Paisley Grammar
National 4/5
Name: ______Class: ____
Group: ______
To be successful in this unit you will:
N4Outcome 1: Explore drama skills by: / N5
Outcome 1: Use a range of drama skills, by: / Tasks / N4 / N5
1.1 Responding to stimuli to develop ideas for drama /
- 1.1Responding to a range of stimuli, including text, to develop ideas for drama
Research task (2 Ideas) pg 9
Presentation (N5) / Detailed response written and discussed. / Highly detailed response
1.2 Developing drama skills to communicate ideas /
- 1.2Developing a range of drama skills to communicate ideas
Characterisation task p 12
Acting skills task p10
Demonstrate exploration of voice and movement
Development of at least two skills / Development of at least one idea / Highly detailed development of at least two ideas
1.3 Using drama skills to communicate ideas / 1.3 Applying a range of drama skills to communicate ideas / Rehearsal process. / communicate ideas using their learned skills and knowledge. / detailed development of at least two ideas
demonstrate the ongoing use of relevant drama skills
1.4Reflecting on their own work and that of others / 1.4 Evaluating their own work and that of others / Written assessment Questions
Peer Evaluation (p19) / N4 Assessment questions (p21) / N5 Assessment questions (p22)
Outcome 2: Contribute to the drama process by / Outcome 2: Contribute to the drama process, by:
2.1Planning and devising drama / 2.1 Researching, planning and devising drama / Research task (2 Ideas)
Written account of the Drama (p16-18) / Evidence of Contribution to
Development of at least two ideas. / Evidence of detailed research and planning to the Contribution to
Development of at least two ideas.
2.2Using acting skills in order to portray character / 2.2 Using a range of acting skills in order to portray character / apply acting skills to portray character through the use of voice and movement to rehearse and present their selected performance concept. / Demonstrated the application of more than one acting skill through portrayal of character. / demonstrated the effective application of two or more acting skills through portrayal of character.
2.3Exploring form, structure, genre and style / 2.3 Exploring form, genre, structure and style / Practically Explore the Drama using alternative form, genre, structure and style.
Justify choice of form, genre, structure and style. (p13-15)
Two ideas should be explored / Demonstrate the exploration of form, genre, structure and style which could contribute to the drama process.
/ Demonstrate the effective exploration of a range of form, genre, structure and style which could contribute to the drama process.
2.4Reflecting on their own work and that of others / 2.4 Evaluating their own work and that of others / Evaluation Questions
Peer Evaluation feedback / N4 Evaluation Questions (p21) / N5 Evaluation Questions (p22)
Drama Skills
- theme and link it to current issues around the world
- Present your research to the class
- Work in groups to create a piece of theatre based on your Chosen stimulus
- Take responsibility for a section of your drama
- Incorporate Theatre Arts into your performance
- Perform to an audience
- Evaluate yourself and others
These are the Skills you will develop:
- Voice skills: accent, pace, volume, clarity, emphasis, pause, pitch, tone, articulation, fluency, intonation, register.
- Movement skills: body language, facial expression, gesture, eye contact, posture, balance, speed, timing, positioning, use of levels, use of space, rhythm stance, use of direction, mime (slow, precise, exaggerated, clear and simple, SPECS).
- Characterisation skills: role play, character cards, improvisation, hot seating, voices in the head, writing in role, thought tracking, thought tunnel.
‘A stimulus is
the starting point
for the drama’
- In groups you will begin looking at a variety of Stimuli.
- You must look carefully at each stimulus. Whether in whole or in part is there an area of this stimulus that you can use to help you begin?
- You can use more than one stimulus.
- Choose stimuli that you can develop ideas from:
- Are there questions that you can explore?
- Does it highlight an issue that you would find interesting to work on?
- Are there characters mentioned that you would like to develop?
- Is there an issue that stands out from any of the stimulus? (eg raising awareness of world poverty, looking at body image or role models)
- Over the next few pages there are questions that you are asked to complete for at least 3 of the stimuli you have looked at.
- Describe the stimulus. ______
- What theme, issue or message do you think you could develop from this stimulus? Why?______
- Write below your initial ideas based on this stimulus. (do not write a full story – you should bullet point your ideas.)______
- Describe the stimulus. ______
- What theme, issue or message do you think you could develop from this stimulus? Why?______
- Write below your initial ideas based on this stimulus. (do not write a full story – you should bullet point your ideas.) ______
- Describe the stimulus. ______
- What theme, issue or message do you think you could develop from this stimulus? Why?______
- Write below your initial ideas based on this stimulus. (do not write a full story – you should bullet point your ideas.) ______
After group discussion and careful consideration you should decideAS A GROUP on the Stimuli that you are going to use and your principle theme.
Stimulus Chosen______
Theme to be explored: ______
In the space below mind map the issues that arise from your chosen theme.
