Report on Projected Spending of the Pupil Premium Grant

Academic Year 2017-18

At Court Fields School, we are committed to accelerating the achievement, progress and personal development of all disadvantaged students and diminishing the differences between their outcomes and those of their peers. The Pupil Premium is a fund which comes directly into school from the government to help us achieve this aim. Funding is targeted at students who have received free school meals at any time in the last 6 years; been continuously looked after for at least 6 months; been adopted from care and children who have one or more parents in the British Armed Forces.

At Court Fields School we work closely with our feeder Primary schools to ensure that every child transitions well to secondary school and continues to make good progress.

At Court Fields School our aim is that Every Child Achieves, Belongs and Participates – these three values direct all that we do. We believe in educating the whole child through high quality teaching (Achieve) and high quality pastoral care (Belong and Participate). Our school priority is always to deliver the highest quality teaching by personalising our approach for every student, every lesson, and everyday. We invest significantly in staff training both internally and externally to enhance our practice to secure the best outcomes for all students. We tailor our curriculum, our teaching and our approach to meet the needs of all students with clear targeting and funding allocated to those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and those who need to catch up quickly when they join Court fields.

This year we would like to change the Heads of House focus to more of an academic focus, mirroring the approach across the Trust.

Number of pupils eligible / 159
Amount received per pupil / £935
TOTAL PP available
(includes additional funding for service children & children adopted from care) / £154, 735.00
  • Date of most recent external review
/ Sept 2017
  • Date of next external review
/ November 2017
  • Date of next internal review
/ February 2017
  1. Objectives

Barrier / Objective / 2017 Data / Success Criteria
1. / Some Disadvantaged students achieve less well than others particularly:
HAPS English and Maths
LAPS English
SEND / To accelerate the progress of all Disadvantaged students against that of other students nationally focusing particularly on those with low and high prior attainment, Boys and SEND through Quality First Teaching and CPD / Overall P8 2017 leavers: - 0.67
2018 leavers P8
Boys (14) -0.84, English focus
HAPS (8) -0.46, English and Maths
MAPS Boys(5), English focus
LAPS (8) -0.58 / GCSE progress of Disadvantaged students exceed that of ‘others’ nationally in Progress 8, Maths and English
2. / Some Disadvantaged students achieve less well than ‘others’. Current analysis of Summer 2 data suggests:
Year 8: above standard boys, Maths
Year 9: MAPS English and Maths / To improve the literacy and numeracy of Disadvantaged students in KS3 though Quality First Teaching and additional curriculum time / Year 8
64% on 4LP target 2% gap but achieving less well than English or Science.
Year 9
English 45% on target 4LP target, 18% gap
Maths 39 % on 4LP target, 4% above ‘others’ / PP students exceed expected progress and exceed their targets at the end of the year with 50% exceeding their targets at the end of KS3
3. / Some Disadvantaged students attend less well than ‘others’. / To secure good attendance of all PP students / Percentage of absence figure for Disadvantaged students 8.94 2016-17 compared with 9.0 2015-16
Absence 5.5%. PA: 12.01 % overall. Disadvantaged absence: 8.94% Disadvantaged PA: 21.4% / Disadvantaged students achieve 95% attendance or above in line with ‘other’ students
Persistence absence of Disadvantaged students is less than 10%
Barrier / Objective / 2017 Data / Success Criteria
4. / Some Disadvantaged students accrue more FTE than ‘others’. / To secure good behaviour of all PP students against that of ‘other’ students locally and nationally through Quality First Teaching, mentoring and improving student participation and sense of ‘belonging’. Analysis of last year’s suggests Year 9 and Year 11 should be the focus this year. / Current Data: 2016-17:
Overall behaviour points Disadvantaged 663, others 775.
2016-17: 9.05% FTE % pupil group ALL, Disadvantaged: 19.10%. FTE 1 or more ALL: 4.03%, Disadvantaged: 6.62%. FTE more than 1 ALL: 1.94%, Disadvantaged 4.79% / Fewer exclusions and behaviour points than ‘other’ students
5. / Some Disadvantaged students are not clear what their next steps are beyond school / To ensure all PP students remain in post-16 education because student aspirations and careers advice and guidance is effective / 3% Neets in 2016-17 (4 students) April to June 2016 and 2017 England NA 18.4%. / There are no PP NEET’s (Not in Education, Employment or Training) 2018
6. / Some Disadvantaged parents do no engage fully with school events such as Parents Evening / To ensure all PP parents to engage fully with school events / 2016-17 examples:
Yr 8 Parents Evening: PP 56.3% , non PP: 85.9%
Year 8 parents evening: PP: 50%, non PP: 84.5% / A higher % of PP parents attend parents evenings than that of ‘other’ parents. Over 80% of parents targeted to attend
  1. Current Achievement of PP students 2017

