SS. Peter and Paul Church
Student Scholarship Application Guidelines
for Current College Students
To: Scholarship Applicant
From: Scholarship Committee
Re: Scholarship Application Process
Date: February 1, 2017
This packet includes the application for current college students. Your application will be considered only if you do the following:
2. Complete all sections.
3. Provide all requested information.
4. Provide signed verification by a supervising person for activities you have listed wherever
it is requested on this application, or no credit will be given for that activity.
Submission: Applications are due in the parish office no later than Friday, March 31, 2017.
Each application must include the following:
1. The attached 5 - page application with required signatures. Applications can be downloaded from the
parish website at
a) Do not change the format
b) Do not change the page number sequence
c) You may include additional pages.
For example, if you have more “Catholic Church Involvement” (Page 3) than you can fit on page 3, insert your additional typewritten page numbered “3a” after page 3.2. A current sealed, official college transcript
3. Two letters of recommendation. One letter should be from a staff member (not related to you) at your
4. The total application may be no more than 18 pages including Application pages 1-5, college transcript,
and letters of recommendation.
Where to Submit: Return the completed application in a sealed envelope to the parish office (address listed below). Applications may be hand delivered to the parish office Monday-Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please note on Fridays the Parish Office closes at 3:00 p.m. Applications mailed to the parish office must be postmarked before the deadline date of Friday, March 31, 2017, as stated above.
SS. Peter and Paul Church
Scholarship Committee
4450 Granite Drive
Rocklin, CA 95677
Eligibility: To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must:
1. Attend an accredited college, community college or university full time for the 2017-2018 school year.
2. This scholarship is for undergraduates only and limited to four consecutive academic years.
3. Be between the age of 13-26, a current, registered member, or a legal dependent of a member,of SS. Peter and Paul Church for the last twelve (12) consecutive months.
4. Have maintained a cumulative 2.8 GPA.
Interviews: The Scholarship Committee reserves the option to conduct an interview between the dates of April 17-21, 2017. If an interview is necessary, the Scholarship Committee will contact you.
Notification: Applicants will be notified of the status of their application no later than the week of
May 15, 2017.
Scholarship Payment Guidelines: Checks will be mailed directly to the college. If approved to receive a scholarship, the recipient must:
1. Provide the college name and address no later than May 15, 2017.
2. If the recipient drops out of college, all unused funds will be returned to SS. Peter & Paul. Funds are not
3. If the recipient changes colleges after the check is mailed, he/she forfeits the scholarship.
4. If the recipient is unsure of which college he/she will attend by May 15, 2017, the recipient is required to
notify the Scholarship Committee by letter or email.
5. If a student planning to enroll in a Catholic University is granted a scholarship and enrolls in a secular
university instead, the Scholarship Committee will re-examine the award and the scholarship amount
granted may be reduced or forfeited.
Evaluation Criteria: The Scholarship Committee will look at many criteria in determining which applicants will be awarded a scholarship. Those criteria include:
· Financial Need
· Catholic Church Involvement
· Extra-Curricular Activities/Unpaid Community Service/Internship/Work Experience
· Essay/Goals/Recommendations
· Attendance at a Catholic college.
Confidentiality: The Scholarship Judging Committee does not see any information that would identify the applicants. To determine financial need, the application asks for detailed, personal information. This information will not be discussed in any forum other than the determination of financial need for the scholarship. There will be no discussion of any personal information outside of the Scholarship Committee and no discussion beyond what is necessary to determine scholarship recipients and award amounts.
March 31st Submit completed application with transcripts and letters of recommendation
April 17th -21st Interviews, if necessary
May 15th Deadline to submit the name of the college you will be attending
Week of May 15th Scholarship award notification
June 18th Scholarship presentation/reception during (and following) the 5:15 Mass
We look forward to receiving your application. If you have any questions, please call Mike Gordon at
(916) 764-1297 or e-mail him at .