Research Task
You should now have chosen the theme and issue that you are going to work on and have decided on what you would like the message of your piece to be.
Activity One:
After listening to the instructions given by your teacher decide on the issue that your group will research.
Split up the task; each of you should take one area that you can research.
Gather your research. Keep a note of where ALL of your information comes from. This can be obtained from:
Internet (make sure the information is from a credible source – Just because it is online does not make it truthful. News websites are usually reliable)
Books/ Magazines/ Newspapers
A primary source (Photos, Interviews with people that are directly involved or affected with your issue).
Activity Two:
After you have completed your research you will return to your group.
Together you must decide how you wish to present your findings. Your presentation should include one of the following:
PowerPoint Handouts Prezi
Each member of the group will be responsible for presenting their research to the class.Ensure every member of the group has a copy of the research for their folio.
Your presentation will be recorded. That recording along with your PowerPoint/handout/ Prezi is evidence for your folio.
Acting Skills: Characterisation
You use Acting Skills to help portray your character. This means, they way you use voice, movement and the way you show your character interacting with other characters and reacting to situations. This helps the audience understand your character, and helps you communicate effectively with them.
First, you must investigate your character so you know how you want to portray them. Choose from the characterisation techniques listed below:
voices in the head
thought tracking
thought tunnel
In your group, use one of these characterisation techniques to help develop your characters. Then answer the questions below.
Describe the technique you have chosen.
How did this help you develop your character?
Write some words that would describe your character in the shape below.
Character Card
Complete this Character Card for your character
Name of character:
Physical description: (Height, hair, build)
Describe your characters movement:
Describe your characters voice:
Status (how much authority/ power they have in the world of the drama):
Motivation (why they want to plan or achieve the above, what drives them)
Acting Skills: Portraying your character
As you are developing your drama you will first improvise and then rehearse your scenes. As you do this, you will use different Acting Skills to portray your characters personality, emotions, and relationships to other characters and to enhance the tension, mood and atmosphere of your scenes.
Read through the questions below, and when you feel like you are confident in the portrayal of you character during rehearsals, answer them.
eye contact
physical contact
a. What was the most important relationship your character had with another character?
Why was this?
Describe how you used Acting techniques to show this relationship.
a. What is the most important moment in the drama for your character, and why?
b. How did you use Acting techniques to enhance this moment in the Drama?
Form, genre, structure and style
The four terms above describe the overall look and feel of the drama. Deciding on these will influence the plot, characters, setting and type of performance.
Form: The type of Drama/performance
A play, scripted or improvised
Dance drama
Forum theatre
What would be an appropriate form for your drama? ______
Give reasons for your answer ______
What form would not be appropriate for your drama? ______
Give reasons for your answer ______
Genre: The overall Style of the drama
Crime drama
Commedia dell ‘arte
What would be an appropriate form for your drama? ______
Give reasons for your answer ______
What form would not be appropriate for your drama? ______
Give reasons for your answer ______
Non Linear
What structure are you using for your drama? ______
Why have you chosen this?
Non Naturalistic
What style are you using for your drama? ______
Why have you chosen this?
Describe how you practically explored two of the following
Form Genre Style Structure
Plot Outline
Scene one
Time: ______
Action: ______
Scene Two
Time: ______
Action: ______
Scene Three
Time: ______
Action: ______
Scene Four
Time: ______
Action: ______
Scene Five
Time: ______
Action: ______
Scene Six
Time: ______
Action: ______
Peer Evaluation
When another group is presenting their devised drama you will reflect on the work of one member of the group.
Chosen Performer:______
Prepare some feedback from one key area from the list below. Describe two things that your chosen performer did well and one area for improvement.
Voice Characterisation Movement
What did they do well?
- ______
- ______
Area for improvement
After the performance you will give constructive feedback to the performer you choose. Once you have done that, have them sign below.
Evaluation (National 5)
All questions must be answered in detail
1 Summarise why you chose this stimulus for this performance.
2. Describe at least two problems or challenges you faced when creating your character and the solutions you found. You should include decisions made regarding your character’s voice and movement.
3. Briefly describe your final performance concept. What were you trying to communicate during the performance? Consider whether you were successful or not, referring to the initial planning stages of your drama.
4. Evaluate your contribution to the performance. Include areas for improvement
5. Evaluate at least one other candidate’s contribution to the performance in terms of their creation of character.
Notes from SQA:
Evaluation Task (National 4)
1Give two reasons why you chose this stimulus for your Drama Skills performance.
2Describe at least two problems or challenges you had in carrying out your tasks and the solutions you found.
3Briefly describe your final performance concept.
4a.Reflect on your contribution to the performance.
b.Reflect on the contribution of two others in your group.
5Give two areas for improvementon your work and how you feel you could make improvements.
6Write a short review as though it was for a school magazine or local newspaper.