Performance Measure / School Group / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / Others Nationally / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
5 A*- CEM / PP all / 28% / 48%
Progress 8 / PP High Ability / 0.38 / -1.46 / High Ability / 0.07
PP Middle Ability / -0.68 / -0.18 / Middle Ability / 0.14
PP Low Ability / -0.67 / NA / Low Ability / 0.19
PP All / -0.54 / -0.66 / Other All / 0.43
Progress 8 in English
(English Element) / PP High Ability / 0.52 / -1.52 / High Ability / 0.05
PP Middle Ability / -0.42 / -0.1 / Middle Ability / 0.11
PP Low Ability / -0.48 / NA / Low Ability / 0.16
PP All / -0.31 / -0.58 / Other All / 0.46
Progress 8 in Maths
(Maths Element) / PP High Ability / 0.49 / -1.98 / High Ability / 0.06
PP Middle Ability / -0.14 / -0.29 / Middle Ability / 0.12
PP Low Ability / -0.71 / NA / Low Ability / 0.19
PP All / -0.15 / -0.92 / Other All / 0.50
Attainment 8 / PP High Ability / 68 / 44.75 / High Ability / 65.12
PP Middle Ability / 42.31 / 35.05 / Middle Ability / 50.77
PP Low Ability / 21.13 / NA / Low Ability / 31.32
PP All / 41.89 / 38.74 / Other All / 52.72
Threshold (English and Maths) / PP High Ability / 100 / 67% (4+) 17% (5+) / High Ability / 97
PP Middle Ability / 63 / 30% (4+) 0% (5+) / Middle Ability / 68
PP Low Ability / 0 / NA / Low Ability / 14
PP All / 57 / 6% (5+) / Other All / 70
% Achieved Ebacc / PP High Ability / 33 / 17% 4+ 0% (5+) / High Ability / 58
PP Middle Ability / 0 / 0 / Middle Ability / 17
PP Low Ability / 0 / NA / Low Ability / 1
PP All / 4 / Other All / 29
Key Pastoral Factors
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9 / Year 10 / Year 11 / All Years
Free School Meals / 25.45% / 42 / 25.35% / 36 / 23.56% / 41 / 19.59% / 29 / 20.45% / 27 / 23.00% / 175
Pupil Premium / 28.48% / 47 / 28.17% / 40 / 25.86% / 45 / 20.95% / 31 / 25.76% / 34 / 25.89% / 197
  1. Expenditure of Pupil Premium Funding 2017-18

