Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Self-

Directed Learning Modules:

Emergency Department 2014

Module 10: Communication

Prepared by Alfred Health on behalf of the Victorian Department of Health 2014

Module 10: Communication


10:0 Communication

Example 1: ISBAR in the Emergency Department

Example 2: ISBAR in the Physiotherapy Arthroplasty Review Clinic

Example 3: ISBAR in the Spinal Screening Clinic


10:0 Communication

THEME 1: Communication including ISBAR and Clinical Handover/Referrals
  1. To understand what information is important when presenting a case to other colleagues in the context of the clinical setting
  2. To present this information to the relevant member of the team in an accurate, complete, concise, timely manner and when appropriate in the context of the clinical setting.
  3. Utilise behaviors and communication techniques that promote excellent inter-professional communication facilitating patient safety and quality patient care.
  4. Initiate appropriate interpersonal and communication techniques such as ISBAR during clinical handovers and clinical referrals to maximise safety and patient outcomes
  5. Complete appropriate documentation for follow up/referral to ensure high quality of care is continued and maintained

  1. What are your local organisation’s policies and procedures regarding clinical handover, discharges, transfers and referral letters in the context of the clinical setting (eg ED or outpatients)?
  2. What is ISBAR?
  3. What are some examples of when to use ISBAR? (refer to example provided)
  4. What is the key information required when presenting a case to a consultant in the following circumstances (provide examples)?
  5. When a review of imaging is required?
  6. When you think additional imaging is required/
  7. When medication is required?
  8. When a WorkCover certificate needs to be certified/
  9. When you think a patient needs to be admitted?
  10. When you assess there to be red or yellow flags that you are concerned about?
  11. When your patient requires a medical review?
  12. When your patient requires an urgent medical review?
  13. What is the key information required when referring a patient to a medical specialty unit such as orthopaedics over the telephone?
  14. What are the principles of a good clinical handover? (Alfred Health Clinical Handover Guideline)
  15. When transferring care of a patient to a colleague what procedures are necessary?
  16. What key information is required in a follow up letter/referral to a GP?

Practice and time presenting clinical cases to a colleague in a concise, systematic orderly way using ISBAR. (Refer to examples below)
VMIA Risk Management and Insurance: ISBAR

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: National Standard 6 Clinical Handover

Government of South Australia: clinical handover SA guidelines

Government of Western Australia, Department of Health, Performance Activity and Quality (2012) WA Health Clinical Handover Policy

Marshall et al (2009) The teaching of a structured tool improves the clarity and content of interprofessional clinical communication Qual Saf Health Care;18:137-140

Wagman, L (2007) How to write a GP referral letters

Tattersall, M H N, Butow P N, Brown J E, Thompson J F (2002) Improving Doctorsletters Medical Journal of Australia 177 (9): 516-520

Refer to local organisation’s Clinical Handover Guideline and Policy
Three examples in different advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy settings are provided below

Example 1: ISBAR in the Emergency Department

Example 2: ISBAR in the Physiotherapy Arthroplasty Review Clinic

Example 3: ISBAR in the Spinal Screening Clinic

Module 10: Communication1