
Search terms and strings for literature search

PubMed database

Terms appended by [TIAB] were searched only within the title and abstract of articles. Terms appended by [MeSH Terms] were searched only within medical subject headings.

#1 sf-36* ORsf36* OR"sf 36"OR"sf 36v1"OR"sf 36v2"OR “short form 36” OR “short form 36v2” OR"rand 36"OR “rand36” OR “mos 36” OR"medical outcomes study 36" OR“36 item short form health survey”

#2 “ulcerative colitis”[TIAB] OR (colitis, ulcerative)[MeSH Terms] OR “inflammatory bowel disease”[TIAB] OR (inflammatory bowel disease)[MeSH Terms]

#3 English[Language]

#4 #1 AND #2 AND #3

Embase database (Ovid.SP)

Terms appended by [ab,ti] were searched only within the title and abstract of articles. Terms appended by [lim] limited the search to papers published in the specified language. Terms appended by [it] were searched only among the specified publication types.

#1 sf-36* ORsf36* OR ‘sf 36’ OR ‘sf 36v1’ OR ‘sf 36v2’ OR ‘short form 36’ OR ‘short form 36v2’ OR ‘rand 36’ OR ‘rand36’ OR ‘mos 36’ OR ‘medical outcomes study 36’ OR‘36 item short form health survey’

#2 ‘ulcerative colitis’:ab,tiOR ‘inflammatory bowel disease’:ab,ti

#3 #1 AND #2

#4 #1 AND #2[english]/lim

#5 #4 AND ('article'/it OR 'article in press'/it OR 'review'/it)

Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)

Terms appended by [ti, ab,kw] will be searched only within the title, abstract, and list of keywords of articles, respectively. Terms appended by [MeSH Terms] will be searched only within medical subject headings.

#1 sf-36* ORsf36* OR"sf 36" OR"sf 36v1" OR"sf 36v2" OR “short form 36” OR “short form 36v2” OR"rand 36" OR “rand36” OR “mos 36” OR"medical outcomes study 36" OR “36 item short form health survey”

#2 “ulcerative colitis”[ti, ab, kw]

#3 “colitis, ulcerative”[MeSH Terms]

#4 “inflammatory bowel disease”[ti, ab, kw]

#5 “inflammatory bowel disease”[MeSH Terms]

#6 #2 OR #3 OR #4 OR #5

#7 #1 AND #6

BIOSIS Previews

#1 (sf-36$ or sf36$ or "sf 36" or "sf 36v1" or "sf 36v2" or "short form 36" or "short form 36v2" or "rand 36" or "rand36" or "mos 36" or "medical outcomes study 36" or "36 item short form health survey").mp. [mp=ti, ab,ot, nm, hw,kf, px, rx,ui, bc, bo,bt, cb, cc,ds, ge,gn, mc, mi,mq, or, ps, sq, st, tm, tn, sh, dm, mf, dv, kw]

#2 ("ulcerative colitis" or "inflammatory bowel disease").ti,ab,kw.

#3 ulcerative colitis/ or "colitis, ulcerative"/ or "inflammatory bowel disease"/ or "inflammatory bowel diseases"/

#4 1 and (2 or 3)

#5 limit 4 to english language

#6 limit 5 to article

#7 limit 6 to (classical article or journal article or "review" or article in press)

#8 limit 7 to "review articles"

#9 6 or 7 or 8

#10 remove duplicates from 9

#11 ("inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire" or "IBDQ").mp. [mp=ti, ab,ot, nm, hw,kf, px, rx,ui, bc, bo,bt, cb, cc,ds, ge,gn, mc, mi,mq, or, ps, sq, st, tm, tn, sh, dm, mf, dv, kw]

#12 11 and (2 or 3)

#13 limit 12 to english language

#14 limit 13 to article

#15 limit 14 to (classical article or journal article or "review" or article in press)

#16 limit 15 to "review articles"

#17 14 or 15 or 16

#18 remove duplicates from 17

Optum’s proprietary SF-tool database

Terms appended by [t, abs, k] will be searched only within the title, abstract, and list of keywords of articles, respectively.

#1 (ulcerative colitis)[t] OR (ulcerative colitis)[abs] OR (ulcerative colitis)[k]

#2 (inflammatory bowel disease)[t] OR (inflammatory bowel disease)[abs] OR (inflammatory bowel disease)[k]

#3 #1 OR #2