* = Contribution to the cost

Chosen Approach / Reasons for this Approach / Cost of PP contribution / Lead Staff / Review Dates (Governors Monitoring)
(with stepped milestones to close the gaps to others nationally) / How the impact will be measured
PP Champion (Whole School)
Barrier: all (See section above)
Objective: all / Part of the time of 1 SLT PP champions is dedicated to planning provision, monitoring provision and assessing impact on academic and pastoral achievement / £9219.92 * / B Warrender / September 2017
October 2017 P8 -0.6
April 2018 P8 -0.4
September 2018 P8 -0.3
2018-19 target 0
2019-20 target +0.2 / GCSE school measures for Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ are closing towards 0. (–0.2 this year)
HOH Time / To drive achievement for individual Disadvantaged students through Pastoral mentoring.On average, one day per week spent working with PP students and their families / £61,548.24 * / J Lamb / October 2017 P8 -0.6
April 2018 P8 -0.4
September 2018 P8 -0.3
2018-19 target 0
2019-20 target +0.2 / GCSE school measures for Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ are closing towards 0 for each House P8. P8 overall -0.2 this year
Barrier: 1,2,3
Objective: 1 / To drive improvement in KS3-4 outcomes by delivering GCSE English through the Achievement to all base / £7,936.56 * / N Anstice / April 2018 50% on-track
July 201855% on-track
2018-19 target 60% on-track
2019-20 target 65% on-track / % of PP students achieving end of year targets compared to ‘others’
Chosen Approach / Reasons for this Approach / Cost of PP contribution / Lead Staff / Review Dates (Governors Monitoring)
(with stepped milestones to close the gaps to others nationally) / How the impact will be measured
Improve Literacy and Numeracy in Year 7 and KS3
Accelerated Reader
Barrier: 1
Objective: 2 / Bespoke and targeted Literacy resource focusing on reading and comprehension – to support students achieve well in English and across the curriculum / £981 * / L Martin / Jan 2018 2 months
April 2018 4 months
September 2018 6 months
2018-19 target 8 months
2019-20 target 10 months / % of Disadvantaged students at reading age vs ‘others’
Corrective Reader
Barrier: 1
Objective: 2 / Bespoke and targeted Literacy resource focusing on reading and comprehension – to support students achieve well in English and across the curriculum / £8000 * / HTowler Williams / Jan 2018
April 2018 60% ‘remarkable impact’
September 2018 ‘80% ‘remarkable impact’ / Ratio gains
Ratio gains of less than 1.4 are of ‘doubtful educational significance’,
Between 1.4 and 2.0 of ‘modest impact’,
Between 2.0 and 3.0 of ‘useful impact’,
Between 3.0 and 4.0 of ‘substantial impact’ and
Above 4.0 of ‘remarkable impact’ (Brooks. 2007, p. 289).
Steps to Success Programme
Barrier: 1,3, 6
Objective: 2 / SEND students are dis-applied from MFL in Yr 8 to provide an additional 3 hours a week of literacy teaching to ensure success across the curriculum and particularly in English. / £2,953.71* / R Cummins / Jan 2018 55% on-track to meet targets in English
April 2018 60% on-track to meet targets in English
September 201865% on-track to meet targets in English
2018-19 target 70%
2019-20 target 80% / % of Disadvantaged students achieving their end of year targets vs ‘others’ across the curriculum and in English particularly
Additional teaching to pre-teach EBAC subjects in Year 9
Barrier: 1,3, 6
Objective: 2 / SEND students are dis-applied from MFL in Yr 9 to provide an additional 3 hours a week of EBAC teaching to ensure success to improve performance in EBAC bucket. 40% of group 1 are Disadvantaged, 63% of group 2 are Disadvantaged / £5,001.53*
[BW1] / H Towler Williams/Alex Mossman / Jan 2018 50% on-track to meet targets
April 2018 on-track to meet targets
September 2018 65% on-track to meet targets / % of Disadvantaged students achieving their end of year targets vs ‘others’
Chosen Approach / Reasons for this Approach / Cost of PP contribution / Lead Staff / Review Dates (Governors Monitoring)
