Product Bulletin
FareView Recorders – Daylight Saving Time
At Honeywell Video Systems, we endeavor to provide the most innovative and latest video technology products to our customers. This communication is to advise you of a US Federal Government mandate that will change the dates at which Daylight Saving Time occurs in the spring and in the fall starting in 2007 and ongoing until further notice by US Federal Authorities.
Daylight saving time will begin three weeks earlier on the second Sunday in March and end one week later on the first Sunday in November. Daylight Saving Time has expanded in duration. Previously, Daylight Saving Time started on the first Sunday in April and ended on the last Sunday in October.
Year / Date Daylight Saving Time Begins (2AM) / Date Daylight Saving Time Ends (2 AM)2006 / April 2 / October 26
2007 / March 11 / November 4
2008 / March 9 / November 2
How can this affect me?
The FareView system utilizes either Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000 operating system environments to adjust for Daylight Savings Time.
If your Fareview system is used in a region that will not use the new mandated Daylight Saving Time dates, no changes are needed.
If your FareView system is used in a region that will use the new mandated Daylight Saving Time dates, go to the Microsoft support website to download the appropriate updates to your operating system.
For Windows XP:
For Windows 2000, please read the following and then download the utility:
FROM Microsoft:
Windows 2000 has passed the end of Mainstream Support and will not be receiving an update without
Extended Hotfix Support.
All versions of Windows can be manually updated using the tzedit.exe utility. or other techniques documented in Knowledge Base article 914387 ,webcast 930688, and similar articles for
other countries, which is the preferred method of remediation for any product outside of Mainstream
Support. (The tzedit.exe tool allows you to create and edit time zone entries for the Date/Time settings in
the Control Panel, especially for daylight-saving time).
Once you have downloaded the utility you will need to run the utility.
Click on Edit and you will see the following screen.
Change the start day to be the second Sunday of March at 2:00AM and the last day to the second
Sunday of November at 2:00AM. Click Close on the previous window and your new daylight savings
settings will be saved.
Close the utility.
Technical Support Questions
Contact Customer Service for further questions at:
§ Toll Free: 1.800.796.CCTV - Technical Support, Extension 2
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September 2005