SS. Peter & Paul Church
Student Scholarship Application
for Current College Students
Applicant Name: ______
Address to send scholarship notification: ______
Parents’ /Guardian’s Address: (If different than above) ______
Applicant’s Phone Number ______Parents’ Phone Number ______
Applicant’s E-mail ______Parent’s E-mail ______
Father’s Name ______Mother’s Name ______
Is at least one of your parents a registered member of SS. Peter and Paul Church? ______
If not, who is? ______Is he or she your legal guardian? ______
(To be a legal guardian, the applicant must be claimed as a dependent on the income tax return.)
College that you are currently attending? ______
Present year in school? ______GPA ______
WILL YOU BE TRANSFERRING TO A DIFFERENT COLLEGE IN THE FALL OF 2017? If YES, please complete the following section. The support of a Catholic education is a factor in the evaluation process; therefore, special consideration will be given to Catholic colleges.
Use the format below to list the colleges to which you have applied.
Example: Accepted?Y/N Accepted?Y/N1.University of Notre Dame Yes 2. UCLA Yes
College Name Accepted? Yes/No College Name Accepted? Yes/No
College you will attend ______
I have answered all questions on this application honestly and to the best of my ability. I understand:
1. Funds will be mailed directly to my college/university of choice.
2. If I am approved to receive a scholarship, I will need to provide the college name and address to the
Scholarship Committee no later than May 15, 2017.
3. This scholarship is not transferable. If I change colleges or drop out, the unused money will be returned to
SS. Peter & Paul, and I will forfeit the scholarship.
Applicant Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Financial Need
This page must be completed out by the parent or guardian assuming financial responsibility for applicant’s education. Financial need is one of many criteria reviewed for this scholarship. If you feel qualified for a scholarship based on financial need, please fill out the information on this page. All information provided will remain confidential.
Father’s Occupation: ______
Mother’s Occupation: ______
Number of children/dependents? ______Ages of children? ______
Number of children in college for 2017-18 academic year? ______
Number of children in Catholic schools for 2017-18 academic year? ______
How much do you estimate one year of college will cost (room and board, tuition, books, fees)?
Has the applicant applied for or won any other scholarships or grants (for example, academic, sports, ROTC, PELL, etc.). If yes, what dollar amount do you expect to receive for the 2017-18 school year?
If there are any other circumstances that will affect your ability to pay for the applicant’s education, explain:
Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date ______
Catholic Church Involvement
Please include how you are currently involved in your college campus parish, Newman Center, or at SS. Peter & Paul. Please include all Catholic Church involvement during your college years only!
Required: The leader from your parish or Newman Center must verify the information and sign below.
Activity: Your Role Dates Involved Total Time Spent
Examples:S.S. Peter & Paul VBS Crew Leader June 2016 20 hrs
Chico State Newman Center Eucharistic Minister August 2016-present twice monthly
College Parish/Newman Center ______Phone #______
Staff/Leader Name ______Position ______
Staff/Leader Signature ______Date ______
College Parish/Newman Center ______Phone #______
Staff/Leader Name ______Position ______
Staff/LeaderSignature ______Date ______
Extra-Curricular Activities
Unpaid Community Service
Internship/Work Experience
*** Do Not Include Church-Related Service ***
Please include how you are currently involved in your college community. Please include all extracurricular activities, community service, and work/internship experience during your college years only!
Required: A representative or supervisor must verify the information and sign below.
Activity: Your Role Dates Involved Total Time Spent
Example:College Varsity Crew Rower Fall 2016 15 hrs/wk = 225
Toys For Tots Volunteer Collected Toys November-December 2016 5 hrs/wk = 40
Internship: Accounting Office Filing Clerk Spring 2016 10 hrs/wk = 100
University Cafeteria Cashier Winter Quarter 2017 15/wk = 180
Staff Name (Print) ______Position: ______
Signature: ______Date ______Phone # ______
Staff Name (Print) ______Position: ______
Signature: ______Date ______Phone # ______
Scholarship Essay
Please include your education and career goals. Explain how your parish involvement and your Catholic faith have influenced your goals and your life. This essay should be no more than 500 words. Attach additional pages if needed.
Applicant (Print) ______
Signature: ______Date ______