(with stepped milestones to close the gaps to others nationally) / How the impact will be measured
Improve English and Maths in KS4
Additional hour of teaching to the lowest ability students English in Year 11
Barrier: 1
Objective: 1 / Additional hour of English for the lowest ability students 8 of which are Disadvantaged / £536.73* / L Martin / Jan 2017 P8 -0.8 Eng element
April 2017 P8 -0.6 Eng element
September 2017 P8 -0.4 Eng element
2018-19 target -0.3
2019-20 target 0.0 / GCSE school measures for Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ are closing towards 0
Additional hour of teaching to the lowest ability students Maths Year 11
Barrier: 1
Objective: 1 / Additional hour of Maths for the lowest ability students 8 of which are Disadvantaged / £616.98* / R Gee / Jan 2018 P8 -0.8 Maths element
April 2018 P8 -0.6 Maths element
September 2018 P8 -0.4 Maths element
2018-19 target -0.3
2019-20 target 0.0 / Maths GCSE school measures for Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ are closing towards 0. -0.2 this year.
Year 11: English Morning intervention 2 hours a week
Barrier: A
Objective: 1 / Disadvantaged students underachieving in year 11 receive additional teaching in tutorial English intervention / £2,219.62 * / L Martin / April 2018 P8 -0.6 Eng element
September 2018 P8 -0.4 Eng element
2018-19 target -0.2
2019-20 target 0.0 / English GCSE results PP outcomes against ‘others’ are closing towards 0. -0.1 this year.
Year 11: Maths Morning intervention 2 hours a week
Barrier: 2
Objective: 1 / Disadvantaged students underachieving in year 11 receive additional teaching in tutorial / £5,347.16 * / B Gee / April 2018 P8 -0.7 Maths element
September 2018 P8 -0.3 Maths element / Maths GCSE school measures for Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ are closing towards 0. -0.3 this year.
Chosen Approach / Reasons for this Approach / Cost of PP contribution / Lead Staff / Review Dates (Governors Monitoring)
(with stepped milestones to close the gaps to others nationally) / How the impact will be measured
Year 11 Study group
Barrier: C
Objective: 1 / 2 hours after school of revision for Disadvantaged students who require support in school with revision.
Jan – June 2017 / £2,198.32* / R Cummins
S Appleby / Jan 2018 -0.5
March 2018 -0.3
August 2018 -0.1 / PP GCSE measures: GCSE school measures for Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ are closing towards 0. -0.1 this year.
Literacy LSA
Barrier: 1
Objective: 1 / LSA supporting identified students with weak literacy skills in lessons and as extraction groups / £13,085* / S Samuels / Dec 2017
April 2018
July 2018 / % of students and their months improvement in reading and spelling
NCFE registration and delivery
Barrier: 3
Objective: 1 / Some Disadvantaged students offered alternative courses to improve their achievement / £846 * / B Warrender / September 2018 90% of students will achieve the qualification, 70% achieve their target grade / % of students achieving the qualification and % at least their target grade in the subject, 90% achieving a qualification.
Additional teaching time
Barrier: 3
Objective: 1 / Art specialist, Music Specialist – group work with Disadvantaged students to improve progress x 3 days / £540 / B Warrender / September 2018 90% of students will achieve the qualification, 70% achieve their target grade / 90% of students achieving the qualification and % at least their target grade in the subject
Additional teaching groups in Yr 10 English and maths
Barrier: 1,2
Objective: 2 / Increased personalisation every lesson to improve the achievement HAPS and LAPS in Maths and HAPS and MAPS in English / £1,978.65* / A Saunders
E Haeffner / Review after assessment points December 2017, April 2018, 1July 2018 / 50% of Disadvantaged meeting 4LP end of year target
Chosen Approach / Reasons for this Approach / Cost of PP contribution / Lead Staff / Review Dates (Governors Monitoring)
(with stepped milestones to close the gaps to others nationally) / How the impact will be measured
