perform any actions during the seizure?
17. / Was the person incontinent of bladder or bowel?
18. / Did the person vomit?
19. / Did any injuries result from the seizure?
20. / How did the person behave after the seizure (alert, drowsy, confused)?
21. / After recovery did the person remember any unusual sensations before or at the onset of the seizure?
22. / How long did the person take to recover completely?
23. / If the person takes medication, when was the last dose before the seizure?
24. / Anything else associated with the seizure you think the doctor should know?
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