Erasmus Student Work Placement in Spain

(educational institutions)

Name of institution / CEIP EL CARDÓN
Telephone / 928755227
Fax / 928755227
E-mail /
Website /
Number of employees / 19 teachers
Short description of the institution / This is a state school located in Vecindario. Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.
We teach from pre-primary (3,4,5 year-olds) to primary (we have two groups in each class from first to fourth and one class of fifth and another of sixth)
In our school there is a gym, a computers room, a classroom for pupils with special needs, a library two playgrounds and a dining room for students, though teachers can also have lunch at school if they want to. (cut and paste on URL bar)
Contact person for this placement / Patricia Guerrero
Department and designation, job title / Oficina de Programas Europeos de Educación en Canarias
Direct telephone number / 0034 928 21 27 83
E-mail address /
Who to apply to (including contact details) / Patricia Guerrero
Deadline for applications / None
Application process / None
Department, Function / English Department: English language assistant
Location / Vecindario – Gran Canaria
Start Date / From 2nd to 9th September 2013
Duration / School year (from 02/09/2013 to 20/06/2014)
Working hours per week / Full time
Description of activities, tasks / The Erasmus student would be involved in the following activities:
- Help the English teachers in their classes using the English language as much as possible so that the students get used to different accents.
- Speak to the students in English so that they realise that English is important to communicate with people from other countries.
- Create different situations in class (role-plays, theatre plays, games, songs, etc.) so that children develop communicative competence.
- Create didactic material for the classes he/she might be involved in.
- Coordinate with the English teachers to agree to the activities, classes and projects that are developed in the School.
Accommodation (please select) / We will encourage the integration of the student in our school and help him/her find accommodation and we will also be happy to give any advice with whatever he/she may need.
Details of financial and “in kind” support to be provided / We cannot provide any financial nor “in kind” support. However, our school has a catering service for our students, which costs 4€ a day and the Erasmus student is welcome to use it.
Languages and level of competence required / We prefer that the student is a native English speaker.
In the case that the student’s first language is not English, the level of English required is B2 or C1.
Computer skills and level of skills required / The Erasmus student should be well skilled in the use of computers. Our School is provided with an IT classroom, digital boards in most of the classrooms and laptops for all the students in the fifth and sixth class.
Drivers license / This is not essential. There is a good public transport service. However, a car would be useful.
Other / The student should be enthusiastic, dynamic, friendly, hardworking and full of good ideas. He/she should like being and working with children and in group activities. Any other skill related with education, like handcraft, playing an instrument, theatre… will be appreciated.