Community Agreements and Classroom Management Plan

Woodland Elementary students are expected to follow our school-wide community agreements. Students who choose not to follow the community agreements will receive redirections in the form of Think Sheets. This year Fifth Grade will be using a web-based program called Class Dojo to help manage classroom behavior. This program tracks both positive and negative behaviors, and then provides parents with a daily behavior report via email or text.

Community Agreements

Mutual Respect – Treat others the way you expect to be treated.

Active Listening – Listening with your eyes, ears, and heart.

Appreciations, Not Put Downs – Giving others praise rather than criticism.

Personal Best – Doing the best at whatever you do throughout the day and never give up.

Level 1 & 2 Offenses

Each day we keep a behavior/redirection chart on Class Dojo. Students may receive consequences for offenses such as:

·  Lack of Effort

·  Defiance

·  Inappropriate Language

·  Teasing

·  Inappropriate Physical Contact (with another student or teacher)

·  Unprepared for Class (repeat offense)

·  Engaging in Non-Class Related Activities

·  Disrespect

·  Lying

·  Cheating

·  Stealing


·  Fifth Grade follows a 5-step model. Before a student is referred to the office for a Level 1 or 2 behaviors, the steps indicated below should be applied. The only immediate referrals are for Level 3 behaviors (see handbook for Level 3 offenses). Once a student is referred to the office all consequences become an administrative decision.

1st Offense

Ø  Verbal Warning and Redirection

Ø  Negative Class Dojo Behavior recorded

2nd Offense

Ø  Think Sheet #1 -

Ø  Negative Class Dojo Behavior recorded

Ø  Student/Teacher Conference

Ø  Written Communication to Parent (Parent must sign acknowledgement)

3rd Offense =

Ø  Think Sheet #2

Ø  Negative Class Dojo Behavior Recorded

Ø  Student/Teacher Conference

Ø  Classroom-level consequence (Incremental Time-out or silent lunch)

Ø  Parent Contact (phone, email/conference-documented)

4th Offense

Ø  Think Sheet #3

Ø  Negative Class Dojo Behavior Recorded

Ø  Student/Teacher Conference

Ø  Classroom-level consequence (1 Day Grade Detention served with another teacher)

Ø  Face-to-Face Meeting with Parent (documented in IC)

5th Offenses

·  Think Sheet #4

·  Formal Office Referral and Administrative Disciplinary Actions:

o  1st Violation: Administrative Directive or In-School Suspension up to two (2) school days

o  2nd Violation: In-School Suspension up to three (3) school days

o  3rd Violation: In-School Suspension up to five (5) school days

o  4th Violation: Out-of-School Suspension up to two (2) school days

o  5th Violation: Out-of-School Suspension up to three (3) school days

o  6th Violation: Out-of-School Suspension up to five (5) school days

o  7th Violation: The student will be suspended with the matter being submitted to a Disciplinary Hearing Officer (See Section 3 Offenses in your Henry County Handbook).

*Offenses and Think Sheets are cumulative.

**Think Sheets and Class Dojo conduct marks are determining factors on the student report card and conduct marks determine student eligibility for End-of-the-Year Awards.

Conduct Chart Report Card Translation

Twenty-five (25+) tallies or Three (3) or more Think Sheets = “1” for unsatisfactory

Twenty-four (24) to Fifteen (15) tallies or Two (2) Think Sheets = “2” for needs improvement

Fourteen (14) to Eight (8) tallies or One (1) Think Sheet = “3” for good behavior

Seven (7) to Zero (0) tallies & Zero (0) Think Sheets = “4” for excellent behavior

Positive Reinforcement

Class Dojo start over daily, but is also cumulative. Students will receive recognition for their good deeds and behaviors throughout the week. Positive behavior will be rewarded with positive Dojo points per occurrence, as well as, receive praise, leadership opportunities, special privileges, awards at the end of the week, positive phone calls home, and end of the year awards, not to mention personal satisfaction.

Official Disciplinary Referrals

Any student that accumulates four (4) Think Sheets in a classroom from any classroom teacher will receive a Formal Office Referral to Ms. Griffith or Ms. Anderson for administrative disciplinary action and a copy of the office referral will be placed in the student’s permanent record.

Automatic Disciplinary Referrals

A Formal Office Referral will be given for any Level 3 offense as determined by the Henry County Handbook such as:

·  Sexual Harassment

·  Fighting

·  Weapons

·  Threats

·  Illegal Substances

·  Bullying

·  Vandalism