Pastoral Support: Attendance/ Attitude to Learning / Behaviour and Emotional Literacy/ Careers/Aspiration/Extra Curricular
Pastoral support assistant x2
Barrier: 4, 5, 6
Objective: 3,4,6 / 2016-17 absence 12.1%
2016-17 PA 25.4%
2016-17 FTE 20.95
Targeted mentoring/intervention of Disadvantaged students and their parents to improve attendance, behaviour for learning and achievement / £8,508.76 * / S Appleby / NA all 5% (RAISE)
Disadvantaged 7.2 (RAISE)
FTE 7.6 all
FTE Disadvantaged 18.77
January 2018 9.0% absence, FTE 11%
April 2018 8.6% absence FTE 13%
July 2018 8.4% absence, FTE 14%
2018-19 Target 7.6% absence, FTE 10%
2019-20 7% absence, FTE 8%
2020-21 6.5% absence, FTE 6% / PA all 12.4% (RAISE)
Disadvantaged (RAISE) 21.6%
January 2018 25%
April 2018 24%
July 2018 23%
2018-19 Target 22% PA
2019-20 20 % PA
2020-21 18 % PA / Disadvantaged absence, persistent absence meeting milestone targets
3 x LSA for Opportunities Club – additional 8 hrs
Barrier: 3
Objective: 1 / Provide support for students after school to successfully get their homework completed well / £891* / H Towler-Williams / January 2018
April 2018
July 2018 / 40% of students who are Disadvantaged accessing Opportunities club compared to ‘others’
Counselling service
Barrier: 6
Objective: 4 / Providing support for PP students in difficult circumstances / £4,693.93* / S Appleby / January 2018 review impact on attendance and behaviour points
April 2018 review impact on attendance and behaviour points
July 2018 review impact on attendance and behaviour points / Attendance overall Disadvantaged vs ‘others’ is closing toward national average
Chosen Approach / Reasons for this Approach / Cost of PP contribution / Lead Staff / Review Dates (Governors Monitoring)
(with stepped milestones to close the gaps to others nationally) / How the impact will be measured
Careers adviser
Barrier: C, E
Objective: 5 / All Disadvantaged students have a Careers appointment 8-11 / £1,849.89* / P Cowling / January 2018 % of NEETS well below NA and no higher than 3% / January 2018 % of NEETS well below NA and no higher than 3%
Exam invigilators x 2
Barrier: A
Objective: 1 / Enable vulnerable students to work in a small class or individual contest to be successful at exams / £542* / A Dunton
B Warrender / Dec, March and May/June 2018. All Disadvantaged students complete their exams / 90% of Disadvantaged students who access this opportunity who complete their exams
E – Praise software and rewards system
Barrier: D,E
Objective: 3,4 / Software and reward badges, trips and vouchers / £1,500* / S Appleby / December 2017 E-Praise points at least the same for ‘Disadvantaged as ‘others’
April 2018 E-Praise points at least the same for ‘Disadvantaged as ‘others’
July 2018 E-Praise points at least the same for ‘Disadvantaged as ‘others’ / E-Praise points at least the same for ‘Disadvantaged as ‘others’
Extracurricular support funding
Barrier: C,E
Objective: 4 / To provide financial support to enable students to benefit from educational activities and experiences such as Music lessons / £2,500* / R Bennett / December 2017
April 2018
July 2018 equal % of Disadvantaged to ‘others accessing music lessons. / Equal % of Disadvantaged to ‘others accessing music lessons.
Uniform and Transport
Barrier: C,E
Objective: 4 / To provide transport to alternative provision + school uniform / £2000* / R Bennett / December 2017 % improvement in attendance and behaviour points
April 2018 % improvement in attendance and behaviour points
July 2018 % improvement in attendance and behaviour points / % improvement in attendance and behaviour points
Alternative provision / Alternative provision for students who struggled in mainstream school. 3 allocated to attend, 3 more students may attend. / £9,240.00 / S Appleby / December 2017 % improvement in attendance and behaviour points
April 2018 % improvement in attendance and behaviour points
July 2018 % improvement in attendance and behaviour points / % improvement in attendance and behaviour points
